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37 The Dimensional Shift 1

Black Hole

“God said: Now, you can see yourself  as I see you. How I see you is how I made you. It is not just an expression that I use when I say I made you in My image. Of course, your body is not the image I speak of. When I say I made you in My image, I mean I made you in My image. I made you what I AM, Infinite and Eternal. That is very hard for you to swallow, for you have accepted the world’s perception of your image as gospel. Sinews and bones and flesh are not in My image, for I carry none. So, your body is not in My image. What is then?”

“Death is the fear to  waken. What God created can sleep, but cannot die.” A Course in Miracles

“The “only planet of free choice” is a puzzling concept to many. Let me tell you again that this means that currently in the Universe, the earth is the only place where a spiritual being has full choice to accept or reject the creator inside. It’s the only planet that can control the vibration of the Gaia energy or vibratory level of the earth. Therefore, it can “choose” how high to vibrate in a system that will eventually help decide the beginning vibration of yet another Universe. No other planet has this system. Others used to, and one of them is still orbiting around one of the stars in the Seven Sisters system.” KRYON, through Lee Carroll, from Kryon Book Twelve: “The Twelve Layers of DNA.


What is a dimension?

The opening three quotes seem disparate at first sight. In the first quote, God says that the body is not the image in which He created us. Since God created only eternal things, who has created the image of the temporary body? In the second quote, Christ says that death is the fear to awaken because we cannot die but only sleep. It must mean that we are sleeping our life on earth. And, in the third quote, Kryon says that free choice is to be found only on planet Earth and that is the full choice to accept or reject the creator inside. How can we connect these three quotes?

Are these the attributes of the 3rd dimension? Are these 3 parameters (the body, the sleeping state and the rejection through free will of the creator inside) what makes us perceive and experience the world in 3-D? Are dimensions projections of the mind?

First of all, a dimension is a measure (dimensus < dis-metiri in latin: to measure by separation or discontinuity) that defines the distinction between things. In a sense, each singular thing has and is a dimension of its own. Generally speaking, we know that the physical world is based on measures, therefore on numbers. Numbers are what keeps things working and moving together as a whole, as one. They distinguish at the same time as they establish likeness. Musical notes are the best example of this “distinguishability” and likeness between numbers. Numbers are vibrations, electromagnetic waves manifesting themselves in geometric, holographic patterns.

If we number the dimensions, it must be because dimensions are related to each other, seemingly sequentially but really all together and all at once. Numbers don’t work in a linear sequence but in cycles where the end is also a new beginning, ad infinitum (123456789-10-1(123…).  If we imagine that the first dimension is a dot or a line (indefinite length, no width), the second dimension will appear as a flat surface ( a flat geometric figure, like a square, defined by a length and a width).  It is only with the third dimension that forms or figures acquire a volume defined by a length, a width, and a height (cube).  Hence, volume defines space. But space without some sort of void or emptiness could not contain anything living (cf. Tao te King or Dàodéjīng). This void or seeming emptiness is time or movement that allows the transmission of vibrations which are numbers.

Time/movement is usually associated with the 4th dimension. But if dimensions exist (as a projection of the mind), there must inevitably exist inter-dimensions or portals that connect the dimensions together. Time or movement might be an interdimensional effect of the collision of two or more dimensions (we will see why a little further). Since the sequence of dimensions are not linear, the 4-D might be an inter-dimension in a sort of entanglement between dimensions. Anyway, we see that dimensions build upon each other: no cube without a square, no square without lines, no lines without dots. They are not independent of each other. Dimensions seem interwoven, entangled with inter-dimensions, behaving as a whole in a no-time, no-space ocean. They are not like a multi-layered cake but more like a liquid magma that can reconfigure itself constantly.

We won’t venture now in what might be the 5th dimension. And since everything that pertains to dimensions 1 and 2 is usually expressed only through plane geometry, we will focus on 3-D and 4-D inter-dimension. What we can say about 3-D as a dimension is that it is a measure of space, especially its width, height, or length. It is also a physical property, such as mass, length, time, or a combination of those, that is considered a fundamental measure or one among a set of measures of a physical quantity.


Unlocking 3-D

If we could summarize 3-D in one word, it could be the dimension of the embodiment experience.

Embodiment has the main attributes of quantity, mass, and volume of 3-D. And it sounds a good definition of what we call a body. A body, no matter its physical characteristics like shape, color, texture, etc., is fundamentally a quantity. This is certainly why God says that the body is not the image in which He created us because God has no quantity. The geometry behind the “body attribute” is the intersection of 3 lines at right angle (90%). It is this set of 3 geometrical coordinates (3 directions of space) that seems to stop the movement and maintain the body in a fixed position. The 4-D inter-dimension, time or movement, is what makes the static body apparently moves in its space. 3-D is impossible to understand without the 4-D inter-dimension.

