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25 Atonement and the Unified Field

Abstract Spherical Electromagnetic Field

“God said: I am a memory, a memory re-enlivened, and yet I am an experience, a renewed experience of Oneness. As We become reunited, you begin to fall in love again. Your heart swells, and, perhaps, unbeknownst to you, you are dwelling in a land of love where the demarcations are faded and where My love pulses. Who needs memories to go around the block in? I remember you vividly. Remember Me.” HL 4282 

“The war against yourself was undertaken to teach the Son of God that he is not himself, and not his Father’s Son. For this, the memory of his Father must be forgotten. It is forgotten in the body’s life, and if you think you are a body, you will believe you have forgotten it. Yet truth can never be forgotten by itself, and you have not forgotten what you are. Only a strange illusion of yourself, a wish to triumph over what you are, remembers not.” ACIM 23-1


The mirroring effect of the ego

We are now well aware of the ego but it seems difficult to replace it with something else because we are more aware of our unshared identity than we are aware of our shared one.

Indeed, the ego, virtually located in the split mind,  can be defined as an unshared identity. Yet an unshared identity is not a real identity, because it has to refer to itself without any coherent and significant meaning since it did not create itself although it pretends it did. It is an error, a mistaken identity. We usually say that error is human but it would be more accurate to say that errors are of the ego and the only way to correct ego’s errors is to relinquish the ego altogether with its errors. Ego is by itself an error. That is what we need to be corrected, healed, atoned from. It is the insane part of our mind that needs to be corrected.

Ego is always wrong, no matter what it makes us say or do but very often we don’t see it and we believe the ego is right. This is because the ego — which is


the distorted part of our mind and not an external entity that manipulates us —
uses a system of mirrors to trick us or delude us. Like the cat in front of the mirror, the ego sees the reflection of itself in the mirror as somebody else standing behind the mirror.

This mirroring illusion is generated by judgment. Judgment is based on an evaluation because the ego has to set itself in the first position (positive or negative position) as the reference from which the evaluation will be made. The ego cannot put an equal sign between itself and the seeming other. Only + or – on a graduated scale. Judgment is only conceivable within an identity that doesn’t want to be shared. Judgment is itself the negation of sharing. It is what shows the law of oneself as if the personal self-established the laws of the world. It is fundamentally believing that we created ourself.  When we judge any person, we see what this person is not in his/her true reality, and not only can we not know a person we judge but we cannot know ourself because we see the other person wrongly.

Ego feeds itself on errors and it is good at pointing the other’s ego errors. But since ego cannot share anything, then the pointing of errors must be reflected towards itself. Plainly said, pointing the other’s errors is seeing them through our own errors. How could it be otherwise since ego negates communication? God does not see errors because He does not perceive them, He only knows Truth which leaves no room to error because Truth has no opposites.

Then, how are we to react when somebody behaves insanely when somebody seems to have committed a so-called error?  If we put aside juridical and social considerations and stay focused on the idea of shared and unshared identity, we have to “correct” our perception of the other’s ego by perceiving the sanity in the other and leave aside his ego. By perceiving the other’s errors as real and accepting them as such, we are also considering our errors as real and accepting them as such. This is to say that by condemning the other we are condemning ourself.

One way to correct the misperception of errors is to acknowledge that errors are not the essence of us nor the essence of the other because they belong to an identity that is a fake. If we tend to condemn ourself as well as the other it is because we have a tendency to look at everything with condemnation. And what hides behind condemnation if not the multiple faces of guilt?

But if we have to put a price tag on correction, the price to pay is to trust God when He says that all His children were created equal and without errors. But we are often torn apart between the perceived righteousness of our personal judgment on the other’s insane mind and the equanimity and equality of God’s evaluation of our undivided and totally shared identities and His total ignorance of unshared identities. To trust God is to unconditionally accept that we are equal because the only real identity we have is a shared identity (see Blog # 4: “Peace Begins With Me: Ho’oponopono and Self Identity).  Beyond any seeming differences, we are all same because we are one.  This seems the most difficult aspect to understand in unconditional love. Love is the acknowledgment of equality, not the emotional love we feel for somebody we like for whatever personal reasons and preferences.  To recognize equality, we have to look beyond error from the beginning: this is forgiveness, another aspect of unconditional love. Equality has no preference while ego has only preferences. The ego feels threatened by equality because equality and sharing mean its death. So ego feels threatened by love. That is why it is said to love our enemy because beyond the seeming enemy, it is ourself that we must see in our shared identity.  In reality, what is not real cannot die, and all that is real is eternal. So if ego is not real, it cannot die.

Changing our mind about our mind.

This is where resides correction or atonement. We have to correct the belief that we are separate identities or unshared identities or that our identities are outside of us. This requires that we change our mind about our mind. There is no contradiction between the fact that our mind was created changeless, that we cannot change what God has created, and the fact that we think we have changed our mind when we decided to learn through the ego instead of knowing through the Truth. Changing our mind about our mind is a very powerful device. It makes the difference between thinking that the world is as it is and unchangeable and knowing that the sane mind has the power to change the world.

But the plan of correction cannot be put into our hands because we don’t know really what a shared identity is or we have forgotten it. In fact, it is our limited ideas about what we are that is the source of all errors we make. The system of mirrors of ego has to be undone and we need help for that.

