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65 Art, like a seed, creates itself in the artist’s hand

     Antonio Gaudi, LA SAGRADA FAMILIA, Barcelona


God said: “Too often, change is seen as unfortunate. There is much you would keep the same, if you could. Obviously, you cannot. Beneath all the change you see and feel and, perhaps, mourn, there is a rock-solid stability. Oh, yes, the surface may be shaken. The surface may go up and down, and, yet, the surface is not a measure to go by.

This is another way of saying, “Judge not.” You simply don’t know how to measure. You don’t have enough information. In actuality, you have information but none of the reason. Here’s the thing: There is no finality in life. It’s not done yet. It’s never done yet.

You tend to think the ground under you is real. All the while, you are in your real Home.

Heaven is real. Your Being is real. I am real. Even on Earth, whether you see it at the time or not, your life on Earth is like the Sun reflected on a wall.” HL 4895 


    About Creation and Sincerity

To create, which currently means to cause to exist, to bring into being, has, etymologically, the basic meaning of TO GROW. The Indo-European root ker-/kre- is the one that we find in the words create, cereal (from Ceres, the goddess of agriculture, especially the growth of grain), concrete ( to grow by addition and agglomeration of new parts and, by extension, solidity), increase, and sincere (of one same [sin < sem] growth [cere], pure, natural, unadulterated).

It follows, from this comprehensive definition, that what is created, being sincere or of the same growth as the creator, must have an autonomous and free life of its own — which is the essence of a seed, a grain (Ceres) that has the potential to grow by itself —, yet always connected to and inseparable from its creator, by its very sameness with its creator. To be more explicit, creation is the Divine Dichotomy by which something is ADDED (increased) to Oneness without modifying it (1+1=1). Nothing can be added to Oneness, yet Oneness has the potentiality and actuality of GROWING (in experiencing awareness), based on the fact of the sameness of the parts and the whole. Creation is mysterious to us because it is only Self-explanatory yet “natural”, without any need for validation by proof. It is un-scientific or way beyond science.

Another aspect of creation is that the appearance of form or matter as a reality, as something concrete, conglomerated or solid, is this mysterious addition and agglomeration of parts that are the same as the whole (cf. holography and fractals). The addition is realized without alteration of the source. We then understand that matter can only be illusion since there is always only One and the Same. Yet creation can grow and transform itself constantly, eternally: “There is no finality in life. It’s not done yet. It’s never done yet.”

What we mostly do, as 3-D humans who perceive ourselves as physically separate from each other, because no one seems the same as the other, is to invent, that is, to find (in-venire, inventum: to come upon, hence to find) and manipulate what is already created rather than create ex nihilo. Yet, we create and expand life when we pro-create. The seed of life is the ‘pro-‘ that has the power to create life by itself. But none of our inventions are “sincere”, that is, they don’t come from the same growth as ours. They are adulterations of the One and Only Creation — literally, to adulterate is to corrupt sameness by rendering something “other” than what it originally was —, hence they are grammatically incorrect according to the Divine Tetrahedron, and they generate irrecuperable wastes (see previous blog # 64). Airplanes are human inventions or adulterations of birds who are creations of Sameness. Our inventions don’t have the capability to grow and to have an autonomous life. A Boeing 787 cannot grow out from a Boeing 737 and a second floor in your house cannot grow from your one-story house — only a creation has the purpose and capability to procreate. And all inventions need outside maintenance. They come from technology, not from creation. And finally, inventions cannot write their own story.

Creation, which could be associated with the artistic process, comes from a seed of thought, yet it is not created by thought, planning and the use of any kind of tools in its conception. God did not use carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen to conceive us.  Creation is possible only in Sameness. What is not Sameness is illusion, just the opposite of what we currently believe. And since form is the seeming opposite of Sameness, it is an illusion. We are a seed of God’s thought with the inherent capability to grow by ourself once created. At the same time we are God’s experiences of Himself. The creation is a seed that creates itself in the creator’s hand. As a creation, we are of the same growth as our Creator and we have the power to create ourself in our own hands. And this creation of ourself ends up to be a re-creation of God Himself in our own hands. As creations, we can write our own story by enacting it, modifying it and observing it all at the same time. And, in doing so, we are also writing the story of the Universe.

But what does it mean or what does it take “concretely” to be a creator and not only an inventor?

    The search for scientific validation by the proof is the opposite of creation

This is the main resistance or handicap that prevents us from creating.

“A proof is the evidence or argument that compels the mind to accept an assertion as true (The American Heritage Dictionary). Yet, an argument contains an element of debate, and evidence in the physical world is more likely to be an appearance.  What truth, then are we talking about? A truth by convention, by agreement? Truth is not a matter of acceptance of an appearance nor the resolution of a debate. Even if scientific validation of truth rests upon the capability of repeating a positive result in all circumstances and conditions, it stays an extended circumstantial truth until proven to be false (like the sun revolving around the earth). But Truth is not circumstantial and has nothing to do with experience, technological progress, time, or space. Truth does not require validation or proof otherwise it could not be the Truth. Truth IS with or without our acceptance, with or without debate. Truth is Sameness because it is One. And Creation is Truth in growth, in the expansion of Its own awareness. In that sense, a miracle is the simple, natural, pure, unadulterated expression of the Truth of what we are. It is a restoration or re-creation of our Wholeness which is our Sameness. (—> See A Course in Miracles.)