Let’s try to illustrate how the human being is a mix of 3-D and 4-D (and probably a mix of multiple dimensions and inter-dimensions). The human species in its body has been following the general evolution of the mammals. — Mother Earth produces and sustains the bodies. This is her major task —.  At a certain point in this evolution, there might have been several species of humans or sub-humans as superior mammals. Yet, it is more and more evident that in order for the human species (plural) to develop a spiritual consciousness, a selected species (singular) of human mammals had to receive a special seed “from the stars” (the Pleiads?). Spirituality cannot evolve from the ground up since it is eternal. This seed represents a quality, the divine quality that was infused in the human genetic code (YHWH) and it has been experimentally planted in the human quantum DNA.

But the effect of this seeding was not immediate in the human spiritual consciousness. The 3-D layer of the human DNA continued to respond to the imperatives of survival and it still is. The evolution was slow but, as a consequence of this seeding, the human species (plural) that had not received the divine seed were no longer viable, so they simply vanished from the surface of the planet. There is only one species of humans left on earth.

This seed or sparkle of divinity in the human quantum DNA can help us explain the idea of free choice. Free choice expresses a duality for the embodied human. Because the embodied human seems half-god and half-animal, like the Centaur (who has the head, arms, and torso of a human and the body and legs of a horse), he has to choose one master and only one.  The Creator is inside of him, yet he can accept or reject it. Therefore the human can choose his level of vibration, modify his 3-D DNA by using the sparkle encrypted in his quantum DNA.

Since the star seed represents the Truth of what he is by God’s Will, the only way he has, in his free choice,  to reject the Creator inside is to throw Him symbolically outside. That is when he falls into the sleep of life on earth. For the human spiritual awareness, 3-D is a dream-state orchestrated by the ego.


Time or movement might be an interdimensional effect

Our body constituent perceives time and movement has an undefinable, elusive, intangible reality. Only the effects of time and movement can be measured. And these effects can be measured only on bodies, never in themselves. The same applies to the idea of beginning and end. 

How can we understand that time does not exist, that space does not exist, that there is no beginning, no end, no causes, no effects?

We might find an explanation in the 4-D interdimension. It is hard for us humans to understand that creation is not a process with a beginning and an end but a continuous one. If all the dimensions are interconnected, there must be a process of transformation where one universe becomes something else in another dimension. During that transformation, the universe in the course of transformation might lose some of its 3-D physical attributes.

Even quantum science hardly escapes from the linearity of 3-D thinking. It needs a beginning of the universe with the theory of the Big Bang.  But what about the preexisting energy and the preexisting atoms? Where do they come from?

We should answer: from nowhere or everywhere. Universes are created continuously. How could the present have a past or a future, hence a cause, a beginning and an end?

What if time and causality were only an effect in 3-D of crossing from one dimension (3-D) to the other (5-D) through the portal of the 4-D inter-dimension? In music, this process is constantly at work in what is called “modulation” where through the fifth note of one scale we can navigate through all the other musical scales (which are musical dimensions).

What are black holes if not inter-dimensional portals? They can’t be explained by 3-D physics. And how about black matter? We can no longer say with classical physics that the amount of energy in the universe is always the same (first law of thermodynamics which is the law of conservation of energy). The discovery of black matter is proof that universes are constantly created and that matter can reconfigure itself. But it does not reconfigure itself in a linear, sequential way but in a quantum way.

For example, an explosion like the Big Bang in 3-D might be the expression of a change of state in other dimensions or the collision of two or more dimensions. What is perceived as an event in 3-D might only be a side effect of a multidimensional process. If dimensions are all entangled, there is no use to seek for causes, beginnings, effects and ends. 


“What God created can sleep, but cannot die”

3-D seems the dimension where the human being experiences dreaming by being out of himself. It is the field where he can reconfigure matter at will. Yet it is only a dream. In this dream, he thinks that he lives only in 3-D so he believes that the form is everything, that the form is or is not. Time seems to be real, beginning and end seem also to be real. But he does not understand time because he thinks that time belongs to his 3-D world whilst it is only an inter-dimensional effect. In the end, time and expansion are only perceived effects. In reality nothing is happening, yet Creation is ever expanding.

But we are gradually coming to an understanding that time, change, and transformation are not a 3-D reality but a 4-D inter-dimensional effect.  Death can be associated with black holes in the sense that it is an inter-dimensional portal that keeps us moving “as one” in eternity. We can only sleep, but we cannot die. So why fear to waken?


Written by Normand Bourque on Jul 25, 2013


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