[The Stromboli, Sicily]
ℑ“God said: “Maybe you have been waiting for Me to suggest that you be eager for the day the morrow brings. To Me, it is obvious for you to be elated at the thought of what tomorrow may bring. One of these days coming up, you will jump out of your shoes at the joy that is yours. The joy that awaits you is yours. It has been waiting for you as much or more than you have been waiting for it. The day knows when its plum is right for the picking. You have to be eager, and you have to wait both. You can only find out and receive as each day rises and slips beyond the stars.” HL 3737
“God said: …Life is coming up roses! Do you feel it? Do you feel roses rife in life right around the corner? This thought makes you happy, doesn’t it? Well, then, keep thinking it. Who can feel down-hearted thinking of life coming up roses? And love coming up roses, too! The whole world, personal and universal, is coming up roses! A special delivery is on its way to you and to the person next to you and across from you. This is a universal special delivery.” HL 4450
” The holy instant is a time in which you receive and give perfect communication. This means, however, that it is a time in which your mind is open, both to receive and give. It is the recognition that all minds are in communication. It therefore seeks to change nothing, but merely to accept everything.
… I call to you to make the holy instant yours at once, for the release from littleness in the mind of the host of God depends on willingness, and not on time.” ACIM, 15-4
What can we do with special dates or predicted events like:
—21/12/12 (already past) — the Great Alignment of the Planets with the Central Sun of the Galaxy,
—the end of the Mayan Calendar (31/12/2012),
—with the reconfiguration of the crystalline and magnetic grids of planet Earth (Kryon),
—with statements coming from Heaven like “Life is coming up roses”,
—”Make the only instant yours at once”,
—”There is nothing to do, you already have everything”?
I am always confused about which timestamp to use as a reference. I ask myself: what day have I been waiting for? What was it that I have been waiting for? It might be many things so that I cannot really figure out what precisely I have been waiting for and that thing is on its way to me.
The only real thing I think I have been waiting for is to reach that state of heart, soul, and mind called the end of illusion, which is the beginning of Eternity. I really mean the eternal vision without any illusion. Even if I now know that it has always been mine, I still have to go through the process of believing it is mine. This process is called salvation or redemption. Salvation or redemption from what?
A meeting place between Heaven and Earth
Well, we all know and admit that something seems to have gone wrong somewhere: we suffer and die while we are supposed to be perfect and eternal. We also tend to blame God for letting the world suffer, letting us deprived of our loved ones through disease and death, little innocent children being sacrificed, bad guys enjoying a good life, good guys not receiving what they deserve, criminals on the run, innocents kept in prison, etc. We really wonder where, when, and how Heaven and Earth could ever meet. There is certainly a need for a corrective change. But where to apply the change? We perceive a conflict between God’s Thoughts and our thoughts. Is it God Who has conflictual thoughts? His God irrealistic or am I irrealistic? Both God and I cannot be right at the same time with opposite thoughts of the kind.
God says it is impossible for us to be outside of Him. And this must be the Truth. But it also happened that we found ourselves outside of Him. We should more likely say that we dreamed of ourselves outside of Him. So we are not outside of Him but we suffer and die in this dream of being in a body outside of Him. That is what we perceive because that is what we believe. Those two systems of thought imply a thing which in Truth is impossible, which is separation, yet which has occurred in the split Mind, resulting in a state of conflict perceived between what IS (Truth, God’s Will) and what could never be (illusion or its synonym separation which, by definition, has no existence, so is without any meaning). It is this state of conflict in our mind that is the source of pains and sorrows and death. All the world of pain and death is not God’s will. Would God want pain and sorrow and death for His beloved Son? What about free will then?
So, in a certain way, Truth and illusions are both equal now, for both have happened. It is the impossible thing (the separation) that we need salvation from. And it is this impossible thing that we need forgiveness for. We don’t need God’s forgiveness nor salvation because God has nothing to forgive us or to save us from because He sees only pure and brilliant Light, perfection in us. But we need our own forgiveness and salvation to put us back on track on the Truth of what we are. In fact, salvation should be called ‘correction’ of our misperceptions or beliefs.
There must be a space, a meeting place, between Heaven and Earth, probably within our Mind, where Truth and illusions coexist, for a certain time. The Truth, residing in us, is held inviolate, yet there is a space occupied by illusions. These illusions have to be undone. Even if illusions are not real, they have existence because they are thoughts. And we all know now that thoughts, through our divine heritage, are powerful and can create reality or illusion. If our thoughts are in concordance with God’s Will, they create, if they are not in accord with God’s Will, they fabricate illusions, fiction, friction, thus mostly drama. There are thoughts that immerse us into illusion and there are thoughts that bring illusion back to the Truth. There is One Thought that redeems and forgives ourselves and our brothers and sisters. That Thought is that we cannot change what we really are because we did not create ourself but we can change the thought we made of ourselves.
The Holy Instant and the Meaning of Love as the end of illusion
There must be a moment, which holds Eternity in an Instant, where we experience and understand the real meaning of “the end of illusion”. Is it not what Love is: the end of illusion, of chaos, of ego and the beginning without end of Reality, of Truth, of the Real Self? After all, is it not what we forgot when we decided to experience ego? We don’t believe completely that love is enough to prevent chaos on Earth. In fact, we tend to think the opposite: that without ego, all would be chaos. Dictators subscribe easily to this idea…
But all idea of order coming from the ego is based on judgment. And judgment is based on the past, which is supposed to be where experience comes from. But what experience comes from the past if not the ego’s ways of satisfying its needs according to its own criteria. And what does judgment if not separates, specializes, establishes an order of preferences?
What if the real order of the Universe did not rely on judgment but on its suspension? The Law of Oneness teaches us that there is equality of the Parts and the Whole. The Part is in the Whole and the Whole is in the Part. The Creation is holographic, should we say “wholographic”. Ego likes to love parts of reality and discard the parts it doesn’t like. This is called specialness. Conditional love belongs to specialness. A part without its whole is lost. It is meaningless. It is empty.
Therefore, Love being an Indivisible Whole found in its tiniest Part, it is impossible to understand the meaning of love if we love only some parts apart from the whole. Love is One, not two. Choosing preferentially some parts means believing that some parts will bring us more than other parts. Can we acknowledge that fundamentally, in the act of judging, selecting, especially in relationships, we let fear enter in them? Therefore, how can be built order in the world when its base is fear?
Can we understand love if we cannot hold in our hearts and in our minds all our human brothers and sisters? If we believe in Oneness, then no part brings more or less than the other because all the parts experience not loss but completion as One. But, yes, there is a long way to go. We are not ready yet to love everyone on this planet unconditionally. We don’t have to. That is what time is made for. If time seems like our enemy, it can be an ally in helping us learn to transform it into Eternity.
It is judgment and its corollary, specialness, that creates time. Time and space are the two complementary facets of separation. If we want time to meet Eternity, if we want Earth to meet Heaven, we have to suspend judgment. Then communication between the parts is total because in the parts the Whole is communicating with the Whole. This is where time meets Eternity, where all that ever happened has always been.
Therefore, there is a place in the Mind where time is translated into Present. This is the “D” Day, this is the Holy Instant where “life is coming up roses” and where we “seek to change nothing, but merely to accept everything“.
Life coming up roses is not the Whole of Heaven. It is an Instant of Eternity, Timelessness set in a frame of time. This is the portal to Eternity.
Written by Normand Bourque on Jan 30, 2013
Yes! In this moment we would experience perfect equanimity.