“Nothing beyond yourself can make you fearful or loving, because nothing is beyond you. Time and eternity are both in your mind, and will conflict until you perceive time solely as a means to regain eternity. You cannot do this as long as you believe that anything happening to you is caused by factors outside yourself. You must learn that time is solely at your disposal, and that nothing in the world can take this responsibility from you. You can violate God’s laws in your imagination, but you cannot escape from them. They were established for your protection and are as inviolate as your safety.” A Course in Miracles, 10-intr. 1
“God said: You want everything to exist all at once. You want what you call past, present, and future, to all be one ball of wax. You want the past, present, and future to all be together now, and yet you have heard that there is only the present. All you can have is a bird in the hand. You have tried to bring the past into the present, and the future into the present, and now I tell you there is only Eternity. Eternity isn’t really time as you know it, beloveds. Eternity is not a long stretched-out rope. Eternity is like a moment. That is how it is experienced. It is an eternal moment…
…There are not even threads to hold the Universe of Being together, although We do speak of weaving. We could more realistically speak of threads of light weaving the Universe, light criss-crossing, even though light is Oneness as you and I, Who are made of light, are Oneness.“ HL 2903
Universe and universes
The word universe↑, formed of uni (one) + versus (turned), means “rotated from a single impulse to” or ” integral, turned (versus) so as to form a whole, a set (unus)”. It literally means that 1 (one) is revolving around Itself to define a whole. What is fascinating in the concept of the universe, from the standpoint of oneness, is that “There are not even threads to hold the Universe of Being together.”
The basic principle behind the idea that there are no threads to hold the universe of being together is that nothing is “outside, or beyond ” oneness, nothing being beyond being. This is equivalent to say that everything resides within the mind and heart of oneness — We assume that in oneness heart and mind are one —. There is no outside circumference to define oneness because oneness, as being, cannot be de-fined, de-limited, that is, be expressed by anything that is (de-)finite, that has an end, like a boundary.
We still tend to represent dualistically the limits of a physical universe by tracing a circle around it or representing it as a sphere. But there is nothing outside or beyond that circumference. The spherical line is just an outside
symbol to represent an unlimited inner space within the mind and heart of oneness. “We could more realistically speak of threads of light weaving the Universe, light crisscrossing, even though light is Oneness as you and I, Who are made of light, are Oneness”.
Those crisscrossing threads of light could be associated with holographic thoughts that have the potential to create or weave different universes. They have the potential to inform these universes and give them their particular forms and particular laws.
The physical universe we live in is probably one kind of universe based on particular or specific threads of thoughts that constitute the basic information of its quantum or akashic field and the weaving canvas as well as the stitches of this physical universe. Since we know little about other universes, parallel universes, multiverses, we will focus on what specific threads of thoughts constitute the basic quantum information as well as the canvas of the physical universe we know.
We could say that the outside world of our known physical universe, including ourselves as individually delimited outside entities, is the result of a decision. Would have there been a physical universe if we hadn’t decided to separate? After all, what is separation if not a decision against our reality? A decision from us to be virtual instead of real. The mind is very powerful and if it had the will to create a separation in unity, it will have to be responded to by the surrounding universe. Oneness took the appearance of a physical universe that seems to be against us according to the will of the mind to experience the seeming reality of being a separate individual.
Time and space might be specific to our known universe
What could be inferred about all universes is that not a single thread of light/life is not connected to all the other threads as a whole( see BLOG #41). There are no dropped stitches in any of the universes. Oneness is the total coherence everywhere. All the universes express the eternal call of oneness, no matter if this call seems to be absent, hidden, unheard, or totally expressed.
In our universe, the decision against our reality is expressed through apparent duality. Duality is not real, yet, since it was our choice, it has to look real. But the reality is that duality is only a conflict in the mind because duality is always overruled by the call of oneness. Duality is the misperception that there is something outside or beyond us. And the laws of our physical universe rest on that seeming duality and accordingly express that illusion of something beyond and against our mind and our will. One term of duality must express the idea of limit, boundary, definition and the other, apparently opposing to the previous one, its negation which, in fact, is not a real negation but the hidden call back to oneness, where it comes from. This is expressed in the dynamic process between the right brain and the left brain. Also such is the apparent double nature of light as a definite particle of matter and as a continuous, infinite electromagnetic wave. Since to separate means to limit, to reduce, to make smaller than the original unity, the universe had to find a way to make the total interconnection of everything look disconnected.
Interconnections are instantaneous, non-localized, and transcend the limits of space and time. Yet, in the physical world, Einstein has demonstrated that nothing, no information can be transmitted within space and time at a speed that exceeds the speed of light. Light is infinite, non-local, yet it can limit itself. It can virtually separate itself, make itself smaller. It can virtually react against itself. This resistance of light to itself is what creates the illusion of time and space. Light, infinite in nature, is also the present, the eternal moment. It is its own space and its own time. And how is it possible to decide against the eternal present if not by reducing ourself, by making ourself smaller, hence by separating ourself, limiting ourself. Since it is not possible to conceal infinity and eternity, the only way to make us look smaller is to hide ourself from the present. That is what space and time are made for: we use them to hide ourself from the present. So time and space are the physical expressions of our decision against the Present of eternity and infinity. And this decision seems to have been successful as an experience because we certainly think that we are smaller than the magnificent unity we are in reality.
Our division of time in the relative world is fallacious. We pretend that time is divided into 3: past, present, and future. But if time and space are a decision against the present, they have to be dualistic: the only times we can “perceive” are the past and the future. The present is not subjected to perception. It pertains to knowledge. So by choosing time, we had to forget the present. The same goes for space. The only space we can perceive is through pairs of opposite: back,/front, left/right, above/below. We cannot perceive the center of space because we are not aware of our centrality: there are no threads to hold our being together. We “assume” that we are in the center of these pairs of opposite but we don’t perceive ourself as the center. Our decision against reality is what allows us to forget that we are the present and the center. Time and space are the devices our mind uses to forget our reality and endorse the virtuality of the physical world.
Since the unifying threads of thoughts in our universe are responding to our decision against reality, those threads did weave on a canvas of time and space. In the physical world, we want things because we need outside things to maintain our physical, emotional, and mental structure. Our desires mostly arise from our physical need to perdure in a time frame. The physical universe is the universe of the body because it is only through the body that the mind can decide against its reality. The mind thus needs to identify with the body and this is only possible through the process of forgetting its reality.
It is amazing how the physical universe responds perfectly to our decision AGAINST our reality. The mechanism of generating illusions is perfect. The body is perfection even in its seeming imperfection. Because, of course, death is an integral part of the perfection of this mechanism.
We fight with time and, at the same time, we want everything from it all at once. We want totality and, at the same time, we decide against totality. We cannot reconcile time and eternity, space, and infinity because they are both in our mind and they conflict with each other. The only way to resolve the conflict is to use time to regain eternity and space to regain infinity. To remember is to put an end to time and space because to remember is to be present, which is beyond time and space but within our mind.
[To be continued…]
Written by Normand Bourque on May 30, 2013
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