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49 God’s Particle 2: The Observing Eye

Gravitational Lensing Effect 
Credit: NASA, ESA and Johan Richard (Caltech, USA) 

God said: YOU ARE WHAT YOU SEE. When you see the sun, you are the sun. When you see the sun, you reflect the sun as it is. You, who are the Sun, are destined to reflect the Sun. The Sun shines brightly, and so must you. You are to be in the full sunshine.
And when you begin to see beauty and innocence and love everywhere, then everyone you come across will also be a reflection of you. As it is, you see yourself everywhere. You paint a picture of yourself everywhere. If you presently paint pictures of imperfection, then you are about to change your style of painting. As you are, so you see. The picture you paint is a self-portrait. As you write, so it is written.” HL 4707 

“For All of Creation is nothing more than an enormous piece of music, all created by separate “notes” put together to play out in dissonance and in consonance, it depends how you look at it. Or rather listen. For WHAT YOU SEE IS REALLY WHAT YOUR HEAR…You see, everything is humming its own tune, it is shaking and dancing to its inner harmonics, and these are what make them visible, both to the eye and to other receptors of vibration.” A History of Creation — Part 4, channeled by Aisha North,


   “You are what you see”

God is a realist. He can confidently say that we are what we see because He is Reality. He has all the knowledge because He is Knowledge. He loves all that He has because He is all that He has. And the magnificent gift He made to Himself is us who are created in His image.

Yet, it remains difficult for us, who are conditioned by our 3-D linear thinking, to conceive that we are what we see. We can’t either expect 3-D physics to give us a scientific explanation of the phenomenon. The main reason is that when we start from consciousness, we are not looking for an explanation but for explicitness which is the deployment of its implicitness. Sameness or Oneness can only be self-explanatory, self-referential but without any tautology or redundancy.

The main reason why we cannot explain scientifically “you are what you see” is our misunderstanding — derived from our misperception — of the principle of mass. It is impossible in the physical world to perceive what we see without the attribute of mass (inertia, gravity) to objects. We expect what we see to have a mass, a singularity, a consistency (even if it is air) otherwise we could not even move in space through the vector of time. Motion itself as propulsion needs some kind of friction or resistance, which implies mass. We also expect ourself, as an observer, to have a mass, a resistance opposing the mass of the object we observe.

So if we are to be what we see, then mass cannot be a “concrete” or real thing. It is a virtual reality, an illusion. By the same token, space (distance,) and time must also be virtual realities, illusions. We can really touch the moon just by stretching our arm and opening our hand. We can reach distant galaxies while comfortably sitting in our chair without having to travel millions of light-years in special spaceships. For God, it is not sci-fi. It is pure, natural, simple Reality.

This is because mass, as well as time and space, are the effect or the result of a structuration, pattern, or configuration of energy particles that are made of vibrations of light and sound. These vibrations of light and sound are differentiated through their specific frequencies. If God’s will to create started with a tiny sparkle of Light that received a sound in the form of a name (a breath, a beat) from His Verb, we could say that a photon of light is an expression of this singular point of light recreating itself into a myriad of images of itself into everything that is possible to exist and harmonizing itself with all these different names (notes) of itself in an endless symphonic quilt. It is each of us in a body, it is a chair, an odor, a comet, a song, etc.

We could also say that energy is like a sort of cloud or field or “soup” made of particles that work in pairs. These particles are entangled. They know each other and can communicate information instantly. They are ready to set combining atoms into motion according to the will of consciousness and initiate the configuration of physical forms, including their apparent singular mass. Note that atoms are already configured in their nucleus, electrons, and frequencies to build, by associations and combinations, different forms, each with the mass attribute.

Even a pair of particles is basically only one particle in its infinite energetic potential aspect (as an electromagnetic wave) of becoming anything or everything and, simultaneously, in its particular, corpuscular, singular aspect of converting its potential everythingness into an actual somethingness” This is the power of creation of consciousness. Consequently, as creators of this photon as well as created by this photon in the sameness of God, we live simultaneously in eternity and time, in infinity and space. That is the nature of our pairing between light and sound, heaven and earth, consciousness and creative energy.

   Mass as the substrate of observation

We have said in the previous blog (#48) that consciousness had to create a tension with the energy of creation in order for the creation to be observed (—> A History of Creation — Part 1: Let us then represent this tension through the image of a suspended bridge like the Golden Gate or the strings of a piano. To create tension, you need two poles, two pillars, two pegs. But in the case of the consciousness willing to create, how can we represent the necessary two poles or pillars? There is no twoness in oneness so if one of the poles or pillars, or pegs is consciousness, the other pole must be energy in the virtual form of mass; that is the resistance of consciousness to energy, the resistance of oneness to itself. Energy is the tension that simultaneously expands and holds together oneness with its multiple projections. It is a real luminous and musical instrument with strings under tension projecting light into forms and giving them breath and heartbeat. Geometry meets music. Tension/energy separates and unites at the same time. This is oneness in motion, creation, and expansion.

