“God said: Behold the sunlight of the Universe. Made of light, its light shines. It shines on you, and it shines through you. The world is a grid of light from sea to sea. I sent My Light to Earth in the form of everything, and Earth is lighted up by your very Being. I flung My Light to Earth, and you arose, so the world is covered with My light in the form of you… What is going on in the world? You are going on in the world.” HL 4791
“All magic is an attempt at reconciling the irreconcilable. All religion is the recognition that the irreconcilable cannot be reconciled. Sickness and perfection are irreconcilable. If God created you perfect, you are perfect. If you believe you can be sick, you have place other gods before Him.” ACIM 10-4
“Doesn’t it seem odd that you have a chemical immune system that can’t even tell you if you have cancer or a life-threatening virus? Instead you have to go to a doctor for tests! What kind of immune system is that? I’ll tell you, it’s only half of one. The “Knowing part” just sits there, not active and not working.” KRYON, through Lee Carroll, from Kryon Book Twelve: “The Twelve Layers of DNA”
We feel there is a gap between heaven and earth. The gap is a question of overlapping dimensions. In our linear thinking, we tend to reduce everything to 3 dimensions. Heaven and God are above, and although they seem inaccessible, at the same time they seem to belong to the third dimension. If earth can be represented by the 3-D dimension, the “above” heaven could be represented by the 5-D dimension, assuming (as we did in Blog 37) that the 4-D dimension, time/movement, is more likely an inter-dimension, a passage, a mediation between two dimensions, namely here the 3-D and the 5-D.
The main reason for the existence of this gap is that the only way to live a seemingly individual life in 3-D is by throwing God outside which is equivalent to throwing ourselves outside of ourselves. That is how the gap is created. To reject God outside is the core of the 3-D experience. The gap was created for the experience of it. The perception of the linear 3-D is the result of a vision of how it would feel to be separated, disconnected from our source, and from each other. How could there be any conflict if we were feeling indissolubly connected? 3-D earth is definitely the projected localized space-time, ground or battlefield to rediscover unity through separation, peace through conflict, light through darkness, love through hate, forgiveness through resentment, innocence through guilt, truth through falseness, perfection through error, memory through oblivion . But since separation cannot be created, it can only be projected. Darkness, imperfection, guilt, etc, were never created because everything that God did not create does not exist. Hence, they had to be projected. So they are dreamed through seemingly separate individuals or protagonists who try to reestablish unity by reducing one to the other, that is by domination or elimination (physical or symbolic). Only one can reign.
It is amazing though that we are on the verge of understanding that life in 3-D is not the real-life but just a life projected by a mistaken vision of who we really are if not by the systematic denial of who we really are. We can say that the 3-D universe we perceive with its laws of cause and effect, action and reaction, beginning and end, life and death is really a dreamed universe we are wakening from.
Attempting to reconcile the irreconcilable
Duality is the global name of that envisioned, projected universe of separateness in 3-D: there is a clean-cut separation between me and what is outside of me. Yet it is not a consistent universe, so it cannot be real. The main inconsistency in duality is in trying to put together, in opposition, two principles that don’t belong to the same dimension. More precisely, one is a principle and the “opposite” one is the absence of principle. Light, love, forgiveness, tolerance, sharing, unity, shared identity, infinity, eternity, truth are principles. They are consistent because they cannot be divided. They are whole and cannot be known by a divided mind. An absence or a gap is not a real principle but it can be believed in by a divided mind. What is the principle of darkness, hate, anger, domination, exploitation, separation, individuality, causality, time, space? These ideas all express the absence of or lack of. They can’t define any reality by themselves. So where does duality reside? It must be an internal conflict, not an outside one. The conflict is in the vision.
By definition, 3-D, as the dimension where illusion can be lived virtually, is based on the principle of a gap which is an absence of principle. The absence of principle is equivalent to a gap in the memory. 3-D is not a consistent universe, even if we try to make sense out of it with religious or scientific explanations. It is a truncated image of consistency because there is no wholeness that can ascertain it as true. So all attempts in 3-D to reconcile the irreconcilable correspond to magical enterprises. In that sense, traditional science is a form of magic and so is medicine based on that science. To search for the unified physical theory of the universe is part of that magical belief that their is a God outside, a key to eternal life in the extension of telomeres or in a single mathematical equation that expresses the physical world and all its phenomena. This is magical belief because science in general and medicine, in particular, are based on the “gap” principle that we are separate from our body like the observer is separate from what he observes and manipulates. In a certain sense, yes, we are not our body but since we had a vision of separation through our embodiment, then our body is our projection so that in order to cure our body we have to cure our vision first.
