“God in His knowledge is not waiting, but His Kingdom is bereft while you wait. All the Sons of God are waiting for your return, just as you are waiting for theirs. Delay does not matter in eternity, but it is tragic in time. You have elected to be in time rather than eternity, and therefore believe you are in time. Yet your election is both free and alterable. You do not belong in time. Your place is only in eternity, where God Himself placed you forever.” ACIM 5-6
“God said: Let’s face it, beloved. You are an amateur in love. Certainly you are not an expert. Perhaps in theory, you know something, yet theory isn’t the same as living. To love, really give love from your heart, relaxes you. It is not tension-building. The attention on time and the occurrence of your heart feeling empty without a loved one is a fantasy play that you direct. ” HL 4569
“God said: There is no who, no what, no where, no when. When Being is All, what else exists? The only thing to do is to BE. Be well, Be-loveds, Be your own dream, which, of course, you are. Fulfill your dream in this dot of Infinity. Fill it to the brim. A tree doesn’t take action. It is. And yet a tree bears fruit. And so do you.” HL 4550
We elected to be in time and space
We often feel that we have been catapulted in a concrete outside world where time and space seem to express their boundaries, their limits, and consequently our boundaries, our limits. Our bodies seem also to be expressions of this space/time tandem of limits.
But is it matter itself that creates this sense of boundary, limit, or is it the sense of boundary or limit that creates the perception of matter? If time and its correlate, space, are expressions of boundaries, limits, our mind is getting more and more confused if it is perceiving real matter or its own sense of limitation.
We have acknowledged that it is more and more difficult to draw a clear distinction between mind and matter. That matter itself might be a projection of the mind. But how could it be so?
If we come from infinity and eternity, which are the pure expression of perfect equality, then our impression of having been catapulted in a world with boundaries must have been provoked by a virtual rupture in this perfect equality. We say “virtual” rupture because equality cannot be disrupted or divided. The virtual division of equality gave rise to inequality. And we could say that it is this inequality that generated this perception of time and space. In mathematics, everything can be smaller or bigger than 1 (1+1=2, +4+(-9)=-5)
We elected inequality when the mind decided to experience the ego. In fact, ego is essentially the experience of inequality. The universe answered our desire to experience inequality by creating boundaries. Because how could it be possible to experience inequality if there were no boundaries, no limits? It is inconceivable. But since inequality itself is an impossibility in Truth, the universe “allowed” the virtual principle of inequality by establishing the principle of dynamic equilibrium. Inequality generates the illusion of concrete forms and change brings back the inequality of forms to the equality of universal unity. Therefore time and space, as expressions of the inequality principle contain at the same time the principle of their annihilation through change. Time and space are nothing by themselves so annihilation is their origin and end.
The whole idea of the ego was to create a limited idea about what we are. A limited idea of what we really are (unlimited) is at the base of inequality and also at the base of equilibrium as a correcting mechanism to restore inherent equality in time and space. We can call the process or function of restoration healing and the return to equality creating. It is the idea of bringing back heaven on earth. Heaven is the restoration of equality on earth. Equality is the synonym of love. Hence, created by equality, we were created by love. If we were to experience inequality, we had to create a limited idea of love, that is a limited idea of what we really are.” The attention on time and the occurrence of your heart feeling empty without a loved one is a fantasy play that you direct .” It is only by forgetting love that we could forget who we are and create a limited idea of what we are. By believing in inequality, we automatically created limitedness. Infinity became space and eternity became time. We can almost reduce time and space to a fabrication of the ego.
The theater of time and space
To a certain extent, space and time are a projection of the ego’s fear of love, which is the fear of what we really are. Inequality is the way of keeping love at a distance, therefore keeping our real identity at a distance. For the ego, maintaining inequality can only be realized through attack and destruction. Time and space are also devices the ego uses to make us wait or delay. Inequality is a resistance to move, to change, which maintains the apparent stability of forms. It is also inertia. Ego can maintain inertia only by converting everything to itself or exclude everything that threatens itself. Holding to the past is the best way to resist change and maintain inertia. Ego itself is a past experience that our mind is re-enacting.
Another aspect of the theater of time and space is doing. It seems that the function of being collapses with the function of doing. In other words, since ego has no being of its own it has to compensate its nothingness by doing. In the relative world, we confuse totally being and doing because there is no possibility of being in inequality. The search for a personal identity is the search for inequality.
Time and space are delay mechanisms that the ego uses to oppose to our return to what we are, that is equal and unlimited beings. Inequality is a delay, a waiting mechanism so it is a time/space device. Since equality is truth, ego has to resist equalization. The belief in the concrete world of matter is ego’s best weapon to make us wait or delay our return to equality. “When Being is All, what else exists? The only thing to do is to BE.”
What are we waiting for?
God is not waiting but we do. “God in His knowledge is not waiting, but His Kingdom is bereft while you wait. All the Sons of God are waiting for your return, just as you are waiting for theirs.” Time cannot be defined, not because it is abstract but because it is an absence. If time was an abstraction, it would exactly correspond to eternity. Since eternity is all, what can time be if not a lack or absence of eternity? Since infinity is all, what can space be if not a lack or absence of infinity? Since light is all, what can darkness be if not a lack or absence of light?
What is the essence of a light wave, a sinusoidal wave, if not a pulsation between a light phase followed by the apparent absence or disappearance of that same light? The complete cycle of a light wave establishes (apparently alternatively but simultaneously in reality) the virtuality of the world of form in its negative phase (where light is eclipsed) and the fundamental unity (formless) in its positive phase, or vice-versa. It is the affirmation of the negation and the negation of the affirmation. Hence light does not have a double nature, that of being a wave function and a “thing” like a corpuscle (a photon). It is indivisible and matter is just an infinitesimal moment when light virtually un-equalizes itself. This is the power of the mind.
Could we conceive time if we were not waiting after something called the beginning and something called the end? Time, in its expression through inequality and waiting, is linear and sequential as well as its correlate, space. Eternity is vertical and simultaneous as well as its correlate infinity. And so is equality.
Written by Normand Bourque on May 09, 2013
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