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34 God’s DNA IV: Quantum Grammar 2

“Your angelic name is sung on top of it all [DNA] and you will soon behold what is taking place — a celebration of the royalty within, for all chemistry, both quantum and non-quantum, bow to the whole and line up ready for the crowned one to speak his or her instructions [the Human Being]. It’s a place where physics meets spirituality, and a place where complete peace and solace of consciousness are achieved. The bridge to the creator’s reality is there, and in each DNA molecule there is a mini-portal that leads to a multidimensional Universe”KRYON, through Lee Carroll, from Kryon Book Twelve: “The Twelve Layers of DNA.


Even if the human being is at the top of the earth’s evolutionary chain, it is not explainable in terms of genetic complexity. The onion possesses more genes than the human! And if at the 3-D layer level of DNA, the laws of nucleotide sequencing are applicable to all living organisms (that is organisms that possess DNA), then the non-encoding portion of DNA does not seem to be controlled by the same set of grammatical instructions in the human species compared to other species.

Quantum DNA carries the intent. The encoding-parts translate and express this intent into chemical expressions. So, just trying to decrypt and mimic the chemical encoding process that is going on in the cell does not give a clue about the intent orchestrated in the quantum DNA — there lie the risks of genetic engineering. If the other forms of life on earth don’t carry, as does the human species, God’s specific signature in their cells, it might be because they have not been created in God’s image, yet they have a quantum DNA designed to recognize and support the human DNA that has been orchestrated with God’s name instructions [according to Kryon].

About the noun, the verb, the relation and the sign

In the 3 previous blogs on God’s DNA, we have already established that God’s name or signature (YHWH) is not only a name but a GRAMmar, a proGRAM, a mark, a scratch, a sign, an ENGRAM—Trace left in the brain by an event from the individual past—, an intent that gives instructions to the quantum DNA:

Y   <—>        H      +      W     +      H

Sign  <—>   Noun   +    Verb  +  Relation

So let’s examine the fundamental structure of a quantum grammar. First, let’s postulate that a quantum grammar has the same properties as the quantum field. It is not localized in space and time, it is multidimensional, synchronic, and eternally present. As the physical forms of the relative world are generated by holographic patterns emerging from the quantum field, quantum grammar expresses how God engenders Himself in us, or how He creates us in His image.

Beyond all the verbs in any existing language on earth, there is only one Verb: I AM. Even if we express this one verb with the pronoun I and the verb am (conjugated at the present), I and AM are absolutely the same and we cannot even pronounce this verb. We use an acoustic or graphical sign to express it. All the other verbs in all languages can only be nouns verbalized by the only one, unique verb I AM. This unique verb which potentially contains the noun and the relationship between all the terms  (the verb itself, the noun, and the sign) is represented by HWH in the Tetragrammaton. The W represents the Light and the double HH represents the universal and absolute life in the form of a vibration (sinusoid, helix), a pulsation that is expressed in the physical world by the electromagnetic wave.

The Verb HWH (to be existing) is immutable in itself. It is not singular or plural, masculine, feminine, or neutral, and it is not conjugable. It represents infinity and eternity as the realm of all possibilities. So it is not submitted to time or movement. It is independent of any substance.

When the verb HWH wants to express itself, it becomes a sign, a call to itself: it is represented by the Y(Yod). That is where I emerge from the AM. Y <—> HWH.

By definition, a sign is an outside projection of a will. And any sign, as an outside projection, is a noun. A noun usually expresses a delineated, substantiated identity. A verb without a noun cannot manifest anything. So a sign without a noun represents nothing. The noun is the base of any language because it gives substance to the verb, to the relation, and also to the sign that produced it. So I AM — which is the grammatical or programmatical translation of the name “God” — expressing the emergence of the I (noun) from the AM (verb) is the first and only real noun or noun-verb.  It’s substance, as a noun, is also, at the same time a sign, a verb, and a relation. This is clearly expressed in the structural grammar:  Sign (Y)  <—>  Noun (H) + Verb (W) + Relation (H) = I [Y] <—> AM [HWH]. Notice that the noun and the relation are represented by the same sign/letter. This is more than a duplication. It is the hidden key to our creation in the image of God. If a verb without a noun cannot manifest anything, a noun without a relationship is an illusion. A noun is thus a relation and a relation is the real essence of a noun. So our real name, our real noun, our real identity is defined by our relationship with God. Hence, our terrestrial name, which is related to nothing else, is, in effect, nothing.

