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39 Human Reality as Opposed to Truth


“God said: An old thought is the thought, the awareness, the proclivity to think that you are in need. Sense of need is a disavowal of your connection to Me. Thought of need conjures up despair and a millennium of scenes you don’t want. Sense of need, fear, worry etc. almost insure that you will have needs. “Oh, God, I am in such need. I need, need, need.”
Don’t misunderstand Me. When you do not presently have food to eat, you do not presently have food to eat. We come again to human reality as opposed to Truth. Here’s the conundrum, here are the opposing factors: Hunger as opposed to God provides.” HL 4638

“God said: All My Power has never been far away. It is right smack within you. Whatever you want to achieve that is for the good of all, it is yours. You have the Power to Create Perfect Health. Any illness you have adapted to yourself, you can let go of. In an instant. It requires no place nor product. You will start experiencing this for your Own Self. No longer will you see fragments of yourself. You will be Whole. You will be an inspiration to yourself and therefore to others. I will have swept you up in My arms and twirled you to the Center of Your Self.” HL 4688 
“Every loving thought held in any part of the Sonship belongs to every part. It is shared because it is loving. Sharing is God’s way of creating, and also yours… It is impossible to share opposing thoughts. You can share only the thoughts that are of God and that He keeps for you.” ACIM 5-4

“We can’t solve a problem at the same level of consciousness that created it.” Albert Einstein


Variations on a conundrum

“Here’s the conundrum, here are the opposing factors: Hunger as opposed to God provides”.

There are times and circumstances where it seems almost impossible to reconcile human “reality” with the reality of Truth. We have come to understand, at least as an insight, that we have the power to heal ourself, to create perfect health. We know that in order to be able to use that power, we have to change many of our beliefs. And even changing our beliefs sometimes does not seem enough to reverse a physical situation. Even with strong intent, we don’t necessarily succeed in keeping with us a loved one with a terminal illness, like Jesus did in resurrecting Lazarus (in fact Lazarus was already dead). And even a loved one with a terminal illness, having changed his beliefs, won’t necessarily succeed in curing himself and restoring his body to perfect health. “When you do not presently have food to eat, you do not presently have food to eat”. This can be applied to a medical condition as well.

We have heard of a situation where a mother, of a certain religious denomination, refused for her sick child to have proper medical treatments, alleging that only God would decide if the child should live or die. And the child died, left without medical assistance. The mother trusted in God. This gave rise to a lot of legal controversies. Even without going to an extreme solution like this one, eventually, every one of us will be confronted with situations where the inner truth and the outside reality will seem to force us to choose one path or the other. Just think about our own attitude when facing death. But most of the time, we will take the path of compromise.

But this type of conundrum is more than a conundrum, it contains its own resolution. It is brightly expressed in the quote: “It is impossible to share opposing thoughts. You can share only the thoughts that are of God and that He keeps for you.” This means that there are not two realities, but only one. There is not a divine reality and human reality. If one exists, the other one does not exist, simply because they are opposing thoughts. Or, said otherwise, one is the truth, the other one is only a belief. That is why mediation is necessary. And the mediation is exactly the Thought that opposing thoughts cannot be shared. Truth does not need any mediation because it is totally shared while beliefs are never really shared because they are fundamentally individual. Belief has to be translated into the language of Truth as the split mind or the insane mind has to be brought back to sanity into the whole Mind. Healing is the necessary process to bring back the belief (the perception, the illusion, the mis-take) to Truth. That is why the conundrum itself is not only part of the problem (belief) but part of the solution (the Truth). It pertains to the 4-D interdimension, the interdimension of healing.


Sickness as not being whole

Perhaps the most important belief that has to be changed is the belief in division. This belief is the deepest one and it is at the root of all the other beliefs because the ego is precisely the part of the mind that believes in division.

The belief in division is so deep that all the other beliefs like the sense of need, the sense of fear, the sense of guilt seem to conceal the very belief that we are separated from God. We feel needy, we are afraid, we feel guilty so often but we forget most of the time why we feel fearful, needy and guilty, and angry…

That part of the mind that believes in division can then only operate on the “perception” mode, not being aware of the knowledge mode that lies beyond the perception mode.

