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48 God’s Particle 1: A Compact Sphere of Virtual Reality


Open Hand and Particle

God said: You are part of Creation. Created in My Image, you are magnanimous. You are generous and kind, and you herald the angels of My thoughts. What is everything on Earth but the energy of God? What are all those atoms and molecules and the  movement and the Stillness? What is everything and everyone? Where does anything come from but from the Energy of God?

…In the deepest heart of Truth, nothing exists but I, God. So Who can you be but Myself? There are no two ways about it, even though linguistically We speak of Us as Two. I AM God Who talks to Myself. I speak. I do not mutter.” HL 4751

“So what you may refer to as endless space, as in a huge distance if measured in meters or even light years, is actually much, much smaller, at least when you mesure in your forms of length and width. But if you measure it our way, it is actually an immensely compact sphere of “reality” all packed together with very, very little space. But spread out within this sphere is an infinite number of layers” A History of Creation — Part 1 & The Manuscript of Survival – part 362, channeled by Aisha North October 7, 2013,


   What is God’s energy? 

   Energy is as difficult to define as God is.  In fact, it is impossible to define. We use terms like power, capacity, efficiency, vitality, etc. to describe what energy is, yet these terms are abstract for they express a principle which, by definition, is what appears first.  Therefore, it cannot be defined by something else that comes before or accompanies it like words and their origin appearing in a dictionary;  it can only be defined by itself, in itself and for itself.

    Who has ever seen or touched energy? Of course, we can describe and experience the effects of the energy principle as well as we can describe and experience the effects of God principle. But we tend, at the same time, to confuse effects and proofs. Experiencing is not proving and proving is not knowing. In fact, proving is quite the opposite of knowing.

   When we say we feel the energy, we are saying in reality that we already know what the principle of energy is even if we cannot define what it is. The same goes for God. We may feel God because we already know Him without being able to define or explain who or what it is.  But we also intrinsically love energy because loving energy is the only way we can know it. We are recognizing energy and God as if we were recognizing and loving what we are, just like we know and love the sun and its rays. This is the real meaning of abstraction: sameness. In sameness, loving and knowing are One and the Same. God and energy are pure abstractions because they cannot be defined by anything else than by the fact that they ARE. Reality is pure abstraction. What we call “concrete”, which is a usual synonym of real, is, paradoxically, purely theoretical if not rhetorical!

   But our mind seems to contradict this feeling of connectivity with energy and God. So instead of knowing that we are energy, that we are same as energy and same as God, we think that we have or have not energy, that we are different from God, that we see and speak differently from God.  We have the feeling that something is separating us from energy, from the stars, from God, that time and space are a barrier that keeps energy and God on the other side of this barrier. This something that seems to separate us from ourself is our observing eye and our observing ear which tells us that we don’t seem to be part of what we see and what we hear.

   So we wonder what the relationship between God and Energy is.  On earth, we certainly separate God from the energy of petrol, the black gold. Energy, to express it the simplest way possible,  is the will or desire of God or Consciousness to create. In Himself, God, as simply Being, is a perpetual creation. There is no beginning and no end to Being.  It is pure stillness and pure dynamic at the same time. So it is pure consciousness. Stillness, pure dynamic, and consciousness are three in One. They create each other perpetually. This trinity of consciousness, stillness, and dynamic is a potential, a potential of all the possibilities in a state of power of being. We could call this trinity darkness, but it is not the darkness of absence of light, but a darkness of totality of light, of all potential presences. We could also call this trinity silence  but it is not the silence of absence of sound, but a silence of totality of sound, of all potential presences. This kind of darkness is light beyond light or invisible and continuous light. This kind of silence is the Verb beyond sound and speech. The relationship between God and energy could be expressed as the relation between the Verb and the Light.

