“God said: Do you believe in fireflies more than you believe in yourself? You see the flashing light of fireflies and you see not your light and the light of others. This light has not been proven to you. Let Me tell you, the light which you are does not have to be proven to you. Proof goes only so far. Actuality is beyond proof. Neither you nor I can be proven. Proof is inconsequential.
In the world, proof changes. Once it was proved that the planet you walk on was flat. Then it was proven it was round.
So I have just proved that proof changes. Your light exists more than proof. Proof is not so wonderful. Light is.” HL 3580
• “Indirect proof of truth is needed in a world made of denial and without direction. You will perceive the need for this if you realize that to deny is the decision not to know.” A CIM 14-1
• “All this explanation, to get to a place of logic for you that will broach a very big issue. Simply stated it is this: When you step into interdimensional physics, and this includes the energy of what you call spirituality, you will find something you didn’t expect: Consciousness…physics with an attitude. The interdimensionality of your galactic center has consciousness. It has to. Anything interdimensional is aligned with creation.” Kryon, The Great Scientific Bias, channeled by Lee Carroll, november 2009.
The old 3-D paradigm of learning
A paradigm can generally be defined as a pattern or model. In linguistics, it is a set of inflectional forms that are used to sort the verbs, the nouns and other parts of speech of a language. For example, the verb “amare” (to love) in Latin is the paradigm or model for the Latin verbs of the first conjugation. In an extended sense, a paradigm is a set of assumptions, concepts, values, and practices that constitutes a way of viewing reality for the group of people that share them.
Let us synthesize those definitions by saying that a dimension, viewed from a human consciousness perspective, is basically a thought. We could say that there is a paradigm or a thought or a set of paradigms or thoughts that defines each dimension (0-D as a dot, 1-D as a line, 2-D as a length and a width hence a surface, 3-D as a length, a width and a height hence a volume, 4-D (time?), 5-D etc.) and pertains only to that particular dimension. Yet any dimension encompasses the preceding ones. The paradigm applies to all aspects of life in that dimension: for our life in 3-D, it comprises the physical, the emotional, the mental, and the spiritual. The paradigm is what defines the dimension.
So we could ask ourselves what could be the core thought of the 3-D paradigm, the core thought of a spatial and temporal universe. It should hold in a single idea that would be the model for all its subsidiary paradigms applicable to all aspects of existence in 3-D.
If we accept that belief precedes and leads to a perception of the world, the 3-D paradigm or thought (and the experience it initiates) could be expressed as the belief that the mind is limited by the body “embodying” space and time and this belief leads directly to the perception that we see the proof of separation everywhere in this 3-D. We will explore succintly some of the subsidiary paradigms that derive from this core paradigm. They won’t be presented in an orderly fashion or divided into categories but exposed together.
The law of gravity as a proof of separation
3-D is the dimension where, by virtue of our free will, we decided to explore the separation of Truth from Love (see Blog #43). Since light is the expression of the indivisible oneness of Love and Truth, we chose to experience light through its loss, that is through darkness which is the realm of fear, attack, anger, and guilt. To confirm ourself in this experience, we needed proof of separation. The Universe responded to that will and created the body as the very proof of this belief in separation. And gravity, as a 3-D physical law, is a directional force or energy that allows to maintain this separation and make it real to our perception. This is a 3-D theorem. We understand through this paradigm that our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual behaviors proceed from this singular belief that our mind is limited by the body because it is separate from the heart. The force of gravity makes all this 3-D scenario real to our senses.
Searching proofs for happiness
In 3-D there is a specific way to search for happiness, logically corresponding to the belief that we are limited by the body. This is the search for elusive happiness which is searching for happiness in what is constantly changing (bodies, emotions, ideas, thoughts). We search for proofs for happiness instead of seeing happiness in itself and by itself. This is because the proof as seeing is always directed outward. And this is a subsidiary 3-D paradigm: we think linearly and outwardly.
We associate happiness linearly and outwardly with these outside forms that shift constantly with time and places. Yet we want happiness to be constant. How can we access constant happiness if we desire the inconstant? The paradox in 3-D (in fact, 3-D is the paradoxical dimension per se) is that happiness can be perceived only through constant vision, not through the inconstancy of changing forms nor through the search for proofs of happiness. But can we acquire constant vision if we live only in a linear and outward 3-D universe?
Linear thinking
Mathematics and physics have desperately tried to reach this constant vision in 3-D through the unitary mathematical equation that would express the totality of the physical world. But the results, despite the spectacular 3-D discoveries and technologies, have been inconsistency, inconstancy, and incompleteness. “In the world, proof changes. Once it was proved that the planet you walk on was flat. Then it was proven it was round.” This is a consequence of linear thinking. For example, concerning the Big Bang, quantum physics has established a timeline for this event or happening: a starting time and a projected ending time. But at the same “time”, quantum physicists try to explain the Big Bang phenomenon as a quantum event. How can a quantum event be described in a timeline since, by definition, it is a potential, a probability that is non-localizable in time and space?
What science looks for are empirical laws. But even if these laws work in 3-D, can we believe they are true or applicable outside the frame of 3-D linear thinking? Are galaxies really rotating according to our 3-D laws of physical motion? Is the center of our galaxy a real black hole that will eventually engulf all the galaxy, putting an end to our universe? What is beyond 3-D is defined by non-linear, different thought patterns, geometries, in brief, paradigms. Quantum physics paradigms do not procede from a linear pattern of thinking!