The HH key in God’s name means that what defines and substantiates God is at the same time the relationship that God has with Himself: the name of that compound of noun+relation is called love, truth, knowledge, infinity, eternity…And the compound HH is animated by the light-verb W. This helps us to understand that our quantum DNA contains the indestructible link of our real identity to our source. We can never be lost in reality, only in illusion. We can also say that our real name/noun/identity is I am, love, joy, eternity, infinity, knowledge, truth… This is the map of our origin and destiny encrypted in our quantum DNA.

In the relative world, we tend to identify with our name as if our name was signing our identity as a separate identity. Remember YHWG with G representing the chemical element carbon (Blog 32). This separate identity seems to derive from our genetic lineage where our parents give us a particular name. We then ask ourselves how the Tetragrammaton encrypted in our quantum DNA is translated in the 3-D layer of our DNA.

Once again, the key lies in our understanding of the double HH. We already said that Y can represent the Creator/Father, the W the Son, and the HH the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit substantiates the Son through the love of the Father, it acts as a translator in the 3-D DNA. This means that, in the relative world, one H represents our indestructible nature (through which we live in complete life, love, harmony, and knowledge) and the other H represents the loss of awareness of that identity. So the double HH represents the dynamic relationship between forgetting and remembering. The Yod, being the sign of God,  is also the sign of our identity since what defines our name or identity is our relationship with God’s name. Yet, through the process of separation, we created an identity that is not the same as God’s. The Yod was concealed and replaced by something else called ego [G instead of H]. But the relationship was never really broken, only concealed.

The generative grammar of Royalty

The Tetragrammaton encrypted in our quantum DNA contains a set of instructions that ensure us to be brought back from our dreamed state of separation to the reality of our oneness with God.

The first instruction is the indelible memory of where we come from, the indelible memory of our real identity. Memory is only necessary as long as we have forgotten and forgetting has no meaning if it is not to remember better.  If our 3-D layer of DNA carries the memory of our physical, temporal, chronological identity through family lineage (memory of the past), our quantum DNA carries the memory of our permanent, eternal and present identity, which is represented by our future on the path of growth of our awareness.

The memory must stand for something else because it is a repository of a sign like a dictionary is a repository of words. This something that is held in memory is knowledge. We know accept that we already know everything but that, at the same time, we forgot everything. So what is that knowledge? This knowledge is the knowledge of our real name. If we were “really” separated from our Source, we could never have the possibility to remember because it would mean the negation of oneness. The Holy Spirit HH translates what we have forgotten into remembering it, what we perceive as darkness, unhappiness, fear, guilt into light, joy, security, innocence.

The major set of instructions sent by the Tetragrammaton into our 3-D layer DNA, is the self-programmation of our thought system. Since our quantum DNA is non-local, non-temporal, we have to let go of the past and of the future if we want to reprogram our DNA.

Here are a few thoughts that express the grammar of YHWH where the noun and the relation define each other:

–       You and I are One

–       I am you

–       Only One can love

–       Only one is true

–       Love yourself

–       Your signature is my signature

–       You are my dream

–       …

“God said: Here I AM. Your True Self. Look at Me and see your Self. I am your Co-Signer and your Heritage. I AM you, and you ARE I. Now you are getting closer to the Truth of Who you really are and What you are really made of. You are more than any words can say. Still, just the same, I whisper your Greatness: “Thou art I. I AM thou. Hello, Myself.” HL 4621


Written by Normand Bourque on Jul 01, 2013

Published inLANGUAGE AND LANGUAGESQuantum Grammar

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