How can Sameness be proven? How can One be proven when there is only One? How can existence be proven? How can a creation be proven? By digital fingerprinting, passport, DNA sample? It is as if the image or reflection of a person is more real than the person itself. The only ID we have is the one that we are.

In fact, the scientific proof consists of attesting, confirming the reality of a form with the help or proof of another form (the id card, the passport, the DNA, the iris…). This is the inherent limitation of scientific thinking. For example, matter is defined by energy [E=mc2], force by mass [F=ma], both through the mediation of acceleration. Voltage is defined by resistance through the mediation of electric current [V=RI]. Yet, matter cannot exist without energy while energy exists without matter (mass). So it is for force and mass, voltage, and resistance. Who is that little bird called speed of light, acceleration, and electric current? It is what brings change in the formal world. But being doesn’t know change. If I was the only one to exist, I wouldn’t need another one to exist in order to confirm, validate, know that I exist. That is the Law of Beingness. Creation comes from Beingness, not from Doingness.

Even if quantum physics has created a breach in the classical thought pattern of Newtonian physics, it has not made its own quantum leap into true Sameness. To make that quantum leap, quantum physicists will have to turn themselves into artists. Most likely, some of them are in the process of this metamorphosis. Then the caterpillar of science will metamorphose into the butterfly of art and creation.

Proof and validation will always be necessary in a 3-D physical world where we believe in the reality of the form, hence in the reality of the body because our body appears to be the proof and the validation that we are, that we have an identity. The artist changes the form and its identity freely because he/she does not believe in the reality of form. The artist believes in the constant transformation of the form. The fundamental law of the physical universe is the divine dichotomic law of change, not the law of stability. A form cannot exist per se as a form for eternity because it could not allow the appearance of other forms. Paradoxically, the only way a form can exist as a form is in its necessary eventual disappearance. Isn’t music the perfect representation of the persistence of form through its disappearance in the silence from where it came and where it returns?

    “You simply don’t know how to measure. You don’t have enough information. In actuality, you have information but NONE OF THE REASON

What are we trying to measure if not what differentiates and validates one form from the other? What are we trying to measure if not degrees of separateness? We only know how to measure binarily so it is automatically impossible, by definition, to find any reason behind information. Information is information, it is neither matter nor energy.  Measure is the base of judgment. What is competition if not a measure that is used to exert judgment?

Let’s remind that the brain just records what the mind wants to experience. The need for validation by proof through measure is a wave pattern of thought that has a specific frequency: the frequency that allows our brain to perceive only differentiated forms in an apparent space-time continuum. This wave pattern of thought is what we call “realism”. This frequency is too low to enable us to perceive the frequency of black (see the two previous blogs #63 and #64) which would allow us to perceive the constant movement of transformation of forms. — It requires the breakdown of serotonin to perceive the frequency of black. — If measurement conveys information, it does not convey the reason behind information.

The reason behind information is Light itself at its highest frequency which is I ∆ AM. We cannot consciously connect to the reason of light and still think of ourselves as separate beings.

Let God do the thinking

This is the only way that we can start creating. Unless we acknowledge, feel, and experience that we are One and the Same,we will remain inventors.

Once we really let God do the thinking for us, we have in our hands a seed of creation. We don’t need any proof or validation, we simply know that it is so. And so it is…

“Life on Earth is not a science, beloved. It is an art, and you are becoming an artist of life. This is wonderful.”

Written by Normand Bourque on Apr 12, 2014



  1. Lines that stood out for me remarkably in this blog:

    Measure is the base of judgment. What is competition if not a measure that is used to exert judgment?

    Who is that little bird called speed of light, acceleration and electric current? It is what brings change in the formal world. But being doesn’t know change. If I was the only one to exist, I wouldn’t need another one to exist in order to confirm, validate, know that I exist. That is the Law of Beingness. Creation comes from Beingness, not from Doingness.

    Even if quantum physics has created a breach in the classical thought pattern of Newtonian physics, it has not made its own quantum leap into true Sameness. To make that quantum leap, quantum physicists will have to turn themselves into artists. Most likely, some of them are in the process of this metamorphosis. Then the caterpillar of science will metamorphose into the butterfly of art and creation.

    If I had to choose one line at this moment, I believe I would choose: The caterpillar of science will metamorphose into the butterfly of art and creation.

    By artist, could you mean that scientists will become great poets? In effect, have the great poets of the years been scientists? Do they say it all as they leave gaps that take the reader’s breath away? Will science convey transcendence? Is it possible that this is what science has been doing all along — making our hearts take leaps?

    Are poetry and science married?

    And/or does science simply raise questions, and are the questions basically spiritual? Is science ultimately seeking God? Can science put its finger on God?

    Wow, you raise questions!

    What a blog you write!

    Your blog is profound.

    • Normand Bourque Normand Bourque

      Dear Gloria, you are the one and the only one to supply answers to these questions. What I can say is to repeat what God says — what else can we seriously do outside repeating Him/Her? I paraphrase: all languages (scientific, poetic, litterary, etc.) are ways IN to explore the world of forms (illusions), that is, the world of separation. At the same time, they are our way Out of the world of forms, that is, our return to Oneness. The important right now is to find our way out. The sooner, the better. Words are our prison and our freedom at the same time.

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