“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis I-1. King James Bible
“AT-FIRST-IN-PRINCIPLE, He-created, Elohim (he caused to be, he brought forth in principle, He-the-Gods, the-Being-of beings), the-selfsameness-of-heavens, and-the-selfsameness-of-earth” Genesis I-1, cabalistically translated by Fabre d’Olivet, La langue hébraïque restituée, La Proue éditeur, Lausanne, 1971
Before the beginning, there is no beginning
The modern version of Genesis I-1 is the Big Bang: “In the beginning, the Big Bang created the heaven and the earth”. But what is a beginning if not an output coming from an input? And what is an input if not a principle? And what is a principle if not what takes the first place (Latin princeps ‘leader, the basic law, that seizes first)?
We must then infer that a beginning as an output always has a principle (as an input) that precedes it. And what comes first cannot have any beginning and if it has no beginning, it has no end.
So what happened immediately before the beginning, before the Big Output-Bang? That is to ask, what happened in the Principle? The Principle can be represented as an absolute power from which any relative being is constituted. The Principle manifests itself as first when it wants to express itself. It can then be represented by a dot (a generative or seminal dot) which is a pure content. But since an expression is an output, it needs a container, a resistance to its expanding will. This results in the creation of a circle or a sphere that expresses the physical limits of expansion and resistance of any container. At the level of the Principle, the content and the container are one and the same just as being and having are one and the same. Since the content and the container are the same, the limit or the resistance is infinite or, said otherwise, it is simply self-contained.
Between the seminal dot and the circumference, between the content and the container a radius is traced. It is a pulse that unify and separate at the same time the container and the content. It is the link of sameness between the container and the content that creates the pulsating radiation which expresses itself as I AM. This is also the primary definition of Light (and fire in the physical world), Love, Knowledge, and Breath which are the expression of I AM. Light is the recognition of sameness between the Principle and its expression or extension. The sun symbolically represents I AM.
But up to now, there is no Big-Bang yet. We are still in the input phase. The only seeming form of time and space is a compact moment when the musical conductor holds his baton in suspension before giving the start signal to his orchestra.
The universe seen inverted and upside down
It is significant that in the Hebrew version of the Genesis, God is named by a plural Elohym. “-ym” holds for the masculine plural in Hebrew. Eloh or Aleh would be the singular. So He-the-Gods expresses how the Principle, Oneness, God (not as an entity but as One) multiplies Himself in multiple images of Himself (Gods). But these images have to be not only Himself extended but also witnesses to Himself.
These images have to be expelled head first (like the Principle) then reversed in order for them to become witnesses of their Principle. The Big-Bang is the process of expelling those images “outside”. The limit or resistance of the Universe as a container allows the inversion of the expelled images. It might be seen as the response or the echo of the Principle to the Principle in a movement of resistance and return simultaneously. It is an output of light, love, knowledge and breath in an evolutionary movement following an involutional one. To be born is to begin (and to end). And babies are carried head first, upside down in the womb. It is the container, the circumference, the womb, the shell, the cellular membrane as resistance, and limit that allow the inversion, just like in a concave mirror. The result of that inversion is that we have two eyes, two arms, two legs, two brain hemispheres which allow us to be those witnesses and “sames” at the same time as we can live an autonomous physical life.
In the optical process, images from the outside world are perceived upside down and the brain manages to reposition them right side up. But the process of vision, as well as the global process of the brain, is a coordination between 2 opposite movements: one eye looks towards outside and the other one looks towards inside; one eye projects and the other one is the witness of what is projected. The two hemispheres of the brain coordinate the process to create the illusion of reality by matching the two images, the one inside and the one outside. So there is really only Oneness at work even in the extant world.
This is supported by the wave-particle duality of light expressed in the simultaneity of a particle being observed and localized and non-observed and ubiquitous.
Therefore, “In the beginning” means that everything that exists does exist inside and outside. Everything that exists is conditioned by life and is conditioning life. Every germ of life has its envelope, its shell which constitutes its essential resistance to life. If the shell is too soft, the germ cannot become a living creature. If it is too hard, the germ will never be born outside. At the same time, life spouts from the inside and tends to go back to the Principle that inseminated it, leaving the envelope to eventually decay.
The Universe is itself a big container, a resistance that holds the manifested life to the maximum of its capacity.
We could say that without resistance, the Principle could not manifest itself. It is this resistance (gravity, inertia) that allows the outside existence to appear continuous in duration but at the same time, since the Principle has the tendency or propensity to reintegrate its domain, duration is destroying this seeming continuity of existence.
The two aspects of light
Einstein has demonstrated that the speed of light is limited (300, 000 km/sec or 186, 000 miles/sec). How then can light be associated with both heaven and earth if it is limited?
We have said that the Principle cannot manifest itself without a resistance, which is also a container that is necessary to produce forms. The container can be considered a space-time continuum. This space-time continuum is in movement because it is created by an inner vibration, the vibration of the Principle (the radius between the dot and the circumference). Hence, as a resistance and container, it must have a mass, a number, and a movement of limited speed, yet a maximum speed it is capable of. This is the maximum speed of physical life or existence. This is the speed of physical light. It is a measure of the outside existence. It is the light as a photon, a quantum particle, that is a quantified, measured packet of energy.
This light is also related to the principle of entropy of the universe. All the suns of the universe, which are stars, will eventually exhaust their nuclear hydrogen fuel, explode into a super-nova, a neutron star then end as a black hole. This corresponds to the positive root E=mc2 of the second-degree equation
E2=m2 c4+ pc2 for p=0.
Since Einstein established that no object could go faster than the speed of light, he considered that the momentum of an object moving at the speed of light would be null or =0. Hence the equation E2=m2c4 + pc2 is reduced to:
E2=m2c4 + 0•c2=m2c4 + 0=m2c4
and extracting the √ (square root) on both sides of the equation yields:
—>See Blog #30: A Tailored Universe II: Syntropy
But for p≠0, the equation yields a negative square root which expresses the principle of syntropy where physical systems converge instead of diverging, acquire coherence, complexity, and differentiation, where the effects precede the causes and where time can move backward from the future to the past. This is the light as an electromagnetic wave.
It could be said that since the outside existence is always sustained by the inside Principle, this existence in a container can give birth to the Principle who becomes its own son, and this endlessly. This is the invisible Light which contains all the possibilities and ensures infinite extension and growth of the Principle.
The meeting of the selfsameness-of-heavens and the selfsameness-of-earth in the human being is the object of revelation or enlightenment.
Written by Normand Bourque on Aug 16, 2013
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