PERTH, Western Australia
Traversing the mirror
“God said: Your consciousness is utterly powerful and reliable, yet you don’t see it that way. Your consciousness is not a flat line. Your consciousness moves your life, and it moves the world, for through your consciousness, the world and your life in the world appear. In a sense, you are an apparition. Yes, We can call your life on Earth and all its in’s and out’s as an apparition. The soul of you is real. The Real You lives in Heaven wherever your body may stay. You are not your surroundings. You are not your embodiment. You are a soul who communes with me. We commune as One inalterable One. We don’t have up’s and down’s. We have Oneness, and Our Oneness is constant and infallible.” HL 4745
There seem to be as many ways to realize Oneness as there are individuals. Yet, at the same time, there is no time frame, no real path to Oneness as well as there is no distance to Oneness. How could there be any path since there are no dimensions in Oneness? This is to say that the best way to realize, attain, obtain Oneness is to start with Oneness. The same goes for love, happiness, and knowledge. The best way to realize, attain, and obtain love, happiness, and knowledge is to start from love, happiness and knowledge to end up in love, happiness, and knowledge. The logic behind this is that Being, Oneness, Love, and Truth are beyond thoughts. Being having no beginning and no end is inconceivable. It only is.
Yet we can refer to thoughts like infinity, eternity, everythingness, nothingness, vastness, timelessness, spacelessness to anchor our thought process about time and space. We cannot explain time and space by using temporal and spatial references. The solution to a question or a problem cannot be found at the level of the question or the problem itself. In our embodied consciousness, we try to conceive eternity and infinity in terms of time and space conceptual references as well as to conceive Oneness out of conceptual references to multiplicity. We have to review our linear concepts and put them right side up.
So if we anchor our thinking process in the thought of infinity and eternity as our closest approximation to being, how are we to conceive our existence in time and space? Since there are no conceivable opposite concepts in Oneness, how can time and space exist in eternity and infinity if not only as a single, instantaneous, fugitive thought traversing the mind in an infinitesimal instant and already dismissed in the same infinitesimal instant? Time and space are a flash in the pan, an anecdote, a curiosity. After all, time and space are measures of separation which is also inconceivable in Oneness. It is dismissed the instant it is thought of, yet this thought creates virtually. Hence, the universe is virtual reality.
The quantum physicist Max Plank did conceive of a “time” or a “date” when the universe is considered to have appeared as what is called a gravitational singularity. This instant has a measure or duration of the order of 10-43 seconds which is 0.000…1 seconds ( a fraction of a second) with a trailing of 42 zeros between the decimal point and the 1! It is really an infinitesimal instant yet, it must have virtually measurable time content; that is a duration, otherwise, time and space would not be perceptible at all. This is what is meant by a flash in the pan. It is the instant where an infinite thought did localize itself simultaneously in space and time as a gravitational, measurable mass of a singularity. Beyond that time or instant, no laws of classical physics can hold. We hit a wall, called “Planck’s Wall” where measures like pressure, temperature, vibration frequency are so high that space-time takes the shape of an infinite curve. It is the critical point where an electromagnetic wave as a quality is converted into a particle as a quantity. Then it becomes measurable in time (speed) and space (mass and localization) and the mathematical product of time and space is a measure of energy or force (F=ma: force equals mass multiplied by acceleration).
The past as a singularity and a quantity
If the universe can be described by mathematical equations (Fourier’s equations or series), and it certainly does, it is because it is virtual. And it is virtual because the separation of love and truth gave rise to the separation of quality and quantity which is to say that it is the separation of consciousness from its own creation or projection. What is time and space if not the separation of quality and quantity which gives rise to the duality of having all and giving nothing, the duality of doing (working), and being (doing nothing)? What is the past if not this cumulation of unresolved singularities or “quantities” of events deprived and disconnected from the only One quality and tense, that is, the present? What is the meaning of an event, which by essence is always “past” since we fix it in a thought that we call “event” or singularity since in Oneness, nothing but being is ever happening?
Outside of God or One or Being, every singularity is an illusion. One is the only real singularity. It is an anti-gravitational singularity. And since the only time duration that ever existed virtually is 10-43 seconds, we can say that the creation of the universe happened all at once and, at the same time, it is still happening but only as a memory of the past. (To say the memory of the past seems to be a pleonasm but there exists also a memory of the present which is the memory of God or Oneness, the one that we virtually forgot). What appears as matter is just the division and subdivision ad infinitum of this one split second when the mind thought of the idea of separation. Therefore, what we consider life in the relative world is just a perpetual re-enactment of that instant upon which we build scenarios over and over. And our consciousness is still projecting itself on that past or instant of time and space that never really existed, hence creating the illusion of the future and a time-space separation between the past and the future that it perceives as the present.
