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32 God’s DNA II: The 3-D Layer of DNA

Hand inserts a molecule into DNA 

“I was with you at the wind of birth, each one of you. Before you slipped into this planet, before the angels stood around the bed and sang to your mother and the joy of your birth, I was there. 

Right before you came again, I inquired like I always do, “Is this really something you want to do? Look at the potentials, and the hardships, the disease and sorrow of being Human. Do you really want to go back?” 

You looked at me like you always do and said, “Send me in. I can hardly wait to get back and finish what I started.” KRYON, through Lee Carroll, from Kryon Book Twelve: “The Twelve Layers of DNA”.


The convergence of ancient knowledge systems with contemporary genetics is not as advanced as it is with quantum physics. Biology is even just at its first steps in the quantum world.

Biomolecular biology and genetics have not yet integrated the concept of the unified field or quantum field and consequently, they have not integrated the concept of non-locality and simultaneity. For classic genetics, the genetic code remains strictly confined to the individual body and cells. This is particularly obvious in the genetic view of what is called “junk DNA”. If a single molecule of DNA, which is a double-sided helix, a loop, is constituted of over 3 billion chemicals, it “seems” that only 3% of this DNA is used to encode “useful” genes, that is the encoding of the essential proteins for the proper functioning of the human body.

The genes are the blueprint of life. But if only 3% of our DNA is used to produce the genes we need, what are we going to do with the remaining 97%? God says “Sure, your DNA maybe a map, and it has wavy lines and tiny print in it, but it is also a map of something. It is a map of Divinity enclosed in a Human body…” (HL 1108). He also says that within our cellular structure lies the code but the release button lies in our heart. This must sound a bit too much for a traditional geneticist.

DNA must, therefore, be more than a 3-D molecule if it is to contain the image of God that we are and if we want to understand the use of the remaining 97% of it. It must be multidimensional. We then ask ourself where and how we can read this map of what we are, not only physically but also spiritually. But it seems logical to start with the 3-D level of our DNA and its 3% that is no junk.

From the dust of the earth

In his book entitled “The God Code” (Hay House, UK, and Amazon Kindle), controversial enough for the orthodox scientific mind,  Gregg Braden uses the kabbalistic approach to reveal God’s signature [the Tetragrammaton YHWH (Yahweh)] in the 4 basic chemical elements composing the DNA through its nucleotide bases, namely hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O) and carbon (C). He says that “the key to translating the code of DNA into a meaningful language is to apply the discovery that converts elements to letters“. In other words, the translation of the chemical code of DNA’s nucleotides consists of mapping each symbol/letter of the chemical elements H-N-O-C with a corresponding letter/number of the Tetragrammaton Y-H-W-H written in the Hebrew Aleph-Beith. We’ll see further on how he does it.

If we are to find God’s signature (YHWH) in our cells, we have to acknowledge that the human species is not the complete result of only earthly biological evolutionary forces. Yes, our body was formed from the chemical elements of the earth but since we are the only species on earth (1) that walks on two feet by vertical body position, (2) that has liberated its hands and its mouth during locomotion, (3) that has consequently developed a higher forehead giving more room for the neocortex to develop, (4) allowing, with the liberation of the hand and the mouth,  the birth of speech and the fabrication of tools (technology) and (5) the expansion of self-consciousness, then we must ask what force attracted the whole body to stand on two feet, to use its hands and brain to fabricate tools and to turn its eyes toward the sun and the stars and start asking questions about the universe and about itself.

There is a key in the name of Adam. Adam was not an Australopithecus, a Neanderthal man, perhaps not even a Homo erectus. Adam did probably not evolve from the anthropoids as suggested by the actual theories of evolution. It seems that Adam might even have been coexisting with the anthropoids so that the missing link is not to be sought in that direction.

In the Kabbala, the name Adam is formed from the name Adamah which means red soil. The dust from which our body was made was red soil. But the name Adam is also formed from A+Dam that is from א + Dam (דם). Dam means blood. So the scheme Adam means Aleph in the blood. Despiralized, Aleph is YHWH in the blood. God is in our blood. And in Adamah, we can read A+Dam+ H, which means that this soil/blood is impregnated with the (holy) spirit of life.

Now let’s see how Gregg Braden reads the Tetragrammaton in the DNA. We recognize, through the discoveries of quantum physics, that solid matter does not really exist. In alchemy, there are 3, not 4 basic elements: Fire, Air, Water. Earth is not a “pure” element, it is a combination of the 3 basic elements. Naturally, we tend to associate the element air with the chemical element oxygen, water with H20, fire with hydrogen. But Braden explains that air is composed of 21% of oxygen and of 78% of nitrogen (the balance is composed of argon and C02). Water is composed of 14% of hydrogen and 85% of oxygen (the rest is trace minerals). — Even if there are 2 atoms of hydrogen for 1 atom of oxygen in water, the atom of oxygen is far bigger than the atom of hydrogen —. Fire (from the sun) is composed of 71% of hydrogen and 27% of helium.

In his reasoning to map the chemical elements to the Tetragrammaton YHWH, Braden states that :

–       the element air is represented by nitrogen (N) rather than by oxygen

–       the element water is represented by oxygen (0(2)) rather than by hydrogen

–       the element fire is represented by hydrogen (H(2))

Now, to map the chemical elements to the Tetragrammaton YHWH, Braden uses the Periodic Table of Elements (Mendeleev). Of course, in the Periodic Table, the chemical elements are ordered according to their atomic number in increasing numbers. But he does not use the atomic number mapping to establish the correspondence with the Hebrew alphabet. He rather uses the atomic mass of the chemical elements, stipulating that only the atomic mass can supply a common denominator with the value number of the Tetragrammaton’s letters.

