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19 The Laws of Illusions III: The Power of Negation


“The universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine.” Sir James Jeans

“Observations not only disturb what is to be measured, they produce it.” Pascual Jordan

“How else can you find joy in a joyous place except by realizing that you are not there.” Gary R. Renard, The Disappearance of the Universe, 198

“You are a piece of the chain of light that is the Universe itself, one that represents the workings of a love source so great that it would astound you in its scope. Therefore, you are indeed part of God.” Kryon, channelled by Lee Carroll

“God said: In Reality, beloveds, there is no distance, not in time or in space. There is Infinity and Eternity which, on Earth, you experience in a time-frame bolstered by science on Earth. All this is scientific and beautiful, yet scientific only so far as it goes on Earth.

…You perceive that you are in a dense world, yet density is the illusion you live in. Density and gravity hold you up on Earth at the same time as they hold you down. Remember, you look from various directions. Of course, I engage with you and the game on Earth when I tell you to keep looking up, for I am everywhere, and directions do not exist in time or in space except as precise measurements in the world of illusion. There is nothing truly to measure Vastness with. What can Vastness be compared to? There is nothing greater than Vastness, and there is nothing less.” HL 4491  


The Quantum Enigma

Quantum theory, mathematically expressed by Shrödinger’s equation, presents a weird worldview. It says that, at the atomic level, which is infinitesimally small, an atom that is not observed by an observer (mainly a person, but it can be an instrument) does not exist anyplace. It is only when an observer is looking to find an atom that an atom can be found someplace. Before the observer looked to see where the atom was, the atom was not a solid object but only what is called a wavefunction, that is a probability or a potentiality. The atom didn’t exist at any particular place and at any particular moment.

It is to say that the observer’s looking projected (more than “created”) that atom at the place the observer found it. This is denying the existence of a physically real world. Anyone will argue that the chair he’s sitting on is real. Quantum physics will answer that only the property of small objects (of atomic dimension) is created by observation and this, not because it does not apply to the size of objects we are familiar with but simply because we don’t have yet the proper instruments to create “real life” objects by simple observation. Yet the quantum enigma applies to the macroscopic world we know. Not yet available technology is required to create an interference experiment at the level of big things.

After all,  a big object is just a collection of atoms. So no matter how big, it is still basically constituted of atoms which are not real objects but simple wavefunctions, probabilities, potentialities. An atom becomes an object only if it is observed, hence “expected” to be somewhere at some time. Therefore the reality of something, of an object, in the relative world,  is defined by a location in time and space expressed through measurements and numbers assembled in complex equations. If it is not located, it is not a real object, only a potentiality. To acquire a location in time and space, an object has to be observed.

There is another quantum principle named “Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle”. Heisenberg stated that “the more accurately you measure an object’s position, the more uncertain you will be about its speed. And vice versa, the more accurately you measure an object’s speed, the more uncertain you will be about its position.” [quoted in: Rosenblum and Kuttner, Quantum Enigma, Oxford University Press, 2006]

Without going any deeper into the complexity of quantum theory, it is interesting to compare the classical Newtonian worldview with the quantum enigma view. With his celebrated equation F=ma (Force=mass x acceleration), Newton seemingly established that the universe was the Great Machine. If we know the position and velocity of a pair of billiard balls, we are able to predict their position and velocity in a distant future, taking into account if the observed objects travel in vacuum or in a space counteracting with friction. What is predictable for a pair of billiard balls, in particular, can be generalized to all the objects in the universe. Hence Newton’s worldview is that there is no place for interpretation in the physical world, nor is there any place for consciousness and free will. The world is purely mechanical. It is governed by mathematical laws. This is still the predominant worldview in traditional science and in the general public with a more matter-oriented than spirit oriented mind.

On the opposite, quantum physics states that if you want to measure accurately an object’s position, the more uncertain you will be about its speed, and vice versa. Of course, this uncertainty principle applies to the infinitesimal world of atoms and particles while Newton’s mechanistic equation applies to macrocosmic objects from billiard balls to planetary systems. Yet quantum laws have been verified to be true universally: simply think that all our electronic devices like transistors, cell phones, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), lasers function on the base of quantum physics laws. Although based on objectively observable phenomena like classical Newtonian physics, the quantum theory states that the act of observing creates what we call a physical reality. It opens the door to interpretation and consciousness. To introduce interpretation in the scientific method is a tremendous breakthrough in science. This is where “The universe begins to look more like a great thought than a great machine” according to Sir James Jeans.

