“This body, purposeless within itself, holds all your memories and all your hopes. You use its eyes to see, its ears to hear, and let it tell you what it is it feels. It does not know. It tells you but the names you gave to it to use when you call forth the witnesses to its reality. You cannot choose among them which are real, for anyone you choose is like the rest. This name or that, but nothing more, you choose. You do not make a witness true because you called him by truth’s name. The truth is found in him if it is truth he represents. And otherwise, he lies, if you should call him by the Holy Name of God Himself.“ ACIM 27-6
“God said: I drew you in My Image, and so I multiplied Myself and spread My Multiplication Tables upon Earth and told you to go forth and multiply. Multiply My love, I said. I told you to be a Mirror of Myself, to reflect Me upon Earth, to be a testament to Me, a revealer of Me, a brightener of the Sun, a polisher of souls, a cleaner of eyes, a helper of others to see.
...then, you forgot everything including what you were on Earth for. You thought you were on Earth for yourself alone, and, so, you wandered, not really fathoming what you were on Earth for and what you were doing here in what appeared to be a jungle to you, so unseeing were you.
You became a pauper King, a King with a paper crown. You forgot that you were gold. Instead, you claimed to be an imposter, tarnished tin, a poser as it were, someone who arrived in a new country with false identity papers. You made too little of yourself. Instead of walking like the Son or Daughter of God, you scrambled on Earth, walked on tippy-toes, or you crawled on Earth and could hardly lift your head.” http://www.heavenletters.org/hello-myself.html
“What’s your name?”
Our terrestrial name is a word that identifies us, a word by which we, as an entity, are designated and distinguished from others. It is based on the belief that each individual is a biological, separate, singular self. Hence, our name has to be associated with something in 3-D, that is to say with external physical references or signs. Our name is defined paradoxically by what we are not intrinsically, in essence. It is also associated with the idea of discontinuity, since our name has a beginning and an end just as our presence on earth.
Since our name is based on our discontinuity in a space-time frame, it is not surprising that either in its acoustic or graphical form it does not contain any sign of recognition of whom it represents. How can we really know the identity of an individuality that was born and die? Birth and death belong to the linear 3-D world of space and time. What sign makes somebody recognizable, what constitutes him as such? Our personal name doesn’t give any clue about who we are. Many people can bear the same family name and first name or given name. So that we need a lot of outside proofs that supposedly know better how to identify us than we actually do by simply being what we are. What we do, our job, our family backgrounds, our education, id cards, credit cards, bank accounts, alumni photos and other photographs, passports, eye scans, fingerprints, cat scans, social security numbers, diplomas, etc. are our signs of recognition. We seem to be everything but our own sign of recognition.
Therefore, if our personal name is just a make-up of external signs or references, do we have a Name that expresses our real, live identity? In other words, do we have a Name that can write itself, a name that we are as well as we have?
We have seen in previous blogs that a name that can write itself has to be genetic. It is written through a generative grammar. In the hieroglyphic tradition, the name represents the circumferential space, the entire sphere of an individual, the total space he occupies. Moreover, it represents the sign of a presence, a light, an elevation, a quality, a dignity, a sovereignty. The name is really a sign of recognition because it is a living vibration as if the name were the being. As we have seen through the Hebrew name of God and of His only Son, a name is also a code.
A Name that writes itself
A code implies the possibilities of permutations and inversions. In our languages, permutations are scarce and mostly found in anagrams (ex. satin <> stain). Moreover, these kinds of permutations don’t imply a semantic relation between the words that are mutually formed through the permutation of their constitutive letters. The reason is that letter permutations in our languages are linear. Permutations in genetics and hieroglyphic writing (such as Hebrew) are circular or helicoidal, entangled, that is why they are expressed phenotypically — our DNA is malleable through our thoughts. According to the genetic method, the container generates the content, and, conversely, the content generates the container. Said otherwise, the genetic code reproduces itself through the protein and the protein reproduces itself through the code. There is a game of analogic correlation between the meaning and the sign. The principle of genetic reproduction is reproduction through complementaries (container/content) not through opposites.