And God, responding to His Son’s will for separation, created a universe that contained all the necessary mechanisms to correct the Son’s self-created mistaken identity. The instant separation traversed God’s Son’s mind, God had already conceived the plan for his atonement. Because without the experience of error, there is no need for correction. Even through separation, the Son could never be lost. The Universe has all it needs to bring him back home safely.

Ultimately, what is a human?  A human is a shared identity created by God with a hiatus of unshared identity fabricated by ego. Correct or relinquish the ego hiatus and what you get is an angel bringing heaven on earth.

The shared identity and the unified field.

An identity has to be eternal otherwise it is meaningless. And in twoness, no real identity can exist. Identity can only exist in oneness. Hence its sharing is its reality.

In the relative world, what prevents us from recognizing each other as one is the separation or space that seems to exist between each other’s bodies. But the dividing space between the bodies we perceive in the physical world is just an expression of the limited ideas we have about ourself and the others.  This space which is used to establish boundaries, divisions is not really an empty space.

The concept of the unified field or point zero field in quantum physics is presenting convincing hints about the universe and all it contains as a shared identity. It could be a symbol of the atonement conceived by oneness.

Without getting into the technical details, here are some statements rising from the new physics that can help our understanding of what a shared identity is (for a comprehensive view of the unified field: Lynne McTaggart, The Field, HarperCollins Publishers Inc.) :

• what we perceive as “space” between things is a continuous field of microscopic vibrations that carry information between everything that exists. It is an inexhaustible ocean of energy;

• what we used to consider very personal or individual processes like thoughts, feelings or other superior cognitive processes like consciousness are not necessarily taking place “in” the brain and the body. They are  vibrations that interact between the quantum ocean and our brains and bodies;

• there is a manifestation of life that we can call collective consciousness circulating constantly in the universe;

• we form an inseparable unity with all the rest of the universe. We are deeply interdependent as each center of energy influences the whole and is influenced by the whole;

• consciousness must exist outside the boundaries of our body. While we used to think that our brain and our DNA were the conductors of the individual body, they are more likely transducers of the quantum information emanating from the universal field. They transmit, capture and ultimately interpret this quantum information;

• the universal field is like an invisible grid that connects everything. It is a good representation of love as the universal connector.

• it becomes more and more difficult to make a clear distinction between mind and matter. An electron can have the double nature of being a wave function or a particle (like a billiard ball). When, for example, an electron jumps from one energetic state to another, it seems like this electron is “testing” all the possible orbits at the same time, just like a child who would want to taste all the candies in a candy store before definitely choosing the one he wants. While the choice is not made, that is not localized, it seems that matter is just a wave function and when a choice is made, the wave becomes “localized” and appears as a particle of matter;

• at a sub-atomic level an individual entity is transitory and intangible. Particles can’t be separated from the spatial vacuum that surrounds them. Einstein recognized that matter, as intense as it could get, was a perturbation of perfect randomness and that the only fundamental reality was the quantum field itself. Could we also say that the personal identity is transitory and intangible and that the only fundamental reality is the quantum field of our shared identity?

• at the atomic level, any moving electron carrying an electric charge would at a certain time exhaust its energy and spirally collapse in the nucleus of the atom. What maintains an electron into its orbit is not gravity (like planets around the sun). What prevents the electron from collapsing into the nucleus is the fact that it possesses at the same time the characteristics of a wave (vibration) and of a particle. It must possess a frequential signature of vibration which is recorded in the quantum field so it is never lost;

• electromagnetic waves are light vibrations that not only carry information but that encode information as well. When two waves collide through constructive or destructive interference,  each wave contains information on the other wave as encoded energy. Through the mechanism of interference, information is constantly accumulated in the universe. The quantum field then becomes a huge central memory of all of what is happening in the universe. What is recorded in this akashic memory is more an electronic frequential signature of vibration or plan of each form (a morphic field) rather than the cumulation of information itself. Homeopathy is a good illustration of the electronic signature of a molecule through infinitesimal dilution;

• is there such a thing as an influence at a distance without any physical contact or use of a force? Can an entity cause an effect on another entity at a distance? This would require that each element of the universe be instantly in contact with any other element, no matter the space/time distance.

• in quantum physics, the coherence principle states that subatomic particles are capable of cooperating. The subatomic waves or particles not only ‘know’ that the other waves or particles are there but they are also tightly linked to one another by stripes of common electromagnetic fields. They are like tuning forks that start to vibrate at unison. It is as if they become one giant subatomic wave or particle. What we do to one particle affects all the others.

• in the cell division of a fertilized ovule, each cell “knows” its own structure or electromagnetic signature that will allow it to behave in a specific way to accomplish its specific function at a specific moment of growth of the embryo. But each of these cells contains the same chromosomes and the same genetic information. So how can each cell know how to behave differently according to the function it is supposed to fulfill? The plan seems to reside in the shared identity of the quantum field;

• holography, which functions according to the quantum laws, has demonstrated that memory is not localized in a particular area of the brain but is “distributed”  everywhere, each part containing the whole.

• …

Real communication can be established only through coherence which is cooperation, which is sharing. Hence an unshared identity cannot be coherent and can only disrupt the harmony of the universe. It is a broken tuning fork. We have to change our mind about the mind.  We have only one real identity and this identity is coherently cooperative.


Written by Normand Bourque on May 02, 2013


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