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Month: March 2013

20 Mind, Body, and Ego

“You made neither yourself nor your function. You made only the decision to be unworthy of both. Yet you cannot make yourself unworthy because you are the treasure of God, and what He values is valuable… Your function is to add to God’s treasure by creating yours.” ACIM VIII-149

God said:“You have been scammed. You have been led to believe that you can’t live without your body. You appear in the world as a body. Your body is like a bottle that holds the perfume. The bottle is not the perfume. It is the container of it. It is only a bottle. Ah, but what the body encloses, the essence of you is far, far more than a body.” HL 3748

19 The Laws of Illusions III: The Power of Negation

ℑ “The universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine.” Sir James Jeans ℑ

“God said:
God said:“In Reality, beloveds, there is no distance, not in time or in space. There is Infinity and Eternity which, on Earth, you experience in a time-frame bolstered by science on Earth. All this is scientific and beautiful, yet scientific only so far as it goes on Earth.
You perceive that you are in a dense world, yet density is the illusion you live in. Density and gravity hold you up on Earth at the same time as they hold you down. Remember, you look from various directions.”
HL 4491

18 The Laws of Illusions II: The Memory of the Present

God said:“Let’s have it out. You are an incredible Being Who hides under a mask of his own making. You transfer roles. You transferred your Heritage to Me. I am a projection of you – or, are you a projection of Me? It does get confusing, talking about Our Oneness in terms of two.” HL

“Why is the word I capitalized? There is One I, and yet a fringe of the One I babbles on the periphery.”

“Yet truth can never be forgotten by itself, and you have not forgotten what you are. Only a strange illusion of yourself, a wish to triumph over what you are, remembers not.” ACIM 21-1

17 The Laws of Illusions I: “Consciousness is not a science nor is it an art.”

God said:“What is it that has been named by the word consciousness?
Cannot consciousness describe itself? And if it cannot, why not? How can it be known or unknown and not be identified?”
HL 3242

Consciousness has the power to become unconscious of itself. This means that it can virtually forget or lose its identity but without really losing it. We could almost say that the necessity for consciousness to be perfectly One, self-conscious, indivisible contains the possibility of virtually becoming a random phenomenon, a self unconscious of itself in a seeming random world.