Here is an example of a linguistic permutation that expresses itself phenotypically. The Hebrew word for name is שם / ShM (like in Shem, Noah’s son, which means the sublime, the remarkable, the dazzling). ShM (Shin + Mem) is the name of the being, the sign that makes this being recognizable. Let’s recall that the letter Sh (like in YHShWH, “Jesus” but hieroglyphically “God/YHWH made visible through light/fire”) expresses the light in the form of fire. ShM is also the root at the origin of words that signify joy, smile, game. We have seen that YHWH is the Name of God and YHShWH, the Name of Christ as a prototype of the Sonship. The spelling is made through a coded generative grammar (cf. Blogs 34-35)
Let’s see what a permutation/inversion of the word שם / ShM yields through the form מש / MSh. MSh represents everything that moves according to a contractile movement, everything that retracts in itself, touches itself, put itself into a mass. It is a palpable thing. The serpent could be the perfect representation of this contractile movement. It also represents the human nature in the state of separation or inversion from its Source. When the angelic human decided to experience separation, he lost is ShM, his real name to endorse a personal name. Losing his Name, he automatically lost the memory of who he really was because the Truth resides in the memory of his ShM. When God said: “I drew you in My image”, He could have said “I drew you in My Name, in My ShM”. With separation, the angelic human permuted his ShM into MSh which means that he permuted himself by inverting himself and became a pauper King, a King with a paper crown, a King with a MSh (crawling name, personal name) instead of a King with a golden crown, a crown of fire with a real Name, a Name with fire letters. “Instead of walking like the Son or Daughter of God, you scrambled on Earth, walked on tippy-toes, or you crawled on Earth and could hardly lift your head.” He adopted a contractile movement, he crawled on earth like a serpent and did not dare anymore to lift his head and look God into His eyes.
By the same token, human language lost its fire and started mumbling. “You cannot choose among them [names] which are real, for anyone you choose is like the rest. This name or that, but nothing more, you choose. You do not make a witness true because you called him by truth’s name.“
We could say that MSh represents the force of gravity, the sense of loss, a flight forward as well as guilt and anger. It may also represent the presence of fire in matter in the form of combustion, volcanic activity, explosion, nuclear fission, and generally, entropy. Aggressivity and warfare with explosive weapons belong to that inversion of ShM into MSh.
Yet, at the same time, the word MSh is the root of words expressing the idea of anointment. The anointment is made through the use of an oil which is of reptilian essence (according to the hieroglyphic language). This oil represents the sacred in the reptile. When the reptile (ego) is mastered, the ShM (the name) in the material symbol of the sacred oil, manifests itself again in the transmuted serpent. It is an illustration of how the generation of the divine (heaven as the content: ShM) is accomplished through its human earthly complementary (earth as the container, the serpent: MSh). The content generates the container and the container generates the content like the code generates the protein and the protein generates the code. This is the law of sameness in oneness.
A Name that is Many
If there is only Oneness, what is your name or my name? Paradoxically, our real name expresses that we are not of ourselves. We have to rejoice (ShM) that we don’t have an exclusive, singular, individual name. We don’t really exist as individuals, except in illusion. There is no you, no they, no we. There is only I AM. Therefore, if our personal name is our temporary identity or memory in the 3-D world, our real name resides in the memory of our quantum DNA. It might represent our ancient name, our angelic name but, at the same time, it represents our future name, our attractor( name, a potential: syntropy. ) But this name is not a name that defines our singular identity. It rather expresses the fact that our name belongs to everyone as well as everyone’s name belongs to us.
A name represents a vibration, an energy and since this energy is one, it cannot be singular. It is difficult for us to understand that our identity is made of many identities. If we are in the ShM of God, we are parts of God even if in God there are no parts. It is only in the 3-D world that these parts seem separated in singular individuals. So is there only one name for all of us?
If our real name or ShM represents the circumferential space, the entire sphere of an individual, the total space he occupies, this space is more than the 3-D physical space. It is a quantum sphere where time and space don’t exist. In the unified quantum field are we to find the unified quantum name/ShM.
To understand and recognize our real name, we have to think of ourselves as multidimensional beings. Even if quantum physics has revealed to us the multidimensional nature of the universe, we are not ready to accept that we are one with all. The idea that God is in us is difficult to accept because we like to establish a differentiation between God and us. We can’t represent God as a real part of us. The multiple personalities we are talking about is more adequately expressed by the idea that we are multidimensional rather than tri-dimensional beings.
We are not a piece of discontinuous string floating in time and space. We are part of an interconnected network of strings that play music in a multidimensional universe. Time and space are not things that are outside of us. We are the very fabric of time and space. And our joy which is our real name arises from the understanding of the plan of the Creation which is a creative game. Love is our real name which is our real joy. This is the name of the game.
Written by Normand Bourque on Jul 18, 2013
“And our joy which is our real name arises from the understanding of the plan of the Creation which is a creative game. Love is our real name which is our real joy. This is the name of the game.”
Brilliant. Your blogs are exquisite.