–       Hydrogen: atomic mass m=1.007 which is reduced to 1 because gematria uses only whole numbers

–       Oxygen: m=15.99 which is chopped from its decimals and is reduced to 15=1+5=6 (this operation is called the theosophical reduction in the gematria)

–       Nitrogen: m=14 which yields 1+4=5

[The basic principle of the gematria is that performing additions and reduction of numbers corresponding to the position of their letter representants in the Aleph-Beith yields results where two words that are related because they add up to the same value are also related in nature.]

The Tetragrammaton YHWH is composed of YHW+H, which is with a duplication of the H. Basically the fundamental letters YHW of God’s name mean: “I am [that which] I am.

–       the value of the letter Y is 10, hence =1+0=1

–       the value of the letter H is 5

–       the value of the letter W is 6

 Y       H   W

   1       5     6

 H(2)    N     0(2) [hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen]

If the element earth is a composition of the 3 basic elements (it is true that our bodies are composed of 99% of hydrogen and oxygen), then

 Y   +  H  + W = ?

  1   +   5  +  6   = 12 = 3 = 3rd letter G, ghimel(ג)

 H(2)  + N  + 0(2) = C (carbon of atomic mass 12) and  
Y    +    H  +  W   = G

So it is how we can find God’s signature in human DNA. The 4 nucleotide bases of DNA, adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C) and thymine (T) are composed of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon in various proportions that yield the possibility of numerous combinations of YHWG, YHG, YG, Y under the linear sequences of GATCAATGAGGTGGACA…

Therefore the transcription of God’s name Y H W H in the human cell DNA is Y H W G. Braden then explains the difference between God’s Tetragrammaton and the human tetragrammaton by saying that we have been created in God’s image rather than having been made as or equal to God.

Of course, if the reader wants the whole portrait of Braden’s discovery, I suggest him or her to read Braden’s “The God Code”.

But I think that this idea of having been created in God’s image rather than having been made as or equal to God could be expressed differently and more significantly.

The mysterious substitution of one atom of Nitrogen to one atom of Carbon

What did happen to God’s name in our DNA when one of its letters  H (a duplicated one) was replaced by another one G in YHWH —> YHWG?

The Generative Power of the Tetrahedron

Let’s take a closer look again at the original Tetragrammaton in a different geometrical configuration. The Tetragrammaton (which means 4 letter words) is in reality a trigram, a triangle, which is not a solid, with a projection or duplication: YHW+H.

The tetrahedron is geometrical grammar

The geometric figure that is generated from the triangular, nonsolid (gaseous nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen) is a solid tetrahedron which is the formative architecture of the carbon atom (tetrahedral or octahedral like in the diamond state). Solidity (Earth, diamond) is produced by 3 elements of gaseous nature!

Carbon is the base of organic matter, it gives matter its seeming solidity. But the perception of the solidity of matter is an illusion created by separation. In reality, the Tetragrammaton YHWH is still intact in our DNA, but we have concealed it. We apparently have modified the code, changing an H for a G, in our trying to explore self-creation (in the dream of matter) while YHWH ensures the integrity of our God-created Self. The Holy Spirit is the agent of the Atonement, as exposed in “A Course in Miracles”.

The Hebrew letter-number G= 3 expresses the dynamic of change. In its combination with Aleph, it can be the symbol of any organization (matter included) that has the tendency to grow, to expand. This is the case of organic matter, based on carbon. It follows the principle of syntropy through the hydrogen bridge. But change is relative to the physical 3-D world while YHWH belongs to eternity.

YHWH expresses the Trinity of God, the Father (Yod), the Son/Sonship) (W), and the Holy Spirit(H) which is ALWAYS represented by a duplicated H (HH). The reason is that the Holy Spirit has the function of a translator. If the letter G expresses what is changing, non-permanent, transitory, the double HH of the Holy Spirit represents the function of translating time into eternity, space into infinity, sorrow into joy, fear into love.

God said: “Your life is contained within your DNA. Your life may have been mapped out, but it is not set. There is room for growth. What you are is inviolable [YHWH is inviolable]. But your DNA is malleable [YHWG]”.

Code is meaningless without a grammatical key like words of any language are meaningless if we cannot combine them in the appropriate grammatical assemblage. If the grammar of the physical 3-D DNA is known by geneticists, it seems that there must be a different grammar for the so-called junk DNA.

[To be followed]


Written by Normand Bourque on Jun 18, 2013



  1. Wow, Normand, and wow! What a vast mind you have! And how vast and perfect is the Universe. Vaster than I can even contemplate. I don’t begin to understand what you have written, yet I love it. I will tell you what I am feeling. Implosion after implosion, and implosion is a word I probably have never used before though I have read it. Of course, I realize implosion is the opposite of explosion, so there is something going on within me from reading your blog. What you write and what I feel within me and do not really know how to express is thrilling.

  2. Normand Bourque Normand Bourque

    Dear Gloria, can I hope for a better result than the one you are expressing so vividly? It must be the power of metaphor.

  3. In so few words, Normand, you really know how to get to the heart of the matter. I wish I could learn to be so succinct and to the point. And I would love to hear the answer!

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