“This thing you call the double helix is sacred, unique, and is that way only for the Human. For the DNA of other life does not have the creator inside, but rather it is designed to see other DNA that has creator attributes. Said simply, it means that anything with DNA on this planet knows about the Human creator DNA, and bows appropriately to it. Even a vegetable knows who you are and lives to nourish the life around it and you. At the basic DNA level, animals are also aware of why they are here, and how the Human carries the creator energy on earth, and that they are only here to support it and the planet.” KRYON, through Lee Carroll, from Kryon Book Twelve: “The Twelve Layers of DNA.
Geneticists are only concerned with the protein-encoded portion of the DNA parts because only those portions yield observable physical expressions in the 3-D biological realm. Genetic engineering focuses on the nucleotide sequences to perform modifications on the genes and, consequently, to alter the physical expressions of those genes.
But the scientific discovery of the nucleotide sequences through the despiralization of the DNA molecule has not revealed the plan or the intent behind that linear sequencing. Genetic science sees the genetic blueprint as a purely 3-D chemical manifestation or expression process of who we are physically and where we physically come from (genetic heredity and biological evolution). But the “codable” linear sequencing of the nucleotides represents only 3 to 10% of our DNA.
If we are to acknowledge that the remaining 90% of our DNA is not junk, then we have to look for the plan or intent within this 90%. DNA is the core element of who we are, not only physically but also spiritually. If we see heredity as a physical memory in our genes, we could extend that memory to everything we ever were: not only in one lifetime but in all of our lifetimes, not only individually but collectively.
In “The twelve layers of DNA (Kryon)” Lee Carrol explains that the 3-10% known portion of the “active” DNA is like a sound system. There is a certain amount of physical components like the amplifier and the speakers that allow the translation of the sound vibrations into audible music. The sound system is the decoder. It does not create the music, it only decodes the electromagnetic sound frequencies so our ears can capture them. It represents 10% of the whole phenomenon of music. The remaining 90% is the organization, patterning, or grammar of the musical language itself which has nothing to do with the sound system.
This 90% part of DNA is not really “physical”. It is not linear in its organization, like the output chain of the sound system. It is abstract, relational, multidimensional, and can be associated with the quantum field. The linear representation of the de-spiralized DNA molecule is effectively a representation of an entangled reality which is not linear but multidimensional. It could be represented by a processor and its program processing the information that is decoded and translated by the so-called active 10% (protein-encoded portion of the DNA).
If God’s signature is in our DNA as YHWH, then we could assume that 90% of our DNA is the blueprint of our divinity in a quantum state. Then it must contain records of our growth, physical and spiritual, our past and present talents (in a cumulative perspective), records of our karma, and our progressive enlightenments (akashic records) through our many lifetimes. In its quantum state, this 90%-DNA represents potentialities: this is the malleable DNA, the one that gives room for multidimensional growth. This malleable DNA is susceptible to modifying the 3-D layer, not by direct manipulation of the nucleotide sequencing (like in genetic modification) but by the development of consciousness.
Therefore the quantum DNA represents our future rather than our causal genetic past (see blog #30: A Tailor-Made Universe II: Syntropy). It is powered by an attractor. The junk DNA can be viewed as an effect that precedes the cause coming from the future. A quantum event is an event that does not cease to happen because it is precisely an attractor. It represents our future. It explains how the conscious Universe is expanding through phenomenons that we can see in the 3-D linear world. It expresses the reality in progress sustained by its own immutability. What we perceive as a paradox in our linear logic, is the pure logic of Truth/Love which is the immutable expanding attractor of the Universe.
Quantum Grammar and Quantum Programming
As mentioned previously, if the protein-encoding system through nucleotide sequencing represents 3-10% of the DNA iceberg, 90% of our human DNA carries with it our physical AND spiritual blue-print and all the instructions for who we really are and not only for what we seem to be as ego embodiments and separate selves. Carrying God’s signature in our cells, we also carry His plan for our own creation — individual and collective as the Sonship —, our spiritual origin, heredity, and finality.
The 3-D layer of DNA is about measure, code, genes, and chemistry. It is unity fragmented which cannot be reconstructed by physical sequencing. Quantum DNA is about wholeness and meaning. It must contain the key to be one with everything.
“God said: I created you for something. I created you to give birth to yourself, to acknowledge your True Self. Everyone is coming to My Way of thinking. Some by leaps and bounds. Some by and by.” HL 4753
Giving birth to ourself means showing and expressing how the Creator or Principle engenders himself since we are part of our Creator. Is this not the foundation of what we call “grammar” or “generative grammar” (cf. Chomsky)? Grammar is the art and science of sequencing the words of a language in order to give them their meaning, like genetics operating through the sequencing of component elements of the nucleotide (hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon) to give the proteins their functional meaning in the body. It establishes the rules and the relations for transmitting an intent (information), a meaning, through the proper combination of the parts of the speech or genetic chain. It is concerned with the structural relationships between the components of a language.
