“Projection makes perception. The world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that. But though it is no more than that, it is not less. Therefore, to you it is important. It is the witness to your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition. As a man thinketh, so does he perceive. Therefore, seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world. Perception is a result and not a cause. And that is why order of difficulty in miracles is meaningless. Everything looked upon with vision is healed and holy. Nothing perceived without it means anything. And where there is no meaning, there is chaos.” A Course in Miracles 21-1
“God said: We can say that the unseen layer of life is the cause for the layer seen. Certainly the relative life arises from there. Relative life comes from this unseen layer. And yet for everything in the relative life, I maintain there is no cause. All are innocent. All are as innocent as you. There is no cause.” HL 3231
In our previous blog [A Tailor-Made Universe I], we have seen how the physical universe we know responds perfectly to a decision we made AGAINST our reality. We hence chose to experiment reality/unity through the paradigm of duality, that is through illusion. Another name for duality and illusion is denial.
A paradigm is a set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for an individual and/or a collective mind. For us, reality is truth, an indivisible whole. By saying “a way of viewing reality”, we immediately postulate that we have already separated reality into points of view. So it is no longer reality we are talking about but multiple projections which make perceptions. Hence a paradigm is a form of judgment on reality, hence on truth. In that sense, the relative world arose from reality or truth but only as a witness to the state of a mind that decided to be against itself. The so-called objective world is in reality the outside picture of a dualistic condition that exists within the mind.
A paradigm, a way of viewing, cannot be the reality but a fragment of reality. Reality is not a way of viewing. It simply is. Duality is the paradigm by which we affirm something through its negation or absence: we affirm health through sickness, power through inability or incapacity, truth through lie, value or worth through naught, etc. We cannot dualistically conceive cause without effect, past without future, happiness without woe, pleasure without suffering, love without hate, freedom without bounds, life without death because dualism is the negation of wholeness: so it is better expressed by the numbers 1 and 0 than by 1+1=2. Curiously enough, what seems to define the affirmative part of the dual judgment is its negative counterpart and not the other way around. The reason is that duality by itself has to be based on a sense of lack (a judgment), a sense that power has been taken from us. Yet truth, life, happiness, health, present are indivisible because their reality is to be whole, holy, and one. They don’t contain any dualistic element because there is no sense of lack or of loss. So how is it possible to divide the whole of life into two fragments which would be life and death? In reality, we don’t divide unity or reality, we just deny it. And by denying it, we always deny everything we make.
Entropy and Syntropy
The physical universe responds to the denial paradigm or judgment in our mind. One of the components of duality which represents negation, absence, denial, or lack is the thermodynamic law of entropy. Even if the quantity of energy in the universe remains constant, systems appear with the maximum of order, coherence, and energy at the beginning of their life and progressively diverge towards their death by expanding, losing energy, and coherence. This applies to all physical systems in the universe (living organisms or stars). They follow a linear sequence where the cause precedes the effect and time flows unidirectionally from past to future. It corresponds to the idea that any physical form in the universe is an illusion and contains the principle of its own disappearance — we don’t use the word ‘destruction’ because an illusion cannot be destroyed since it is not real.
But, at the same time, the affirmative part of the dualistic paradigm is expressed in the physical universe through “living” systems by an energy that converges, concentrates, and leads to more order, complexity, differentiation, and structures. Life in the universe always seems to have triumphed from death and the universe seems to support more the development of life than its annihilation. Paradoxically, life as coherence is supported or affirmed by what negates it, that is entropy or chaos. Entropy is then the agent of change because, in the relative world, the only permanence is through change. Would it be that oneness is always behind the scene or is the “unseen and unchanging” layer of life that is the cause of the layer seen and changing?
This converging, concentrating energy creating increasing order in a complexification process is called “syntropy” (named by the Italian quantum mathematician Luigi Fantappiè). Syntropy (“turning in synchronicity”) means converging tendency. It seems that each system in the physical world oscillates between peaks (pulses) of syntropy and peaks of entropy.
The concept of syntropy goes much farther than it seems at first sight. The principle of entropy explains that systems are moved by a final cause which is placed in the past according to the causation principle where a cause precedes its effect and time flows unidirectionally from the past to the future. But since syntropic forces in living organisms bring them to more complexity, it means that they create more differentiation, contradicting the leveling of entropy. So it seems that the physical universe responds to oneness by further multiplication and differentiation but yet, through the mechanism of entropy. This is a big paradox. It seems as if the apparent physical universe was a perpetual counterpart to oneness.