The physical laws as thought patterns

The keyword is of course consciousness. But consciousness is a tricky word. It possesses a dualistic nature. Consciousness is easily bewildered with spirit, soul, the invisible, undefinable, unprovable nature of things.

To be conscious means to be con-scious (“knowing with”) of something. This something must appear to be something different or separate from us being conscious of –even saying we are conscious of ourself means that we make a separation between what we seem to be and what we really are. We are the observer, the conscious subject of an observed thing that is perceived as an object. The object has to be different or unlike the observer otherwise, the observer could not observe or expect to see himself as different from himself just like when facing himself in a plane mirror. Likeness would produce self-referencing just like in a hallucination. It is like the production of colors through a projector. If you want to produce pure blue, you have to eliminate, hide, subtract, negate all the other colors of the light spectrum except the blue (the laser beam is a monochromatic frequency of light, it can be green, blue, orange but only of one color, excluding all the others). If the observed object was like the observer, the observer would not see anything, no more than an environment of pure white light allows us to distinguish or separate any forms.

We can state that duality, contrast, subtraction, limitation, boundary, negation, in general, is essential to make us believe that what we see in the outside world is real. In fact, we tend to define what is real by what is not like us. What seems real is what we negate, what we subtract from the totality, and the unity we are. Hence, it must be a part of us but we will get to that point later. Imagine a concrete language in the relative world that has no negation. It would be an angelic language, not a language to “function” in the gravity-driven world. Yet we should recall that in certain aboriginal languages like among the Hopi Indians in the United States, there are no words to express time: no past, no future, only a discontinuous presents like “he walks” as an accomplished action or fact (actualized) and a gerund “he is walking, he is in the not terminated yet action of walking (a potential not completely actualized). Duality or negation is essential to make separation look real. How could we experience the world as real if it looked unreal, that is without negating, judging, interpreting?

Duality or polarity yes/no, it is/it is not is what makes perception possible. Perception is specific. It has to simultaneously accept something and reject or deny something else to define and recognize a specific object. This pulsation yes/no is analog to what we call a vibration (a sinusoidal wave). It could be the vibration of life perceived in the relative world of mass and energy. Vibration of life can generate the perception process through evaluation, interval, degrees, hierarchies which are basically judgments following the pulsation of the sinusoidal wave of life. Time and space are the positive and negative peeks of that sinusoidal wave or wave function. Hence the alternate of yes/no, warm/cold, life/death, and all the relative degrees along that spectrum. Even if the sinusoidal wave of life is one, indivisible, it can be perceived in an alternating positive and negative phases. It is one but it looks dual. It is everywhere and nowhere, yet it can appear and disappear in time and space somewhere at a certain time, it is born and it dies…It is one but it looks two. Only oneness can create the illusion of twoness.

If consciousness is linked to the perception of separated forms, we could say that the body is the device projected by the mind to experience the world of unlikeness or duality. If, as observers, we want to observe something outside of us, we need a device between our con-sciousness and the “other” thing to be perceived. And that is what our body is used for. It is a device with which our consciousness can perceive something. It is like a projector projecting on a screen (a mirror) what is pre-recorded on a memory substrate: a film, a DVD, etc., which should be found behind the projector, behind our consciousness yet within the mind.

What is interesting about the body is that it expresses the synergy between consciousness, the body, and the perceived outside world. The body is the projector while the brain is the mirror, the screen, and the consciousness, as an observer, seems to be trapped in the body in the projector. Since consciousness seems to be trapped in a body, it must feel separated from something else which can’t be anything but itself that appears behind the projector as the substrate memory (the media).  The complex consciousness-body-brain is what is called the split mind or the separate mind or the virtual mind while the real mind, the mind of truth contains this split mind in a virtual space of itself.