There are laws of 3-D physics. Science has discovered the laws for 1-D, 2-D (mostly geometrical) and 3-D. But do these laws apply to all the other dimensions? Or, are there more physical laws in superior dimensions that we cannot even conceive of but that are still laws of physics? Physics is more complete than what we can perceive and encompass. It can be multidimensional.
Linear thinking states that there is a beginning and an end to everything. All goes in a straight line, everything moves forward, nothing is ever-changing, everything stays the same. To each cause its effect. 3-D cannot cope with the unexpected. Everything has to fit in a predictability model (Newtonian). What is not predictable is the exception that confirms the rule of predictability. In the 3-D paradigm, consciousness does not really evolve, it rather stays unchanging and sees everything as repeating in a well known traditional pattern.
The law of entropy
Entropy is a 3-D physical law stating that energy in motion dissipates as it acquires distance from its emitting source (the law of inverse square). This subsidiary 3-D paradigm defines general human behavior in what it perceives as giving. Giving is subjected to an entropic accounting operation. Giving is losing. If you have $100 and give away $40, you are left with $60. This is the law of entropy. Energy (which money is) starts from a full energetic potential of 100% and gradually falls eventually to an empty actual of 0%.
Summary of the 3-D paradigm
The 3-D paradigm can be expressed as the desperate search of proof. Yet, the only proof we can make of anything in 3-D is that we are wrong when we think we are separated. We are wrong when we think that our body sets a limit to our mind. We are wrong when we think gravity keeps us to the ground. We are wrong when we think that the mind and the heart must be kept separated in the conduct of life on earth.
“Indirect proof of truth is needed in a world made of denial and without direction. You will perceive the need for this if you realize that to deny is the decision not to know.” ACIM, op. cit.
The fundamental logic of 3-D is effectively indirect proof or proof by negation. This statement is even verifiable in mathematics where there exists no formula to find directly the infinite list of prime numbers (that is numbers that can be divided only by themselves or by 1 like 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17…). We can only use a formula that yields numbers that are divisible by another number, hence asserting that the obtained numbers are not prime numbers.
3-D is the dimension of paradox: we try to prove what we think we are by negating what we really are. So we end up making the proof of what we are not. And this is the real meaning of our experience in the 3-D realm.
Einstein used to say that the solution to a problem can never be found at the same level as the problem itself. Is it to say that the resolution of 3-D enigma resides in 4-D (and over ) paradigms?
The new paradigm of learning
If dimensions exist as thoughts, then we can imagine that there must be an interdimensional reality that holds the dimensions together and gives them their consistency and unity. Gravity and black holes cannot really explain how all the galaxies in the universe move harmoniously in togetherness. Gravity and black holes are linear and dualistic concepts that pertain to 3-D thinking. In quantum physics, the concept of unified field is an attempt to express the idea that the symphonic march of the universe defies the law of entropy, the law of life and death, the law of cause and effect, the law of beginning and end. The Universe has a bias for life, a propensity to consciousness and infinite expansion in creation, joy, love, and sharing. What permeates all the dimensions is that invisible light that glues the fabric of space and time and all that it contains, including us. It is physics “with an attitude“. And what is this invisible light if not the the perfect oneness of Truth and Love?
The Universe is Us
4-D might be a transitional dimension, a bridge, or an interdimension that is meant to teach us that we are not separate, that we are One. It is the new Passage of the Red Sea. This transition between the consciousness of our separateness and the consciousness of our oneness is the restauration, healing, atonement that will allow us to experience the co-creative world of 5-D.
The new paradigm of learning is that only oneness is, that separateness also named multiplicity is but an illusion, a game that looks real, yet only a game. And oneness contains the proof of itself without any need for external confirmation.
” Let Me tell you, the light which you are does not have to be proven to you. Proof goes only so far. Actuality is beyond proof. Neither you nor I can be proven. Proof is inconsequential.
…So I have just proved that proof changes. Your light exists more than proof. Proof is not so wonderful. Light is.”
Entropy is an illusion
Giving is not losing, as the law of entropy stipulates. The paradigmatic shift of giving is expressed by the new (and ever-existing) 5-D law: the one and only way to have and to know that you have is to give. Giving is the proof of having. The only way to receive love is to give it. This does not make sense in 3-D but is perfectly coherent and effective in 5-D.
Time and causality are illusions
In 3-D linear thinking, we are trapped in a single time dimension that goes straightforward: beginning —> end, cause —> effect. But the 3-D law of time and causality makes no longer sense in the paradigm of oneness. How can oneness have any cause and any effect? Causality and time must collapse into what is called instantaneity which is equivalent to eternity.
It is to say that any “event”, even the Big Bang is not “over”: it is still happening. What we call an event is in reality nothing; it is an effect without cause. We use the term event to express something that is always going on, infinitely. The proper name should be eternal creation and expansion in joy.
So, in reality, the only event is our creation in God’s image. It is you, me, us, they as events. But in reality there is no you, I, we, they. There is only I, I AM. And we are I AM eternally and infinitely happening.
Written by Normand Bourque on Sep 14, 2013
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