Is time symmetrical?
There are curious theoretical consequences to the concept of syntropy. If entropy places the final cause (finality) in the past, is it to say that syntropy places the final cause in the future and consequently places the effect before the cause and that time has to move backward, from the future to the past? This is retrocausality.
Well, this is no longer science-fiction and the law of syntropy is now mathematically proven. In fact, syntropy is the unification of two up to now irreconcilable theories on energy and matter represented respectively by the quantum theory (light is a physical particle) and Einstein’s special relativity theory (light is an electromagnetic wave).
Let us recall that our standard view of time is inherited from Galileo who assumed that time is an absolute, a constant and speed is a variable. We can add or subtract the speed between two bodies that are moving in the same direction or in opposite directions because time is considered a constant. But Einstein discovered exactly the opposite: the speed of light is constant, so time must be variable. Einstein also stated that no object could go faster than the speed of light. If time is variable and the speed of light is constant, then an object moving at a speed near the speed of light would contract and time would slow down to the point of stopping if it reached the speed of light (this being relative to the positions of one or several observers moving at different speeds). Up to that point, there was no reason to speculate on time that would go backward because there was no way to prove that some objects could go faster than the speed of light. If time was to be symmetrical, we had to go beyond the finite speed of light or take a new look at the existing mathematical equations of quanta and relativity.
In fact, syntropy is the result of equations that combine special relativity (Einstein et al.) with quantum mechanics (Bohr et al.). Without getting into the complexity of quanta and waves mathematics, it is important to mention that mathematical equations that describe quantum mechanics and special relativity are quadratic equations — that is equations of the second degree (square, exponent 2) that are themselves squared. The general public knows one of those quadratic equations: the celebrated E=mc2. But the original quadratic equation looks like this:
E2=m2c4 + pc2
where e= energy, m=mass, c=speed of light, and p=momentum of an object (the product of a body’s mass by its velocity).
Since Einstein established that no object could go faster than the speed of light, he considered that the momentum of an object moving at the speed of light would be null or =0. Hence the equation E2=m2c4 + pc2 is reduced to:
E2=m2c4 + 0•c2=m2c4 + 0=m2c4
and extracting the √ (square root) on both sides of the equation yields:
But quantum physicists discovered a little later that the electron had a spin even when traveling at the speed of light so that its momentum p is not equal to 0. Then the original quadratic equation cannot be reduced only to E=mc2. The √ (square root) of E2=m2c4 + pc2 would yield both + and – (positive and negative) square roots for p≠0.
The +√ (positive square root) yields the Einstein equation which expresses the prevalence of entropy with classical causation (the cause preceding the effect) and time moving forwards, from the past to the future. Light waves are not expected to move backward in time and radio-signals are not received before they are broadcasted. In the entropy scenario, information arrives from the past in a measurable, quantitative form. And quantitative, measurable forms based on binary mathematics are bound to entropy, that is death.
But what about the -√ (negative square root) that comes with momentum p≠0?
The principle of syntropy states that the domain of the negative square root is the symmetrical of the positive square root which means that in syntropy systems have converging (not diverging) energy, they acquire coherence, order, complexity, and differentiation, that the effects precede the causes and that time moves backward from the future to the past. Black-holes are examples of converging systems: it is said that in these systems it is impossible to have retarded effects and this explains why black-holes do not emit light.* In the syntropy scenario, information arrives from the future, it is qualitative, not measurable, subjective, intuitive, and attractive. And qualitative, infinite mathematical value schemes or patterns, also called “attractors” like holograms, fractals, golden series based on analogy and self-similarity are at the source of the creation of forms: the outline of a leaf, the growth of corals, the form of the brain, the neuronal network, etc. It is as if, in the process of growth and change, organisms responded in advance to an information that is still yet to come. In other words, the effect seems to precede the cause. Is it not what can explain our irresistible attraction to the sun? The sun represents our future. So we are acting to our future as, at the same time, we are reacting to our past. Syntropy is the domain of retrocausality.
Information coming from the future: the attractors
As consciousness embodied in a physical body, we seem to be systems in which diverging and converging forces operate in dynamic equilibrium. We receive information both from the “past” and from the “future”. Perhaps we could situate free will and freedom of choice at the intersection of entropy and syntropy. In the quantum system, the atoms seem to live the past, the present and the future at the same time through locality and non-locality and through the act of observation by a consciousness. The microcosmic level of electromagnetic waves seems to bear our future (syntropy) while the macrocosmic world seems to express our past (entropy). And there must be a bridge between the macrocosmic and microcosmic world. It effectively exists in nature and it is the hydrogen bridge or bound in the water molecules. That is why water is the basis of life on earth.