Mass must define the limit of space-time as the contour of the sphere of manifestation. It is the second, virtual pole, pillar, or peg allowing tension, hence vibration. This limit is not a physical limit, but an abstract principle of oneness defining the compact sphere of manifestation. It is limitless in expansion yet it is limited in principle by the intrinsic rule of observation in creation.

Space is also a configuration of energy. It follows holographic patterns created by the incessant activity and communication between potential particles. Since energy by itself does not require any space, space is energy that is containing itself in the minimum conceivable size of space and the minimum conceivable size of time. We have defined this minimum space and minimum time in the previous blog.

It follows that mass is the energetic configuration of the compact sphere of virtual reality that incurvates or bends the light to create the volume of that sphere and all that it contains through infinite internal expansion. Light is bent back to its source through the gravitational mass. Infinity must be spherical because there is nothing “outside” infinity or outside oneness.

Gravitational lensing

In the physical world, there exists an analogy between the compact sphere of virtual reality, and the physical phenomenon known as gravitational lensing.

Take a look at the three following complementary pictures:



Gravitational Lensing   Source:

   In Einstein’s general theory of relativity, the presence of mass/matter as energy density can curve space-time resulting in the deflection of light (which shifts to the red sector of the electromagnetic light spectrum because it is decelerated or slowed down by a massive object like a galaxy). Hence “a gravitational lens refers to a distribution of matter (such as a cluster of galaxies) between a distant source (a background galaxy) and an observer that has the capacity of bending (lensing) the light from the source, as it travels towards the observer. This effect is known as gravitational lensing and is one of the predictions of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity” (source: ).

   We won’t go into the technical details of gravitational lensing because our purpose is not a scientific one. But let us retain a few more informations concerning the gravitational lens. The lensing effect of a gravitational lens (a galaxy cluster or a black hole) varies in optical deflection with the distance of the observer from the gravitational lens. The closest to the center, a maximum bending occurs, hence, the furthest to the center, a minimum bending occurs. This means that a gravitational lens does not have a single focus (like an optical lens) but what is called a “focal line” if we assume that the observer, the gravitational lens, and the light source lie in a straight line. With a spherical distortion of space-time, the bent light will appear as a ring (Einstein ring) around the massive object that acts as a lens, or as partial arcs scattered around the lens if the alignment does not lie in a straight line.

   But from the standpoint of consciousness, a total bending of light creating a volume and consequently a space traversed by time is a necessary configuration for the creation of the mass of anything. We are beyond the specifics of light behavior in the presence of massive objects like a cluster of galaxies in our 3-D world. It is a principle governing creation. We could say that mass IS itself a gravitational lens that makes possible the whole phenomenon of observation of creation. Mass is the substrate of the state of the observer as well as of the state of the observed.

 What we observe is a configuration of our own creative energy

   If we are what we see, then we must assume that we are both the creator and the creation of what we create. We are also the observer and the enactor of our creation and the real creation we are observing as well as enacting is ourself. In other words, we are the creation we are observing. This does not mean that we created ourself at the origin but that we have the power to re-create ourself. And the Universe seems to be structured in a way that makes possible this experience of self-observation through the gravitational lens we call mass/matter. Mass is the gravitational lens configuration of energy that allows us to experience ourself under billions of forms that seem different from us. And we are learning how to cooperate with these billions of others which are us in oneness.

   “As we were saying, you are indeed the living, breathing example of this duality, the duality that is needed to create the necessary friction in order to create. For creation is what happens when two different sides collide, and in this case, it is energy and consciousness. And just like the mollusk needs the humble grain of sand to create the pearl, the ghost of consciousness needs to rub against the slightly less intangible form of energy in order to create mass.” (History of Creation — Part 3 op. cit.)

   Energy is the first expression of Oneness and, as such, it contains in its tensional space — which could be represented by a cloud, a field, a sphere, a bowl of soup containing all the possibilities of creation —particles of light and sound waiting to be set in motion by a consciousness conceiving the hologram of a form and giving it life by giving it a name.

   Objects are also configuration of a name energy (sound)

   Every form we perceive (even the forms we don’t perceive) has a name, known or unknown to us. The external attributes of a form are mostly given by holographic light. Light allows us to differentiate or separate forms one from the other. But the name of a form is what unites a singular form to all the other forms. The name is the beating heart and the breath of the form. It is the link that entangles all the forms.

   A name is not only something we have, but also something we are.

   This brings us to a new way of seeing the pairing of particles and their entanglement. What if the real pairing were a particle of light with a particle of sound, the pairing of a light image with a verbal (name) image? So mass must reflect and respond to light and sound vibrations.

   Time can express eternity through music, and space can express infinity through architecture or geometry of forms. It is the spatial geometry of strings that generates the sound and it is the beat or rhythm of time that generates the light in which the forms appear. If we are what we see, we are also what we hear. The first and only one name is love. It has the form of the Sun and of the Son.


Written by Normand Bourque on Oct 14, 2013

Published inGod's/Higg's ParticleSpace, Time, Mass, Light, and Gravity

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