But this is possible only through the process of forgetting the truth of the real, unsplit mind. Amnesia of oneness is essential to believe in the reality of the outside world. Being cut from itself, consciousness does not have other choices than believing in what is projected on the screen. The brain acts like a mirror: it works with the laws of physics, that is measures and numbers related by the equations of optics and all other electromagnetic phenomena. Just like a plain mirror, the brain reflects what is in the mind by projecting it “on the other side of the mirror”, which is the outside world. But, being cut from its real source by negation, separation, it does not remember that there is a memory, a substrate behind the projector that produces this effect called the world outside. Since the mind, through the brain, cannot refer to itself without the risk of going crazy or out of its mind, it cannot believe that what is behind the mirror (in front of the projector) is just a reflection of what is behind the projector, which is the mind that was negated and forgotten. Like the cat in front of the mirror, we explore with the laws of science what is apparently behind the mirror.

This crazy self-reference related to the projected world has been mathematically demonstrated in 1931 by the mathematician Kurt Gödel in his Incompleteness Theorem which states that mathematics relies on postulates that cannot be demonstrated or that are not provable within the formal system of mathematics itself. How can you prove that 1+1=2? This means that when mathematics aims at demonstrating if something is true or false, which is speaking about the ‘truth’ of its equation, it must make a reference to itself. How can you expect science to have a unified theory of the universe if it has to postulate the truth by the truth? Tautology is not part of scientific reasoning. Yet it has to base itself on what it cannot demonstrate while its aim is demonstrating or proving the truth or the falsehood of a mathematical equation. So it must be eternally and desperately incomplete!

If we push the logic of consciousness a little further we could ask ourself the following question: if we were conscious of all the “something”, which would be “everything”, what would happen? It would be equivalent to not being able to see any specific or differentiated or other forms in a pure white light. The universe would disappear. (See those two brilliant works inspired by A Course in Miracles: (1) Gary R. Renard, The Disappearance of the Universe and (2) Alexander Marchand, The Universe is a Dream: The Secret of Existence Revealed) both available on ebooks format.) This is a way of affirming oneness by negating twoness. Two negations equal an affirmation.

The body and the physical world of form, just as the ego, was created by a big NO. A No to oneness, a yes to a created self, a yes to illusion. Since oneness cannot contain any negation, the universe must be an illusion. Quod erat demonstrandum.

The physical laws of the universe must correspond to the laws for projecting illusions of a real, dense, concrete world. These laws are the laws of measures and numbers linked by relations named equations. But in the real and only one world of Oneness 1, a relation does not “equate” or make alike two different things that look different or not alike. The equation E=mc2 never transformed or converted mass (something) into energy (everything), that is converting into God or oneness or into God’s particles which we are made of. Even Einstein’s equation carries the theorem of incompleteness, so is Schrödinger’s equation and all of quantum physics equations. In the real world of oneness, a relation is a thought that links and, at the same time, separate because likeness and unlikeness have to be connected together. The connection can be made only by putting a negative relation, namely a ZERO relation, between what is alike and what is not alike. Unlikeness is another name for distance, separation, negation in time and space. It is what makes differentiation, contrast possible. But pure likeness, as pure white light, completely suppresses the world of forms, thus suppressing time and space. That is why, in quantum physics, an atom or a photon is nowhere until observed. In fact, it is everywhere, in a no-time no space totality and unity. The background electromagnetic zero-field, the source of energy of the universe does not reside in time nor in space. It is a wavefunction, an eternal potential. Energy must be the power of manifestation of oneness through love.