We have established the Tetragrammaton YHWH as this very Principle that engenders itself: God engendering Himself through creating us in His image and giving us the same power to create or co-create, as long as we act according to the grammatical rules of the language of creation represented by His Name (the Tetragrammaton).
YHWH is not only a word designating God. Like all the words of the Hebraic language, it is formed in such a way that it contains in itself the reason for its own formation. It also contains in itself all its constituting elements without having to go outside its own lexicon The mathematical/linguistic Name of God is not subjected to Gödel’s Theorem*.
YHWH has no external etymology like the lexicon of our languages. So it is self-referential, yet non-tautological, and creative in eternal extension. In a certain way, the NAME of GOD is a complete, pre-structured language of pure oneness, sameness, and likeness in a generative, programmable form. It is the grammatical expression of the mathematical 1. That is why thinking of God, thinking God and thinking like God can have a significant impact on the 3-D layer of our DNA through the “not apparently structured” 90% of our DNA. It does not admit in its form anything that is foreign. Unlike our languages, it does not borrow any elements from the outside. It is perfectly constituted, unchangeable, eternal, and infinite. God’s grammar is the only one that we can use to give birth to ourself.
YWHW expresses what is inviolable, unalterable in what we are, and, at the same time, can give instructions through our quantum DNA on how to give birth to ourself.
But how can we represent a grammar that gives self-referential instructions to its “grammatical parts” to generate self-creation? We will keep this topic for the next blog because it needs some more extended development. But here is the schematic representation of the core quantum grammar:
Y <—> H + W + H
Sign <—> Noun + Verb + Relation
In summary, God’s quantum grammar has only 3 essential structured parts of speech (the noun, the verb, and the relation) produced by a fourth one that those 3 parts produce in turn. It is a process of duplicating not by opposites but by complementarity. This is exemplified in the 3-D DNA duplicating system.
The word grammar itself means “to scratch” (cf. diagram, program, graphite, paragraph, etc.). A scratch is a sign. The sign is produced by the will, no matter what it looks like (graphical sign) or sounds like (acoustic sign). We are signs of our Creator but by our will to separate, we have made a grammatical mistake, virtually modifying the original structure of Y <—> H W H, distorting it into a YH/WG through our belief in our self-creation and, consequently, our belief in the solidity of the physical world.
Conversation between the soul and the body
What quantum genetics is teaching us is that our basic DNA is beyond chemistry, code, and genes and the measuring techniques applied to it. Consciousness is not sequential or linear, it is quantum, instantaneous, non-localized in time and space, synchronic and multidimensional. The physical expression of our divine DNA in the 3-D chemical layer is not completely predetermined. It is malleable, yet not through genetic engineering but through a conscious communication between the soul and the cellular body. In the experience of separation, we did cut this communication between the soul and the body because we deviated from the basic quantum grammar of unity, thinking that we were different from our source (we substituted YHWG for YHWH or one tetrahedral carbon atom for one nitrogen atom to experience the illusion of material reality). We restricted the power of our DNA to a limited heredity program that seems to follow the law of entropy. So we are accustomed to thinking that we are controlled by our DNA.
But we are now learning that 90% of our DNA is “authored” by our thoughts and that it is affected by our thoughts which are intents. Broadening our vision “smoothes” our DNA code, perhaps “alter” it. And above all, if the code resides in the cells, the release button lies within the heart (Heavenletters pre-cited). We have to recall that there are more neurons in the heart than in the brain.
If separation has indeed virtually separated our soul from our body, it is obvious that we cannot reestablish the communication between the heart, the mind, and the cellular body instantly. We spent a long time thinking outside our body and not only do we have to start listening to our body but our body also has to start listening to our soul. They both have to learn again to converse.
If quantum DNA is our fundamental instrument for self-realization, that is to give birth to ourself, this means that we can discover that we can have the control of our own body and its basic function but through smooth and loving dialog and not coercion.
We have virtually altered the trine quantum grammar of Y <—> HWH and turned it into a dual YH/WG, losing the connexion between Y and W, which expresses the apparent lost of meaning of who we are (W) through the illusion of self-creation (Y) by substituting a G for an H.
One infallible way to smooth out our DNA code and broaden our vision is to apply the quantum grammar of our multidimensional DNA:
Y <—> H W H
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YOU OWN <—> WHAT YOU GIVE because what you give <—> you are.
Written by Normand Bourque on Jun 27, 2013
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