“During my NDE (Near Death Experience), I felt that I could focus on any point in time that I need to access. Because of this, I believe that when someone has a glimpse of what has previously been interpreted as “past lives”, the’re actually accessing parallel or simultaneous existences, because all time exists at once. And because we’re all connected, it’s possible to achieve states of consciousness where glimpses of others’ reality seep through into our present moment, entering our conscousness as though there were memories.” Anita Moorjani, Dying To Be Me, Hay House, Inc. 2012. p.142
“God said: Our Oneness is how everything is simultaneous, instantly occurring even when there is no time to set it in. Oneness is how what occurs to a seeming individual happens to Us all. That is how the least of My children is First. All are First. There is no second.
Universality and eternity mean Oneness.If Oneness is too hard a concept to conceive, then look at Oneness as a team. You see many players on the football field, but yet you grasp that there is only one team. Individual players may be scattered, but the team is whole.
Anything that is not Joy or Love or Now or Truth signals the illusion of separateness.
Separateness does not exist. I cannot remove what is not there. But you can remove it. Whatever veils you from the experience of Oneness, take it off. I will help you. But I cannot do it without you, for We are One.” HL 987 http://www.heavenletters.org/oneness-proclaimed.html
The word caliber usually refers to the diameter of the inside of a tube, of the bore of a firearm, of an artillery shell. By extension, it expresses the degree of worth or the quality of something: for example, a university of high caliber.
But the basic meaning of caliber comes, through French and Italian, from Arabic qalib, mold (in which metals are poured), shoe tree, and Arabic has borrowed it from the Greek kaloupos which literally means a wooden form (kalou) to make shoes (pos means foot).
Hence, to calibrate would mean to give the correct caliber to something, which is to check, adjust, or determine by comparison with a standard (ex.: to calibrate a thermometer).
It is useful to keep in mind that caliber refers basically to a mold, a form used as a standard to fabricate or make something function properly.
What is human recalibration?
With the actual outpouring of intense awareness energy on planet Earth, we certainly often feel de-calibrated, out of balance. Our usual external standards to calibrate our thoughts, our emotions, and our physical activities don’t seem to calibrate us anymore. It seems that the old energetic caliber or mold is too tight, not adapted anymore to the range of our new inner activities.
“Inner activity” might be the keyword to express the actual process of personal and collective recalibration. The old caliber was made to make us functional and efficient in a world of doing and producing (consumer goods). Outside activities require doing. The old caliber was designed according to the pattern of perception that sees the world as outside of ourself and that has to be controlled and recreated or improved. Even the slogan “We are the world” expressed this firm belief in the reality of the world outside and also the belief that not only it could be controlled, but had to be controlled and improved. Belief in the omnipotence of technology is the fleuron of this seemingly perfect technological caliber.
But things are changing, and they are changing fast.
If a complete reversal of the north and south poles of planet Earth is actually going on, this means that we are also experiencing this polar reversal in our calibration standards. The new caliber corresponding to the reversal of the earth’s poles is the one that is making us functional and efficient in a world of being and through a certain “inner inactivity or stillness” contrasting with the outside frantic activity. We are becoming beings of high caliber. This new caliber rests upon the inner knowledge —not the perception — that Creation is already perfect and has to be accepted AS IT IS. It is our interpretation of Creation that needs revision, correction, and undoing. Slowly but surely, our inner life, for which our old standard system of calibration reserves a very small space in the garage, is gradually taking the front seat of our outside life. The old caliber was an external peripheral tool for our calibration; the new caliber is our own inner centrality. Instead of revolving with the winds of the cyclone, we are learning to stand in perfect stillness in its eye. Instead of trying to make things happen in the outside world.
We are making ourselves happening in and to the Universe
In other terms, we are progressively allowing the possibility of revealing our Self to ourself and consequently to the Universe. We are ceasing to think that we are only incidental in this Universe, and we are replacing this thought by the thought that we, that is each and every one of us, are necessary and sufficient, which is the exact opposite of being incidental. No more stress of performance and competition necessary. We are perfect as we are. Hence we become gradually aware that we have always been, that we never ever ceased to be and that we have to reveal it inside out. It is the light arising by itself out of the darkness. Chemistry is recessing to put back alchemy in the front seat; discursive and analytical language is recessing to put back metaphor, analogy, holography, and poetry on the driver seat; fractional mathematics is recessing to put back whole numbers as multiples of the unique number 1. The mathematics of 1. This is the Real World, right side up!
Our thoughts are the lever of the Universe
Using this new caliber means that deep changes start going on in our bodies. Changing our vision from an incidental self to an infinite and eternal Self is bound to change the chemistry of our body. The end of fear and insecurity about the future, the end of the feeling of not being adequate by rediscovering our centrality and perfect stillness must bring changes in both our nervous system and our endocrine system.
The old adrenergic system is gradually recessing in its activity to give more room to the serotonergic system. The adrenergic system, which releases hormones like adrenaline and epinephrine like substances, is used by the body to respond to physical or mental stress, as from fear or injury. Basically, the adrenergic system could be identified as the one that preserves the ego system of defense while the serotonergic system (serotonin and melatonin hormones) could be viewed as the system that allows the expansion of our awareness through the pineal gland (see Blog #46 Are We Time Travelers 2: Quantum pharmacology).
The new caliber is likely to impact our biological clock since this clock is controlled by the serotonin/melatonin cycle going on in the pineal gland. Making the shift from living in the past and according to the past to living exclusively in the Present, the Now, will certainly modify the signals or messages our nervous system sends to our endocrine system. The new medicine is the medicine of thought.
Healing our thought system
Recalibrating our thought system means making the radical shift of acknowledging, accepting, and allowing that everything is always well even if appearances seem to say the opposite. Healing consists of not resisting to life. This means that all incidents in life are effectively “incidental”. If we could put a tag on the new caliber, it could be equanimity. Outside happy or dire events are what is happening at the surface or along the winds of the cyclone. They never affect the eye of the cyclone. Centrality is our real eye and equanimity is its expression.
“It has long been said that attitude is everything. Certainly, your thoughts and emotions rule your life and your conduct in it. Your life is not so much what happens in it as how you meet it. Why be devastated ahead of time? Why be devastated at all?” http://www.heavenletters.org/be-happy-today.html
Isn’t the Sun the perfect expression of equanimity? We were created by equanimity, so equanimity we are.
[To be continued…]
Written by Normand Bourque on Nov 16, 2013
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