We are all alike (1, one), we just look different (0, zero) from each other through a web or filter of relativity equations or quantum jumps. Everything is created or more adequately ‘fabricated’ by projection which requires something that creates limits or boundaries that separate objects. [This does not apply to God who really Created us in His Image. Our real identity is not an illusion, it is the Truth of God manifested in All-As-One.] The human ear can capture sound frequencies between 20-20,000 hertz. The dog can hear ultra-sounds. What is the spectrum of perception of a bee, a tulip, a piece of quartz, a virus? We are definitely all alike, unlikeness being only a game, a dream. We look from various directions but only one at the time through the judgment -> perception > belief in unlikeness of forms process of the brain. That is the filter, the restriction, the limitation pattern of time and space. Negation is a pattern of thought, the pattern of a split, dualistic mind, the one that projected the visible world. The number 0 discovered by the Arabs gave birth to algebra and infinitesimal calculus. The zero is at the heart of mathematics. It is the mathematical generator of seeming equations of differentiation and integration (differential and integral calculus). But the Universal Law of Truth prevails: 1+0=1. Only One is and nothing else is. How real can be 1/0=∞ and 1/∞=0? Shouldn’t be 1/0=1 and ∞/1=0 like 0/1=0? While zero is the great generator of the equations of forms, it produces nothing real in front of the unit 1, Oneness, the Truth that mathematics wants and need but cannot prove or demonstrate but only postulate. It is the zero of the illusion of incompleteness, on an asymptotic line, ad infinitum. It is the Ouroboros running after its tail.

The quantum enigma is a wonderful key that brings us scientifically back to the portal of oneness. If we cannot look in two directions at the same time (Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle), the behavior of an atom or of a photon that is not observed teaches us that the only way to be everywhere anytime is not to be there at all time or never be nowhere or not there. It is paradoxical but only to the dualistic mind. It is perfectly logical to the One mind. Science can proceed only by negation, with the double negation pretending to be an affirmation or an equation (-y) x(-z)=+yz. But affirmation doesn’t require any negation to be true. A double negation stays a double negation (-y) x(-z)=-yz. It is never a real affirmation that (-y) x(-z)≠+yz. The proof of One is One. It is not proven to be something that is not one, that is something else or not alike. It simply is 1. God’s Theorem is a Theorem of Total Completeness, Total Certainty. It is self-referential yet it is not redundant or tautological. It is expanding as well as always being the same. Interestingly enough, likeness can grow through likeness without repeating or cloning itself. Isn’t music an ever-growing repetition of rhythm (vibrations) and patterns ever-expanding in a magnificent unity-diversity?

Ultimately, interpretation pertains to the world of the 0. It creates the possibility of judging,  measuring, equating, putting degrees, power, hierarchies, square roots, evaluations, intervals. These are all judgments that generate perceptions. In oneness, there is no judgment, no interpretation, no perception, no equations, no laws.Remember, you look from various directions. Of course, I engage with you and the game on Earth when I tell you to keep looking up, for I am everywhere, and directions do not exist in time or in space except as precise measurements in the world of illusion. There is nothing truly to measure Vastness with. What can Vastness be compared to? There is nothing greater than Vastness, and there is nothing less.”

Written by Normand Bourque on

Published inMemory , Negation, and IllusionsMEMORY OF THE PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE


  1. You may have one of the greatest minds of this century. Brilliant in the full sense of shedding great light. You really put 2 and 2 together. I expect that scientific journals would be interested in what you write.

    There is no way I can say I understand what you are saying. What I can say is that you give me the hope — more than a hope — a promise — that I am capable of understand and, therefore, closer to God and my Self.

    Thank you for your blog. You are opening a new world to me.

  2. Normand Bourque Normand Bourque

    Dear Gloria, you DO understand exactly what I am saying and that is why you feel the light of it. You read it exactly as it should be read and it is how it was written. The text is just to be followed, it does the thinking. I am not writing scientifically.

    I am writing metaphorically. You cannot write Oneness without being methaphoric because Oneness is metaphoric to Itself, not logical or scientific. Metaphor is the path to discovery, the road to the Self. Scientific journals would not be interested in that kind of writing.

    A blog allows you this freedom of not having to defend yourself. It is not a philosophical nor a scientific circle.

    • What kind of journal would then be interested? Such a journal must exist. What might it be called?

      I am sure it exists and it is looking for magnificent writing like yours.

      • Start a journal. There was this old journal published at the Thiruvanamali Ashram, where Ramana Maharshi resided, that to this very day is read by seekers the world over. It stopped publication ages ago, but is a treasure to this day. It was called The Mountain Path, a name that rings a deep chord within me.

        The Mountain Path was not mainstream. The writing in it was too powerful to be mainstream. You guys would produce a magnificent journal.

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