It is fairly easy to observe how physical systems diverge from a state of maximum energy and coherence to a state of dispersion of energy. We are born, we live and die in a linear space/time framework.
But what is the force that makes systems converge syntropically? What makes them converge, grow, and towards where are they converging?
Convergence needs a point of convergence, a focus which acts as an attractor. Since entropic information is quantitative (binary) and syntropic information qualitative (analog), syntropic information must be represented by archetypal schemes. Archetypal schemes don’t behave as causes from the past but as causes from the future.
Here is an example. The meteorologist Edward Lorenz once said: “The flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil can set off a tornado in Texas”. What is meant here is that even if no two days are alike in weather, climatic schemes, both on a local and a global level, remain stable over long periods. The same mathematical equations that explain their differences are used to explain their likeness. Moreover, these archetypal schemes or attractors cause microscopic perturbations that impact macroscopic systems by amplifying and interfering with their behavior. Just take a look at the fractal picture below the title of this blog. The geometric object is repeated identically without change in its structure in the same way on different scales. That is how the flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil can set off a tornado in Texas.
It seems that the growth, evolution, and complexification of living systems (growth of tissues, nervous system, etc.) is governed by those attractors or archetypes coming from the future (retrocausality).
Michelangelo already expressed this idea of attractors (information from the future) when he said: “In every block of marble I see a statue as plain, as though it stood there before me, shaped and perfect in attitude and action. I have only to hew away the rough walls that imprison the lovely apparition to reveal it to the other eyes as mine see it.“
It seems that our growth (physical and spiritual) is linked to our ability to express, to bring to their full expressions the attractors that have been designed for us, individually and collectively.
What are the real attractors?
We will let science discover various attractors that can give us a more optimistic view of evolutionism than Darwin’s theory of the ‘survival of the fittest’. But, if we start, as usual, from the only real starting point there is for everything, we can have a glimpse of what are the real attractors or archetypal schemes that make us converge towards the focal point of 1.
Through the play of duality, through the laws of entropy and syntropy, we can identify 3 major attractors: (1) it is all about forgetting in order to remember that we are cocreators, (2) we are immortals and (3) we all have the power of the world within us. So the relative, physical world acts as a counterpart of oneness (heaven) in the mode of lack.
Consequently, the dualistic paradigm, in its first attractor, aims at developing our ability to accept the truth in the relative world as the perpetual counterpart of creating in the kingdom of oneness. We cannot restore our potential as creators unless we accept the truth of what we are. This is why we are here on earth. Truth is whole and cannot be known by a mind that has divided itself between true and false.
The second attractor is that we have to accept that we are immortal. This is also part of the dualistic game. We cannot accept the truth of what we are as long as we accept death as a reality. Immortality in the kingdom of oneness is based on the absolute value of unity. In the physical world, the value of unity is expressed by health. All the value of the mathematical equations in the relative world cannot express the unity and coherence that represents health. It has been said in frontier science that all our experiences can be described mathematically by wave shapes (through complex numbers) that are expressed by using fractal attractor models. But a value in mathematics is not a vibration. A blood pressure of 120/80 is not what makes the whole value of health. It is the value of oneness that makes us whole and wholeness is eternal. So health in the world is the counterpart of value in the kingdom of oneness.
The third attractor is that we have to accept that power has never been taken from us because there is nothing beyond our mind. There is no real outside world and there is nobody out there that has to bear our own responsibility. The belief in that power has been taken from us is what we call magic and idolatry. In that sense, sickness is the expression of that belief because when we are or feel sick we definitely have the impression that the power has been taken from us.
What the law of syntropy expresses in its essence is that the aim of life on earth is to bring out the pure archetypal scheme that our Creator designed for each of us. We are already totally realized in our attractor which is that we were created in God’s image, in the indivisible oneness and sameness of ONE (1). We are free to ignore or follow the attractors and direct our individuality elsewhere. But the “elsewhere” path is the path to entropy.
*For further reading: Ulisse Di Corpo and Antonella Vannini, The Law of Syntropy, Kindle Edition, Amazon.
Written by Normand Bourque on Jun 06, 2013
Impeccable! Normand, your articles deserve to be read and read again. They require it. I learn so much from what you write. Thank you.