The relation between 3-D, 4-D and 5-D
We could say that Truth, which is the only equation that can describe Creation, does not belong to the 3rd dimension since 3-D is structurally organized to conceal it behind bodies. Nothing is whole in 3-D. Truth has nothing to do with a mind that is full of illusions. In 3-D we use part of our mind to project illusions and live them as if they were real. This part of our mind must be strongly connected to our brain which is a device that allows us to believe in the reality of outside forms. The healthy part of our mind must reside behind the veil, which is in the 5th dimension and probably does not need a brain to operate. The 4th inter-dimension might play the role of the veil itself that can be closed or opened (the gap).
Truth as a whole can be known only by a whole mind. To live in the virtual world of 3-D we have detached part of our mind from God’s will thinking that God’s will and our will were in conflict. We could say that by opposing our will to God’s will, part of our mind went out of control. Sickness and death are expressions of this incoherence in our seemingly conflicting will.
If we consider the 4th dimension as an inter-dimension, then the 5-D must be the dimension where the real principles reside or where they can be accessed from. One of these principles is that God created us perfect, so we are perfect. We are also eternal and infinite. We are all interconnected because we are One. Since sickness and perfection are irreconcilable, then we must acknowledge that sickness and death are only projections of our distorted vision. Since God never created imperfection, sickness, or death, these cannot exist really but only virtually.
So one could ask how are 3-D and 5-D connected? Perfection, perfect health, perfect love certainly do exist since we are always looking after them even if, at the same time, we like to complain that they are not accessible in 3-D. Perfection, love, truth are attractors from the 5-D. Our whole undivided soul, mind, and heart, as God created them in His image, are to be reached in the 5-D. That is why we are inevitably attracted to 5-D. In 5-D, there is no causality, no consequences, no beginning, no end, no time and no space. Without space, without time, without boundaries, nothing is really happening. “God said: What is going on in the world? You are going on in the world”.
We constantly live in the 5-D (and all the other superior dimensions). But we are only partially aware of it. The 4-D inter-dimension is the mediator that can bring us in total awareness of the 5-D. Usually, a mediator is a substratum or a person that brings into accord opponent parties, or make one out of two. In chemistry, the flame or the electric sparkle is the catalyst or mediator that can put together 2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen to form a completely new chemical molecule, namely H2O. A characteristic of a mediator is that it remains unchanged after the chemical reaction it initiates.
But the mediation process that goes on in the 4-D inter-dimension is of a different nature. Since the irreconcilable cannot be reconciled (the 3-D projected vision with the 5-D reality of the principles), it means that there is no negotiation between the 5-D and the 3-D to reach an agreement. Even in 3-D, the return to health is not the result of negotiation between the invading virus or bacteria and the body. Medicine will treat by eliminating the foreign invader with the appropriate chemical substance.
But since Reality in endogenous, the foreign invader is the subject itself. Sickness and death come from a wrong interpretation of the code or principles. The wrong interpretation resides in the question of freedom. Freedom is a given, so we are not free to give it up but we are free to deny it. By thinking that we were free to be free we paradoxically gave up our freedom and emprisoned ourself. So what is needed as a mediator is a translator that corrects our misinterpretation of free will and freedom. This is exactly what 4-D is made-for. It is a transitional state where the illness of time and space is “corrected”. It is the “healing” inter-dimension. We could call it the Holy Spirit dimension because it brings back error to truth, illusion to reality. Once wholeness of mind is restored, there can’t be any gap between heaven and earth. 4-D is the inter-dimension of the atonement. Our real nature does not need any atonement. But our divided mind and will need it.
The manifest signs of 5-D
It is interesting to note that the new science (quantum physics) has itself gone through a quantum jump from 3-D to 5-D. The concepts of quantum field, akashic field, universal matrix, bilocality of atoms, and the new trends are holistic and holographic medicines definitely belong to the 5-D. Consequently, it was inevitable that science would have to integrate the dimension of consciousness in its research parameters. From now on, the observer has to be part of the physical equation, not only as a passive part but as a participatory part.
When Kryon says that our actual chemical immune system cannot even tell if we have cancer or a life-threatening virus, that we have to go to see doctors for test, this says a lot about our 3-D propensity to look for the ennemy outside! We are our own enemy by thinking we are separate from each other. To separate from each other is to separate from oneself. Our complete immune system is not all contained in our 3-D layer DNA. Our quantum DNA has all the resources to cure us but it has to be found in the 5-D area. Which means that it can’t be found unless we change our 3-D vision of reality. Our DNA will answer if we talk with “him”. It will be activated and working if we ask him to. The same goes with God. He won’t come to us unless we invite him . That is what freedom is about.
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Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! And I must be getting brighter because I can really, step by step, understand what you are saying.
Thank you for this blog.