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67 Gravity Is a Thought



Projection makes perception. The world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that. But though it is no more than that, it is not less. Therefore, to you it is important. It is the witness to your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition. As a man thinketh, so does he perceive. Therefore, seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world. Perception is a result and not a cause. And that is why order of difficulty in miracles is meaningless. Everything looked upon with vision is healed and holy. Nothing perceived without it means anything. And where there is no meaning, there is chaos.

…The world you see but shows you how much joy you have allowed yourself to see in you, and to accept as yours. And, if this is its meaning, then the power to give it joy must lie within you.” A Course in Miracles, 21: Intro: 1

I believe physics has one basic formula for energy under which all energy arises. Different shapes and volumes of energy, yet energy is energy, and I am calling that Oneness of Energy Love. What can Oneness be but the Energy of Love? Science does not use the word love to explain its theory. I don’t have a theory, you understand. I have love. I AM love, and so are you.” HL


    What is there for us to do else than to correct or heal the sense of separation that is consuming our mind? Our heart never was, never is, and never will be separated nor broken; it simply can’t be because it is Whole, and, as such, it is the indestructible core or nucleus of our being (cf. Blog #66, One Heart, One Vision). It is the mind that is virtually separated and broken and it is the mind that virtually suffers, not the heart, not even the body. The body does not have a mind of its own. It has our mind, at least a part of it, the split part of it. And it is the mind that has to be healed from the idea of separation. Heart, peace, health, joy, freedom, security, wealth, love, and truth don’t need any salvation since they have no opposites to be saved from. They are Whole, Same, and One. But a split mind can create opposites that are produced by its own internal division. So we don’t have to seek for joy, love, truth, freedom because we already are and have all of those within the core of our being. But what is necessary to seek for and learn is what is false, what makes us suffer, what prevents us from being whole, because whole we really are. What salvation does the mind need if not salvation from its own illusion or belief in not being whole?

If the purpose of the body is to respond to our desire to believe in and experience the “reality” of separation it must be that the body itself is part of the illusion of separation. Then we ask: what is the weight of an illusion, and what is the real weight of the body? Ultimately, what is the weight of gravity, what is the weight of the Universe itself? Since the result of an idea is never separated from its source (a fundamental teaching of A Course in Miracles), the idea of separation not only created the body through its seeming attribute of heaviness, weight, gravity, inertia but this idea is also constantly connected to the body. The mind has to identify with the body in order for the body to exist, just like, in quantum physics, light becomes a particle, a photon only when it is conceived then observed. And what makes the body sick if not the extent to which we make this identification real?


    Is the body a place for the mind to hide itself from the Truth?

The answer is unequivocally YES. Since separation can’t be real, it has to be a GAME. Therefore, separation is just a game that consists of hiding the Truth in order to uncover It, or in forgetting the Truth in order to remember It. It consists in replacing a Presence (Omnipresence), namely our Presence, by an absence, our absence from our Self by becoming somebody or something else (an ego or empty self), believing in it and identifying with it. Since separation is impossible in Oneness, how can we separate if not by pretending or simulating separation? And since a game is a game or an illusion, and not the truth, the Truth must be hidden in order for the game to look real. In that sense, the dream is also a game since it disappears by itself when we wake up. 

In order for the body to exist and to be experienced as real, all the illusions of the mind(s) have to be connected and networked through a pseudo-coherence of laws, might they be physical, psychological, or else (I (Me) ≠ you). This pseudo-coherence is possible as long as the mind constantly identifies itself with the body. Truth is also totally connected and networked within Itself with the real coherence of Oneness (I ∆ AM < = > You). But there is no way that Truth and illusion can be connected together, no more than ego can be connected to I ∆ am < = > You.  Hence there is no way that energy and matter, as opposites, can be really connected together if we accept that energy is pure spirit (love) and that matter is illusion. It is a mistake of the mind. This is where the idea of separation or negation (non-sharing) lies. It is a no-man’s-land, a gap, an eclipse, an absence, a virtual black hole in wholeness.

But the whole game for the mind consists in trying to protect the body by hiding from itself this connection it has with the body (being its producer or creator). In the necessity for the mind to identify with the body in order to produce it and constantly maintain it as an identity, it is through this concealment of that connection that the mind, as ego, keeps its identity from the “attack” of the Truth, hence its constant fear and guilt. The mind literally hides itself from the Truth in the body so it can resist Truth by affirming the reality of the form (ego). So the mind seems to heal its guilt of separation by projecting causality and responsibility outside of itself. The mind then forgets that it is a creator and it becomes simply a perceiver or an observer. It becomes its own victim. It believes it is caused rather than causes.