We all acknowledge that to be sick is to be separate: separate from our surrounding and separate from ourself. Sickness cannot be shared (yet it can propagate through contamination, but this is another issue). Physical illness is a reflection or projection of a mind that does not feel “whole”.

One could say that we need 3-D medicine even if illness is all in the split mind. And this is absolutely true as well as we can’t eat when we have no food. All our needs on earth pertain to the world of perception and as long as part of our mind lives in the world of division, we need physical means to heal.

Yet all is temporary in the world of perception. Perfect health, like immortality, don’t belong to the world of perception but to the world of Knowledge.

Christ said that Truth will make us free. We can also say that Truth will make us whole again. We have never ceased to be wholly whole except in our split mind. That is why permanent and perfect health can only reside in the awareness that we are not separate but one with all creation.

To heal is to find our way out of the sense of fear, need, and guilt. As long as we are “double thinkers”, we cannot efficiently use that power to create perfect health. And it is that double thinking that makes us live only the problematic aspect of the conundrum. Healing means that we want to make us whole again.


The Wholegraphic (holographic) reality

Healing (beyond the 3-D standard healing in the known medical terms) belongs to the realm of quantum possibilities. Our normal state of consciousness, which is mostly bound to perception, usually does not make this quantum possibility a reality.

Paradoxically, if we want to restore our “wholeness”, we have to think “whole” in the first place. The same law is at work in (unconditional) love. The only way to “know” love is to give it, not waiting to receive it. The only way to learn love is to teach it to ourself. This is certainly not 3-D, linear logic.

When Einstein says that “We can’t solve a problem at the same level of consciousness that created it”, we can extend his statement by saying that we cannot solve (really and definitely) any health problem (including death of course) in 3-D by using 3-D concepts. Fighting bacteria with antibiotics, lowering blood pressure with beta-blockers, flu-vaccination, elongating shrinking telomeres to reverse aging, etc., are always patching the symptoms but never going to the root of the problem. Because the solution resides in the next dimension or inter-dimension.

Healing pertains to the quantum world in the sense that we have to overcome the space/time localization barrier. If the key to visualization of perfect health is to see the healing already accomplished, then we have to skip the perception of the 3-D linear steps that supposedly separate us from the result. In other terms, we don’t perceive the time and space expressing the difficulty to attain the result by simply “knowing” that the result is already accomplished. — In order to do that, ego cannot be part of the healing equation —. There is a principle in singing that goes like this: if you want to reach a high note, the higher it is, the lower you have to visualize it. Instead of looking up to reach the higher note, look totally down (in your head). To reach a very low note, imagine it high and look high in your head. This example speaks by itself.

The quantum world has no location, no space, no time. It is omnipresent so always “available” even in our so-called past, present and future. We previously talked about the holographic nature of the quantum field, web or matrix. By definition, holo-gram or holo-graph means “written entirely”. This means that every part of a whole contains the whole. Any property that appears anywhere in particular within a hologram is also reproduced everywhere else. That is how bilocation can be explained. To bilocate, we don’t need to travel somewhere else at a speed exceeding the speed of light. We already are everywhere. Another term to express holography is analogy (analog as opposed to digital).

Applied to healing, this means that the first change to operate in our belief is that we are separated by our very illness.  Even if we feel separate from our illness, we have to feel constantly connected in the 4-D interdimension. Since healing is Truth, there is no distance to healing as Truth has no distance.

But understanding the principle does not accomplish the healing. The accepting and the allowing do.

The hologram (matrix, web, field, entangled reality) is how Oneness multiplies and extends itself. What is whole is holy because to be holy means to be whole, that is undivided. Illness is a state of division.

And if the quantum field is (w)holographically holy, it is because “Every loving thought held in any part of the Sonship belongs to every part. It is shared because it is loving. Sharing is God’s way of creating, and also yours.”

That’s how love is the miracle. Yet, it is not a miracle, it is the plain Truth, it is the whologram, the quantum field, the universal matrix that connects everything.


Written by Normand Bourque on Aug 08, 2013

Published inUncategorized

One Comment

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