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62 “Junk” DNA Revisited

Junk Motherboards/Junk DNA

“DNA cannot be a quantum particle but it has quantum attributes because it has an (electromagnetic) field which affects the spin of quantum structure in atoms. It broadcasts quantum information. And that in itself makes a quantum broadcasting[?] (no words for it yet).

DNA can broadcast a quantum field around its own cellular structure and make the immune system more intelligent, can bring about a conscious marriage between the conscious brain and the innate.” Kryon, The Twelve Layers of DNA, channeled by Lee Carroll.

God said: “Perhaps you feel you must be heard. Why is that? Who must hear you, and why? Perhaps you feel your opinion must count. Who must count it? You are the one who speaks to yourself. And you are the one to honor yourself. Your opinion must count with you.”HL 935 

God said: You are the star of this performance on Earth, and you are stellar. There is a saying that you can’t have one foot in two boats, yet that is the Reality of you. You have one foot in Heaven, and one foot on Earth. You can’t quite get a handle on this. It may be too big a stretch for you, that which is no stretch at all. Simultaneously, you lead two lives, one you are very conscious of, and one you are less aware of yet nevertheless under its spell. Even you who may soak in muddy water on Earth, you are pristine in Heaven. Even in the soil of Earth, you are discovering the Heaven sphere which you never left. You are soul, and there is nothing you can do about that but accept it and honor being a God-given soul on Earth.” HL 4528  


   Recycling junk DNA

It is part of traditional geneticists’ beliefs that our DNA is a purely material or physical structure as it is part of traditional neurologists’ beliefs that consciousness is an epiphenomenon of the material electrochemical activity of the brain through its neural network. Chromosomes, genes are materially composed of well-identified sugar-based molecules, the nucleobases. These nucleobases constitute more complex molecules, the nucleotides, that are the basic building blocks of DNA and its messenger RNA. Nucleobases have the ability to form base-pairs and to stack upon one another and this property leads directly to the helical structure of DNA and RNA.

It is also part of traditional geneticists’ beliefs that even if the main task of DNA is to encode proteins, only between 2%-10% of our DNA is actually encoding proteins, the remaining 98%-90%  being waste material and ironically called ‘junk DNA’ or graveyard of virus DNA. 

However, we are starting to discover that not only it is impossible to think that nature keeps unused material in such a big proportion, but that protein-encoding is only a small part of the job that DNA accomplishes. The 90%-98% of non-encoding “junk” genes, which are also called super-genes, constitute a biological and quantum computer that “talks” not only to the encoding-gene pool (2%-10%) of the individual organism (individual or personal computer) but to the 90%-98% of non-encoding gene pool of all the other organisms (other computers) through a networked intelligent DNA, a sort of bio-electromagnetic Internet. The classical example of this is an ant colony. Ants work and build according to a plan that only the queen ant possesses in its genes. Even if the queen ant is removed from the colony and put at a distance, the colony will still receive the necessary information to do its construction work without any time delay through physical distances and obstacles. But if the queen is killed, the colony no longer knows what to do. This bio-Internet is called hypercommunication. Aren’t we also planless when we lose Internet?

In his book “The Twelve Layers of DNA”, Lee Carrol, channeling Kryon, reveals that DNA is a multidimensional structure that possesses quantum attributes, that “can broadcast a quantum field around its own cellular structure and make the immune system more intelligent, can bring about a conscious marriage between the conscious brain and the innate“,  also that DNA responds to human language. Gregg Braden, in his book “The God Code”, uses the Kabbalistic approach to reveal God’s signature (the Tetragrammaton YHWH [Yahweh] encrypted into the four basic chemical elements composing DNA (H-O-N-C: hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon). God Himself in a Heavenletter™ says: “Your heart is My heart. My heart is enclosed in yours, and yours is enclosed in Mine. By the same token, My DNA fills your cells. Feel My love entering every cell of your body.” [See blogs #31-35]

In the same vein, an innovative research team in Russia led by the biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev (Peter Gariaiev) theoretically and experimentally reprogrammed human DNA by TALKING to it using frequencies of words of human languages instead of “cutting and pasting” genes (risky business) or using the chemical language and approach (equally risky business) to cure genetically related diseases (regenerating sick pancreatic cells for example). For that purpose,  Gariaiev congregated a team of geneticists and linguists. If DNA responds to human language(s), then its structure is analogous to the structure of spoken languages. Since the genetic code is a language that functions according to syntactic and grammatical rules in a global framework of semiotics and semantics, just like human languages, it can be read, according to Gariaiev, as a symbolic structure: “The gene-code of one individual could be deciphered like a lexicon. From this deciphering, more accurate algorithms could be composed and used to reprogram sick cells.” For such a method to work, the so-called non-programming portion of DNA is approached in its wave/field form. So it received the name of Wave Genetics. []


   Quantum attributes of DNA as a biocomputer

The computer analogy is as useful as the linguistic analogy to discuss the structure and function of DNA in both its so-called protein-encoding part and its not-so-encoding part.

Let’s consider the protein-encoding program of DNA an application program (app) like a word processor, a database system or an imaging system (probably it is all of these at the same time). The DNA app(s) or software contain(s) the instructions to maintain the organism through the synthesis of proteins. This is to say that this biological software creates the space-time grid or matrix of the bio-system. However, even before the development of an embryo, there is a need for instructions on how to design the body of the bio-organism. —It is known that the genes of a human, a fly, a worm or a plant are almost indistinguishable. Yet there are enormous differences  between different organisms of different species. —  This system of “fractal” geometrical design instructions to design an individual of a specific species could be called the Operating System of the bio-computer (like MS-DOS/Windows, MacOS, Linux, Unix, etc.). An operating system (OS) is a collection of programs (instructions) that manage the computer hardware and provide services to the apps. The operating system itself as well as the application programs cannot exist without a computer hardware, a motherboard made of semi-conductors and memory chips. Because the main hardware functions are input and output functions as well as memory allocation, we have to identify the nature of the biocomputer’s hardware.