How then does the mind proceed to conceal the Truth or hide from It in the body? If Truth as the Self is Whole, it is infinite and eternal, hence it is nowhere in space nor in time. It is all-encompassing. Then the mind-in-a-body simply has to manage to be some-where, some-time at the exclusion of another-where and another-time, and also at the exclusion of being everywhere at all times. The mind puts the Truth/the Self somewhere where it is not itself. It creates duality as a hiding space and a hiding time. Space-time is the perfect hiding place to play the game of separation. But how can the mind, by becoming something else, hide itself in space-time, in a body, if not by existing in a specific location in space and time?

    What defines a place or location: space-time and gravity

Since there is no location or position in Oneness, location, or position must be expressed as an idea from the mind and this expressed idea produced gravity in the space-time continuum or matrix. A body of something is basically defined by its gravity (mass) to which other attributes are added.

What defines a place, a location, a position? Of course, it is, in the very first “place”, the idea of separation from other places, locations, positions. Einstein predicted in the General Theory of Relativity, and his prediction was proven by observation, that gravity bends light. But, interestingly enough, Einstein did not consider gravity as a force that attracts or pulls on objects. Rather, it is a curvature of space-time caused by the presence of a nearby body (see illustration in the header of this blog). The idea is that when an object passes by and moves beyond a heavy body, it seems to be pulled towards the heavy body, but in reality, the object is actually moving along a curve in the space-time matrix, created by the gravitational distortion (warping) of the heavy body in the space-time matrix. The red shift of light is one of the most famously known effect of relativity and it teaches us that the decrease in energy of a photon traveling the curved space (expressed by the red shift) is only a seeming effect of this curved trajectory of the photon.

But despite his great insight on the space-time curvature as an explanation of the phenomenon of gravity (location), Einstein could not fulfill his intellectual need to unify the four fundamental forces of the Universe (strong intra-atomic interaction, electromagnetic interaction between charged particles, weak interaction for some forms of radioactivity, and the long-range gravitational interaction acting on all particles [graviton]) in a single unifying mathematical equation. He said in his Nobel lecture in 1923: “The intellect seeking after an integrated theory cannot rest content with the assumption that there exist two distinct fields [electromagnetism and gravity] totally independent of each other by their nature”. But Einstein spent the last 30 years of his life searching for a way to combine gravity and electromagnetism into a single, mathematical unitary equation but his attempt was fruitless.

On the other end, according to Einstein, there were some apparent paradoxes in quantum mechanics that needed to be resolved if it could be used to unify electromagnetism and gravity. But basically quantum mechanics is mostly preoccupied with non-gravitational forces and its formalism is not Einstein’s classical physics framework but rather the formalism of mathematical probabilities. Most of the attempts in quantum physics to integrate gravity with electromagnetism are highly speculative in that respect (string theories, loop quantum gravity, etc.)

Any attempt from the mind to unify opposites, as long as they are seen as opposites, is bound to fail because opposites are just the projections of the mind’s own division. And the reason is very simple if we start from Oneness. We cannot “unify” what is already whole and in wholeness, there is no division, hence no opposites. Reality as Wholeness does not need our cooperation to be what it is. Reality can only be seen,  acknowledged, and accepted. It can’t be analyzed, only loved. What we cannot SEE, we can only judge, that is, evaluate, measure, compare, hierarchize in the dualistic framework of opposites. If we don’t start from Oneness, we can only perceive and perception is not a fact, it is simply a choice of the split mind to believe in whatever it wants to believe and project.

When we said that the mind tries to conceal from itself its constant connection with the body, its attempt is to find what it is looking for: forms on which it builds the security of the body through the power (energy) of possession or attachment and its opposite, rejection or attack. But this is possible only because the mind decided to overlook what it had to overlook in order to play its game: the Truth. The mind is always conflicting between the certainty that Vision can bring (the sane and healthy part of the mind, the Undivided Mind holding the Vision of the Heart) and the seeming certainties that its judgments, evaluations, or measures bring (namely the certainties of science and religions). That is where the problem resides and also where the corrective learning called healing must be applied.

Let’s apply this concealment principle in considering the unification of gravity and electromagnetism.