   When God had the idea—which is a will or desire with a sketch of a form or hologram or DNA — to create anything, which is already a specification of nothing (the state of no-thing preceding the state of any-thing then some-thing), it is like if He lit a match in the darkness and continuity of nothing.  It is also like if He pronounced His Name out of the silence. This sparkle or dot of light in the infinite darkness as well as this reverberation of the Verb (echo) in the eternal silence is the first step in the act of creation. It is the first separation that creates the virtual principle of distance, simultaneously as time and space. Consider that creation has no meaning by itself. It has to be observed, known, witnessed, loved, enacted, and reintegrated into the consciousness of the creator. But since there is only One, the creator, the observer, the observed, the witness, and the actor are one and the same. “I AM God, Who talks to Myself. I speak. I do not mutter.” Therefore, we can express the principle of energy as the desire of God to experience Himself by being the observer, the observed, the witness, and the actor of Himself. Desire or will is the power of creation. In its broader sense, energy could be expressed as the soul, the breathing light, the image of God multiplying Himself into a multiple Self.


   Energy and mass

   Since energy appears with the will of a consciousness to create, and that Being precedes creation — being is the primordial Self-creation — we could say that consciousness is the prerequisite to creation. If it seems to emerge from creation, it is because it was already there before creation itself.  In that sense, the process of creation implies a duality or separation between the creator (consciousness) and the created (energy), although they are coming from sameness.  If creation is not observed, it cannot be or exist as a creation. This fact is expressed in the one-sided Moebius ring or ribbon. It has also been discovered and interpreted by quantum physicists according to their own framework. It is also expressed in the physical principle of tension defined as a force tending to stretch or elongate something. In a sense, energy is the act of separation itself or the act of stretching that makes observation possible. This tension or stretching automatically generates light and sound (in the form of breath) which act simultaneously as the separating factor creating the observer distant from the object observed and as the reunifying factor by reestablishing the sameness (recognition) between the observed and the creator observer. Hence, light and sound are the dual expression of the energy principle. That is why light and sound (as breath) are vibrations, pulsations. It is the pulsation, in a sinusoidal and spiral movement, resulting from that stretching or tension, separating and uniting at the same time the observer and the observed, the creator and the created.

   If we acknowledge that consciousness and energy (light and sound) are the two primordial complementary principles of a Creator creating Himself, observing Himself (loving and knowing Himself) into a multiplicity of breathing images of Himself, we must infer that mass, as a measure of matter, defined through inertia and gravity, IS energy, tension taking the form of light and sound (breath).  But how can mass take the appearance of opacity, darkness, inertia, resistivity if its basic nature is light and sound? In other terms, how can anything become something in particular?

   Einstein’s celebrated equation E=mc2 says that we can theoretically convert any mass into energy by accelerating it at the square of the speed of light. Oppenheimer has applied that equation to produce a nuclear chain reaction through acceleration in the making of the first atomic bomb. The explosion of a bomb manifests the duality of its essential energetic components: light and sound (detonation). But up to now,  this equation seems to have worked only unidirectionally: that is converting mass into energy (bombs, electricity, etc.) but not converting energy into mass. But there are surely some experiments going on in quantum physic laboratories to make this conversion.

   It is still a fundamental question in particle physics how mass is created. Quantum physics cannot explain gravity in terms of its general framework of the behavior of particles. It is still an unsolved mystery about how particles can acquire mass. We know that atoms have a mass, that many particles have a mass, but those very sub-atomic particles (bosons, hadrons, gluons) that constitute those particles that have a mass (like quarks) don’t have a mass. The photon, which is the most fundamental particle doesn’t have a mass. So how can massless particles give mass to other particles?


 The Higg’s particle or God particle

   The Higgs boson or Higgs particle (google it to learn more about it) is an elementary particle that was imagined to exist (that had to exist according to predictive quantum theory but that was not yet observed for reasons like lack of proper instrumentation at the time or rarity of the phenomenon, etc.) in 1964 and that was tentatively confirmed to exist on March 13, 2013. This particle would theoretically be responsible for the mass property of matter. This particle, named Higgs boson is supposed to give mass to matter, so to other particles.

   Almost by irony, this particle was named “God particle” because by giving mass to matter, it sort of “created” matter, so created the physical universe we know. Was it a God particle or the particle replacing God as the creator of our known universe?

   Without mass, there would be no gravity, no objects, no universe. Everything in space has a mass (even air). I have a mass, the chair as a mass, you have a mass, the air we breathe has a mass. By definition, in quantum theory, all particles should be without mass because they don’t have volume (Higgs’s discovery). So they appear to be empty. They can be everywhere at the same time. They are traveling freely as a bird. They acquire space/time location only if they are observed.

