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Month: November 2013

54 Recalibration 2: I need do nothing

“‘I need do nothing’ is a statement of allegiance, a truly undivided loyalty. Believe it for just one instant, and you will accomplish more than is given to a century of contemplation, or of struggle against temptation.” ACIM 128-7

 Being is the most simple thing conceivable. In fact, it is so simple that it is inconceivable for us. Our mind functions by contrasts, comparisons, evaluations which all have to end up in judgments. Obviously, to perceive differences is to judge that we are not the same as what we perceive as different.

53 Recalibration 1: En Route Towards the Sun

God said:” Our Oneness is how everything is simultaneous, instantly occurring even when there is no time to set it in. Oneness is how what occurs to a seeming individual happens to Us all. That is how the least of My children is First. All are First. There is no second.” HL 987

We are making ourselves happening in and to the Universe
   In other terms, we are progressively allowing the possibility of revealing our Self to ourself and consequently to the Universe. We are ceasing to think that we are only incidental in this Universe, and we are replacing this thought by the thought that we, that is each and every one of us, are necessary and sufficient, which is the exact opposite of being incidental.

52 Is Death a Reverse Miracle?

God said: And so I suggest that you trust in yourself and in Me. Accept that death is not real. Fears are not real. As for fear of the death of the body, that will be realized with your approval or not, so why fear death so many moments in your life? Beloveds, when you do leave your body, you will embrace its loss and know you have lost nothing but your fears.” HL 4768

  We all agree that the birth of a child is a miracle. It is an image, a soul of Infinity and Eternity made visible, finite, temporal, an image of God that took a form through a body. But we don’t see the death of a loved one or even our own death as a miracle, a return of the individualized soul to generality, Infinity and Eternity where it comes from but rather as a calamity.

51 Recreating the World by Recreating Ourself

“Many stand guard over their ideas because they want to protect their thought systems as they are, and learning means change. Change is always fearful to the separated, because they cannot conceive of it as a move towards healing the separation. They always perceive it as a move toward further separation, because the separation was their first experience of change.” A Course in Miracles 4-1

What do we do with our technological knowledge? We try to bring solutions to problems exactly at the same level as the problems themselves (Einstein). Of course, we have to in our 3-D life. But life goes much beyond 3-D living. We have a technology of emergency, a hyper sophisticated technology of the short term. A new virus appears, a new vaccine is developed.