    A linguistic look at the duality of gravity and electromagnetism

It has been said that the curvature or bending effect in the space-time continuum or matrix is created by the pres-ence — what is in front of — of a heavy body in a certain location. But what is a presence in a world of bodies? It is a weight, a resistance, defined and expressed by gravity. Resistance is an absence of a presence (I ≠ you). Weight or gravity is the simulation of the only Presence (Omnipresence) in the form of many seeming other presences. Therefore, it is the idea of absence that produces weight or gravity as the counterpart expression of a Presence (there is only One Presence which is Omnipresent). We could go as far as saying that the body through gravity IS the space-time locator and location, the observer and the observed (cf. The Gravitational Lens in Blog # 49 The God Particle 2: the Observing Eye). What is ego if not an absence that simulates the presence of our Self in the disguise of somebody else opposed to anybody else? Gravity is the body’s eyes. The idea of absence (read: absence of the Self) creates the illusion of form through its expression: gravity. Through its 5 senses, the body bends objects in the surrounding space-time matrix to integrate their information into its attempt to create a pseudo-coherent physical individuation. 

Therefore, we can establish the following equation:

          2 [Duality] =     1 [Presence]         +  1 [Absence]

   Form [illusion] =  electromagnetism   +     gravity

Presence can be analogically represented by the ubiquitous nature of light as an electromagnetic phenomenon and absence by gravity (which is light inverting itself or resisting to itself in the form of darkness or void: the graviton).

If gravity is the attraction to the individuality of the body, electromagnetism is what undoes gravity to create the phenomenon of Growth through Change. Gravity and electromagnetism are in a complementary pairing relation just like the nucleotide bases pairing in replicating DNA.

    There is only One Presence, therefore only one absence

If there is only One Reality, there is only one illusion taking the form of many. There is only one ego (appearing in the form of many egos) in the world and its name is universal gravitation. What is the Big Bang if not 1 (One) spectacularly appearing in the separation of Light and Sound as 2, which is the base of all Many, One appearing as somebody else. Yet, since there is nobody out there, out of One, the Big Bang has to be an implosion (a Big Bing), not an explosion. Multiplication is directed inwardly, not outwardly.

And here is how mathematics was born. We will see how it can come only from the internal division of the mind. The only illusion that can possibly exist (=ego) is that there can be more than 1. That is how the number 2 — and all the following numbers resulting from addition —was conceived and projected by the mind. But this is a two-edged sword blade of a 2. How could subtraction be? If something is more than 1 then something else has to be less than 1 (fear of lack and self-preservation instinct). But this is a two-level logic, or the meeting place of One with Many.

Since 1 (One) is All There Is and Nothing There Is, everything that is something must be less than 1 if we take 1 as the Encompassing Totality. It is this game, played by the mind in its dualistic mode,  between -1 and +1, between adding and subtracting, that gave rise to judgment (stock exchange, banking, scientific laws of calculation, physical laws of entropy and negentropy, etc,). —ℑTo JU-DGE, from the Latin ju-dicare, means to pronounce or show the law, which law comes from weighing by measures of + and – according to a reference table —. Even mathematical equations and inequalities are judgments as measures of forms (forms of energy). Bombs are the results of judgments or measures applied to forms of energy: measures of destruction of quantities, usually by subtracting. Note that between +1 and -1 there is 0 (zero) which represents the neutrality and perfect equality of 1 (like a magnet that can polarize in + and -, yet it is neutral in itself). Laws, be there the laws of physics, mathematics, linguistics, biology, cultural or social laws, are all based on judgment since they are based on measures. To measure or to judge is to deny Seeing Reality as a Whole (the Big Picture, the Grand Vision), without any comparisons, any details, any laws. Healing is a miracle accomplished through Vision (because it is an act of Wholeness) while curing and recuperating is a technical operation accomplished through judgment, that is, measurement (an act of separateness). Vision and judgment have each their own internal connectivity system. Yet there is no way that Vision and judgment can be connected together.

Gravity is not a physical force by itself. It is the mind’s own attractive power. And since gravity is defined by an absence of a presence, it is the projected image of a sense of missing our Wholeness with 1 (One, God). Of course, the sense of missing, concealed from the split mind, is directed outwardly. And the way for the ego to fulfill this sense of missing is to deny and measure pluses and minuses, that is, to judge.