We could assume that the DNA application programs occupy the 2%-10% of the chromosomal activity. The operating system and the “hardware” occupy the remaining 90%-98%. And we have said that this portion of DNA has quantum attributes in a electromagnetic wave/field form.

   A bio-memory that feeds on light

The German biophysicist Fritz Albert Popp discovered that all living organisms emit bio-photons which are a natural light radiation. They can also capture photon light from the environment. We know that plants can directly transform photonic light into food in the form of sugar through the chlorophyll molecule. Both animals and humans, which function with hemoglobin rather than chlorophyll, have to rely on plants for that energetic transformation of light into sugar.

Fosar and Bludorf ( state that “the electromagnetic energy taken up by the DNA is stored quite
easily inside it, bringing the molecule into oscillation. It is a physical system called a harmonic oscillator. Even if an oscillator with time loses its energy, the DNA’s ability to retain energy is by a multiple higher because of its resonator quality. That means that in DNA, the oscillation losses are unbelievably small.”

Now we are getting closer to identify the nature of the bio-hardware of the DNA computer. Light appears as purely physical energy in the visible spectrum of the electromagnetic continuum. But light is also information and formation which means that it carries design plans, meaning and purpose. DNA as a harmonic oscillator can be a light information storage device (a memory), but also a translator, an emitter and receiver of information and a formative agent (a teacher). It can not only listen and respond to the harmonic oscillations of the human language, but it can also in turn talk to us. It is God’s DNA in our own cells. God speaks to us through our DNA, which is His DNA. DNA is the link between Heaven and Earth. And Heaven and Earth are perpendicular to each other, they are not superposed in horizontal strata.

As a harmonic oscillator DNA is a component of the bio-computer’s hardware. At the same time, it acts as a superconductor, in fact a very unique one, since it can be superconducting at the normal body temperature. In technology, a superconductor is a metallic compound that can conduct electricity without resistance below a certain temperature. Resistance is undesirable in computer hardware because it produces a loss of energy and motion (in the form of heat) flowing through the material. Once set in motion, electrical current will flow forever in a close-circuit loop of a superconducting material. This would approach what we call the perpetual motion. Superconduction is considered a macroscopic quantum phenomenon. But contrarily to the DNA superconductor, a metallic compound superconductor only functions at very low temperatures.

The superconductivity attribute of DNA allows light to be stored not only as physical energy like with the solar collectors, but as a whole with all its informational characteristics. In that sense, it is a living memory.

   DNA molecule as a resonator

If we pair the analogy of DNA with human languages and computers, we are brought to think that DNA is a complete language system integrating the container and the content. It shares all the property of the human speech.

The resonator quality of the human DNA might be… infinite since it is also divine DNA. In physics, resonance is the increase in amplitude of oscillation of an electric or mechanical system exposed to a periodic force whose frequency is equal or very close to the natural frequency of the system that is not tending toward a state of rest.

If we associate hyper-communication with the resonant quality of DNA, we start to understand that human hyper-communication is different from the queen-ant hypercommunication. In ants and in the animal world in general, we talk about group consciousness deprived of individual consciousness. The level of resonance of the non-human DNA is predetermined, pre-programmed. That is why animals “follow” their instincts, that birds can fly incredible distances and come back home. There is a unique collective identity and guiding system or plan for the whole species.

But in the human species, the level of DNA resonance is in a POTENTIAL state governed by the principle of free choice. By experiencing separation, the human species has reached very low levels of resonance as a group consciousness. Has it been a choice or has it been preprogrammed? Anyway, it is a fact that hyper-communication in humans could not rise from a herd consciousness, but from conscious growth from individual separation. That is why we lose our way and we make many detours to come back “home”. But we cannot lose ourselves, no more than the birds. We are inevitably going back from where we never left. It is built into our DNA.

It is often said that the human species as a superior anthropoid was injected extra-terrestrial genetical material (probably from the Pleiadians) which allows us to modulate ourselves our own frequencies and get in tune (or get out of tune) with our DNA resonators.

In fact, what is this periodic force whose frequency is equal or very close to the natural frequency of our genetic system? Isn’t One or God who adjusts His frequency to the level of frequency we are ready to receive, according to our free choice? As a species, we, humans, might be resonating at 30% or so of the frequency at which Masters can resonate in their DNA.

In other words, our natural resonance frequency is God’s frequency Itself! And our DNA is our sixth sense that is leading us gradually to resonate at that  frequency.

Written by Normand Bourque on Mar 05, 2014



  1. Mark Mark

    Ok, phosphorous doesn’t enter into it. I’ve read much of the above from different sources. There is of course dna activation protocols. I’m sure there is no placebo involved. Just intone vowels in a specific order. Ya, some guy just figured all that out.

    I keep hearing about the similarity twixt dna and language. Give us, someone, a specific example (just for once). I was expecting to see mention of 528Hz. Tracking sources for this is difficult yet so many buy into it. Praise god.

  2. Mark Mark

    Do you think you’ll see god after you die? Do you believe in karma? Are you familiar with social engineering?

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