Yet, the Present (Latin pre- ‘before’ and esse ‘to be’) is not the product of a separation between the past and the future. It does not even belong to this virtual linear continuum of past —> present —> future. It is outside the equation of time because time, as well as space, is only a quantity. It has no intrinsic quality. Quality is the expression of the present. And it is expressed in consciousness through desire. Desire does not belong to time or space. It is separate from time and space. That is why desire creates the movement of life in the relative world. Seemingly, consciousness desires something different from itself in the virtual world, but in the realm of Oneness, it essentially desires itself.
The pineal gland as a bridge between the past and the present
Even if our consciousness is immersed in the illusion of time and space, it is always aware of its eternity and infinity: “Your consciousness is utterly powerful and reliable, yet you don’t see it that way. Your consciousness is not a flat line. Your consciousness moves your life, and it moves the world, for, through your consciousness, the world and your life in the world appear. In a sense, you are an apparition. Yes, We can call your life on Earth and all its in’s and out’s as an apparition.”
Indeed, we hardly see ourself as an apparition! And if we don’t it is because we are virtually separated from the light we radiate ourself. We are seeking the light we radiate like the cat in front of the mirror who is going behind the mirror to meet the other cat it saw in front of the mirror.
And this tricky mirroring phenomenon is going on through the pineal gland. (cf. Blog #46). We think the world we know surrounds our body and its five senses but in reality, this world is just a neuronal image produced by the relational activity of the neurons of our nervous system.
The pineal is the neurological veil that prevents us from seeing our Self in this apparition of our separate self in the word. We think it is somebody else or something else we see.
Everything that has a structure is a virtual reality, an illusion. Moreover, the structure is the illusion itself. A structure is a pattern of relations between constituents. When light structures itself, it creates a gravitational singularity (a nucleus) and a configuration pattern (electrons) that allows composition with other structures or atoms. In the scientifically observed world of photons and atoms, the connection between photons and atoms remains unexplained, yet photons seem to be simultaneously the cause and the effect of atomic structure.
One of the most spectacular structures in the living world is the molecule of chlorophyll in plants. It has the power to convert the light of the sun into absorbable energy. We eat light on eating plants. Only plants have this capability of absorbing and converting light directly into other forms of energy.
Moreover, we have seen that certain plants contain crystalline structure compounds (alkaloids) that have affinities with the crystalline structure of the neurotransmitter serotonin (through its precursor tryptophan) in the pineal gland. It seems that there is a closed circuit of transformation from the sun’s light to its transformation into absorbable energy in the plants and the re-conversion of that energy into the sunlight in the pineal gland. This closed-circuit has the shape of a vertical 8 like a twisted ribbon but this ribbon has only one side (Moebius ribbon).
Interestingly enough, the pineal gland has a unique structure that constitutes simultaneously a barrier and a gateway to the awareness of oneness. The shamans used to say that plants containing alkaloids like LSD, mescaline, and psilocybin were teaching plants, that these plants were intelligent and contained a key that can unlock supreme knowledge. This key unlocks the serotonin receptors that prevent us from traversing the mirror of Our Self. We have talked about that key in the previous blog (#46).
Unlike other components of the brain that function in pairs, the pineal gland (which has the shape of a pine cone, hence its name of pineal) seems singular in the sense that it is by itself a dual and conjugated organ as if its two hemispheres were merged together. It presents the same characteristics as a dipole (a horizontal 8) and creates a measurable electromagnetic field, just like the heart.
It is likely this structure of two hemispheres merged into one that can define the properties of the pineal gland as a mirror that can trick reality and, at the same time, acts as a gateway (with a key and a lock) to this ever being reality. Indeed, the pineal possesses photoreceptors as well as a lens that resembles the crystalline lens and neurons. It is a real electromagnetic mirroring system which controls the apparition and disappearance of the Self and of our personal self.
“In a sense, you are an apparition”
Normally, our eyes do see only what our mind believes in. This is called filtering. By a strange process, our eyes capture two images of the external world upside down before these two images are sent to the brain to be processed. The brain must decode those photonic or light signals or data that come in two 2-D images and encode them anew to produce to the consciousness a right-side-up image in 3-D. But to be “seen” or recognized, our brain needs to have a copy of those images recorded in its neuronal database (memory). Since what is mainly memorized as data in our brain is a filtered reality enclosed in the limited collective human consciousness (3-D), vibrations that are beyond this collective neurological spectrum are ignored or tossed away.
It is not surprising then that the image of what we really are, our real Self, deeply buried in the pineal, is not seen or recognizable by our restrictive consciousness believing in the multiplicity of 3-D. So what appears in front of us is always perceived as other or not me.
Yet, with the proper key, we can reveal our Self to ourself and, in a sense, be a real apparition.
Written by Normand Bourque on Oct 03, 2013
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