Would we be surprised to learn that the words gravity, gravitation, grievance, grave (adjective), baryon (heavy particle in strong interactions), isobar, bariton share the same Indo-European root (gwere) which signifies “heavy”? They all express a measure. There is no existing measuring unit for joy and health (a blood pressure of 120/80 is not necessarily expressing health nor all other health indicators combined). But there are degrees of graveness (heaviness) in illnesses, accidents, upsets, poverty, depression, mental disorders, metabolism, etc.  Isn’t grievance an expression of the measure of lack, of missing a quantity of something? Gravity cannot be expressed in terms of quality, but only in terms of quantity. Isn’t gravity, isn’t the body itself the quantitative graveyard of lack, bad lucks, fear, guilt, misery, pain, death, and of all the opposites that don’t have real qualitative counterparts? How can an absence oppose to a presence?

Gravity is the choice of littleness

It sums up that gravity comes from the strange belief that we are devoid of Power. And of course, an absence (ego) has no power, no more than an illusion. To have power means to be conscious of being the cause. To be helpless is to believe to be caused. The only power that helplessness holds is the one we give it. Sense of limitation also comes from the belief in being caused by something else.

There is no way we cannot feel little if we think we are a body because it is with the body’s eyes that we exert judgment or measurement. Gravity, sense of limitation and grievance are the expression of this sense of littleness. What is the weight of all the forms of the Universe? If One is the measure unit, then the Universe weights the weight of a feather which is about the weight of an illusion!

Our spirit or soul (electromagnetism) seems to be imprisoned in the body (gravity) because our mind has hidden from itself its constant connection with the body. So our spirit seems to be located in our body in this space-time curvature created by this absence from our Self. But in reality, the spirit is never something else or somewhere else in sometime else. It is the mind’s focalization on the gravitational center of the body (which is a complete void) that puts a veil on the spirit’s limitlessness and everywhereness.

It also means that the spirit never really quits the body in the so-called death. With the disappearance of the body following the mind’s disconnection from it, the spirit just finds itself in its natural location which is everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

Gravity is what allows things or events to seem to happen in time and space because nothing can happen in the Present and nothing can happen without interacting forms or objects in a gravitational space-time matrix. And since the body is only the result of the projection by the mind of the idea of separation, death is only the return of the mind to its undivided state where location becomes meaningless. The mind’s connection to the body also becomes meaningless. So the body returns to what it is: meaninglessness, that is, dust.

    Seeing duality as a revolving door

How can gravity exist when the Universe doesn’t have any “bottom”? How can the rubber band between the center of the Universe and the “end” of the Universe stretch and return to its unstretched position?

Instead of striving to reconcile or re-unify what seems like opposites, we are learning to change our mind about duality. Thinking Wholeness is the fast-track lane. But the slow-track lane of science is also valuable. It is only a matter of choice.

Let’s imagine that between the sun and the earth, between light and the body, electromagnetism and gravity, pleasure and pain, good and evil, there is no line of separation, no gap, but a revolving door between them (read).

We constantly travel unconsciously back and forth, at the speed of physical light and beyond, between our localization in the space-time matrix within our gravitational body (ego) and the realm of non-localization, zero gravity of the Spirit or Higher Self (electromagnetism). Let’s recall the 24 white frame/24 black frame cadence per second in the movie strip (cf. Blog #63 Language as our way out as our way in: the black pulse). We constantly and instantly (in the now) bring information or our Presence down from light to our physicality (our absence, our location in space-time) which allows our growth. It is only through the death of the body that we usually understand how we go up to heaven/spirit/no-location/zero-gravity and bring down the information in a new body/location/gravity.

But if we start to think of this revolving door while we are still in our live body, then our mind will release this concealed connection with the body and connect fully to the Source and start SEEING Reality. Seeing Reality is Seeing our Self as the Only Son of One. Now we understand why and how the body cannot see but only perceive plusses and minuses: it cannot see the Only Son/Sun of One but only competing others on a scale of success and failure. It can only supply judgments on reality because it can only perceive duality as the ultimate reality. This is the prison of perception.

    “Certainly, there are matters in life that you desire and matters you hope above all will not happen. You attach plusses and minuses to life, when the story is that there is life. From your perspective, doors open and doors close. A screen door bangs. The wind blows it. Truly, beloveds, the banging of screen doors annoys you. Nevertheless, screen doors banging or death of the body or the slamming of a carved oaken door is simply the closing of a door. What is on the other side of the door is still present, only your view is blocked.”


Written by Normand Bourque on May 14, 2014

Published inQuantum physics and the Algorithm of One[1+1=1]TIMELESSNESS AND SPACELESSNESS


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