   Would a massless particle like Higgs boson, giving mass to other particles and hence creating matter, be this converter of energy into matter, making it possible to read Einstein’s equation in both directions?

   The problem with the search of an elusive particle that would be the cause of matter, without the intervention of a creative consciousness,  is just an extension of the linear 3-D scientific myth that reality creates realities whilst Reality with a big R, which is Being and One, can only BE what it is, hence all creative enactment of this Being wanting to observe Himself through multiple Self is a pure and joyous fantasy or illusion. There cannot be two in Oneness.

   The other myth in the scientific search of the ultimate massless particle that gives mass to other particles is that a sole physical particle can be the cause of multiplicity, that can be realized only by the acquisition of mass. Yet quantum particles are all entangled, they work by pairs, as a duo. It is like if and only if one of the paired particle is observed, it acquires space-time properties, it starts to be something. Hence it acquires mass. Yet, at the same time, what is happening with the other particle of the pair, the one that is everywhere or nowhere in particular and still working as a duo with the one that started to be something?


What is space if there is only One?

   It is space and time that allows us as observers to perceive a mass with a shape and other physical attributes. Space and time seem to form the house, the container of mass.

   But, despite its appearance, space is not only out there, separate from our observer eye. We are space as well as we are in space. We are time as well as we are in time. If mass is energy, so it must be space. We perceive space as a measurable quantity that we call distance but we previously stated that energy is the necessary separation, the stretching, the tension between the creator and his creation, the separation that enables the creator to observe his creation, hence to make it look real and enjoy the scenario.

   Yet, as such, energy occupies no space at all. Even if God created a very spacious and timely universe, God Himself doesn’t occupy any space at all. Yet, in order for forms to be observed and perceived, space and time are needed to allow those forms to deploy and perform themselves. But what should be the minimum size of space and time to allow this deployment?

   We have already seen in Blog #47 that the real length or duration of time in eternity could be expressed by “Planck’s Wall” which is 10-43  seconds. The Universe was over after that instant. It is the only conceivable, yet virtual, duration. The rest is just infinite, infinitesimal subdivision of that instant that can goes endlessly. Now, we would logically ask what can be the minimum size of space that would complement the minimum size of time. Unfortunately, nobody has conclusively succeeded in calculating this infinitesimal measure of space.

   With or without the knowledge of the “Wall of space”, we can conceive space and time together as a very, very compact sphere of virtual reality. Is not the first sparkle of light as tiny as we can imagine it? How big or loud has a sound to be to exist as a sound? Measure is no longer the issue. Desire or will to create is the only issue. That is where lies the principle behind space and time. Moreover, there is only one space, and there is only one time, as virtual as they can be. And they can be subdivided ad infinitum. But spread out within that sphere there is an infinite number of configurations of the energy of separation or tension.

   And if we consider mass housed in time and space as energy, we would dare to propose the idea that since light and sound (Verb, breath) express the duality of energy of creation, it is the entanglement of light and sound that produces mass, hence matter.

    To be continued…


Written by Normand Bourque on Oct 11, 2013



  1. I can only say Wow! I cannot say I understand what you are saying, yet I feel something so good reading what you have written here that I believe a level of myself does understand. I can say that because reading what you wrote felt a little bit like the process of Godwriting. I don’t really comprehend what God is saying yet I love being there with the words and the mystery and exhilaration I feel. There is some sense of completion and taking a breath that tells me I do understand. I simply cannot get over the depth of your writing.

    • Normand Bourque Normand Bourque

      I can say myself that I don’t understand all that is written through me. Unexpected associations happen and sometimes I would censor myself because I don’t know (and cannot prove) if it really makes sense (certainly not to the linear logic) but something more powerful than I tells me to write it down and publish it.

      Sometimes I feel I am digging and finding coarse precious stones that will eventually be crafted in something beautiful. After all, reality comes from an act of imagination.

      Gloria, you are a great source of inspiration to me in the spontaneity and transparency of your comments.

    • Normand Bourque Normand Bourque

      It must be. It is beyond words and beyond me. It must be Peace.

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