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In the Beginning…there was the Present

“You are not looking for Arrival. You are
looking for Being. Being moves towards itself, 
and there is constant arrival in the process.
” HL#46



Which comes first, the hen or the egg?

a Universe coming from the future



• Changing our minds  about Quantum Physics

“The reason why our sentient, percipient, and thinking ego is met nowhere within our scientific world picture can easily be indicated in seven words: because it is itself that world picture. It is identical to the whole and therefore cannot be contained in it as a part of it. But, of course, here we knock against the arithmetical paradox; there appears to be a great multitude of these conscious egos, the world however is only one.

There is obviously only one alternative, namely the unification of minds or consciousnesses. Their multiplicity is only apparent, in truth there is only one mind.”Erwin Schrödinger, Mind and Matter, delivered at Trinity College, Cambridge, October 1956

Quantum Physics, despite its youth and technological achievements, seems to be going through its first existential crisis. It seems to be searching for its purpose and wondering if it even exists. Schrödinger’s statement hit the nail on the head. The sensitive ego of QP has become this cosmological image of the world that wants to be identical to the whole, and therefore cannot be logically contained in it as a part of it, that is to say, as a member of itself. This paradox explains why a theory of everything (TOE) is a logically chimerical undertaking. We are struck by the frequent but unacknowledged incursions of theoretical physicists into metaphysics, religion and even theology, to find out whether the existence of the universe has a purpose. It has also revived the cosmological theism/atheism debate.

There seems to be a multitude of these ego-thinking minds in a world increasingly entangled without travelling any distance, while everything concurs in making it more and more obvious that the multiplicity of minds (egos) is only an appearance and that in reality there is only one mind.

We should already start learning a lesson that seems contradictory. If there is only ONE mind, it must be changeless, i.e. one and not many. We must therefore learn to change our mind about our mind, that is, the unification of minds or consciousness which is more appropriately called Oneness, the arithmetical paradox of The One and the Many. 

Oneness [The One] is the quality or state of being one entity both in singleness and wholeness. Twoness [The Many, the “Other”]
is the quality or state of being two entities in one.

. Twoness is also called duality but twoness is more accurate than duality, because it stands in complementary relationshipand not exclusively in oppositionto analysis of the meaning of Oneness both as a quality and a quantity.

Twoness is being other than ONE,
the state of otherness, while Oneness is being identical to oneself, self-sameness.

Oneness and twoness can be expressed as a quality— from Latin qualitas formed on qualis? ‘of what kind, way of being, proper attribute of being’ > qualium, (pl. qualia) in contrast with quantum? ‘how much, the quantity of ‘. We could simplify this relationship between the quality and quantity of Oneness and Twoness as: ONE-1 and TWO-2, 1 standing for singularity (identity, the only one in its class, 2 standing for multiplicity (otherness, alterity), which is composed of several elements of different kinds, or which manifests itself in different forms.

            Many minds at work

“I think it is safe to say that no one understands quantum mechanics.
Do not keep saying to yourself, if you can possibly avoid it,
 “But how can it be like that?…Because you will go ‘down the drain’
into a blind alley from which nobody escaped. 
Nobody knows how it can be like that”. 

“Religion is a culture of faith; science is a culture of doubt”.

“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered 
than answers that can’t be questioned.” 
Richard Feynman

“ The glory of science is to imagine more than we can prove”.

“The more I examine the universe and the details of its architecture, 
the more evidence I find that universe in some sense 
must have known we were coming.
” Freeman Dyson

It has become a truism to say that most of the time, we are deeply shocked and/or frustrated to be told and acknowledge that “no one understands quantum mechanics” that we haven’t yet understood it. On the Internet, there is a profusion of forums and popularization articles, each ironically more complicated than the last, claiming to simplify or make accessible to the general public this almost hermetic science. At the end of the day, we find ourselves back at square zero in our understanding of the subject. How can a science so obvious in its discoveries be so obscure, if not ignorant of its own true nature? Does it really deal with physics, mathematics, or with an alternative reality that our language of words is too deficient to describe, where even the use of the word “beginning” is banished from? A beginning needs a cause but we are now told that there is no cause (no beginning) because time didn’t exist before the Big Bang. Time needs a past. A cause needs a past. If there is no past, there can be no cause, So how could time possibly  start?  When there is no prior, how can there be an after? So what is left for us of our idea of causality? There must be only the present left.

We don’t know anything, except by speculation, about what the universe was before it began as an extremely concentrated singularity, but we speculate on how it should end as an extremely scattered multiplicity. In this causeless universe exist objects that are not really real since they are also causeless, having no pre-determined attributes; they simply happen as random phenomena, at the condition that we observe them by measuring them. Contradiction, like a virus, becomes capable of infiltrating the circuits of our logic to the point where we need increasingly sophisticated tools (Cantor’s transfinite set theory logic) to detect it. There are many infinities nested together like Russian dolls. Is this new quantum “logical reality” paradoxical or contradictory?

“Timelessness is something else, although it is predicated upon time. True timelessness is infinity and cannot be identified by a less or a more”. HL#215

Is there reciprocity between the logic of nature and quantum theory (QT)? Is it ever possible to live in a contradictory reality? What happens then to what we call Truth?

 But the situation is not hopeless. In modern physics, there’s a deep divide between the experimenters, those who get their fingers dirty in the laboratory to conduct their experiments, and the theorists, the white-collar workers of physics, those who like to take long walks in the undergrowth to contemplate their future theories. These theorists have, by nature, very curious minds, open to fields not necessarily related to physics, such as the philosophy of science, metaphysics, and even unifying eastern philosophies such as Vedantism, Buddhism, Taoism, and so on. The least we can say is that, seen from the outside, quantum physics (QP) is characterized by its eclecticism, not limiting itself to a specific category of objects, but to diverse objects that it transforms into concepts that shake the very foundations of our vision of what reality is. To represent a vision of reality, therefore, it must be eclectic, since reality does not constitute a monolithic block.

   We’re all also familiar with the pressure of competition, as well as the financial pressure on experimentalists: “Shut up and calculate! Write down equations. Publish or perish!” In such a context, it’s hardly surprising that physicists lack training in the epistemology of science or metaphysics. This, in turn, has a direct effect on their deficiency in the interpretation of quantum facts, the key to understanding what lies at the very heart of this physics.

   It is, therefore, to theoretician physicists such as Einstein, Niel Bohr, Max Planck, Erwin Schrödinger, Richard Feynmann, Dyson Freeman, Sir Roger Penrose, etc. that we’ve chosen to introduce ourselves to Quantum Physics [QP] by first reading what these Nobel laureates had to say about their personal understanding of the subject.

These geniuses were often fond of feigning their lack of interpretative capacity and global vision of quantum mechanics [QM] with their declarations.

While Feynman argued that nobody understood quantum mechanics, and Bohr declared that if quantum mechanics hasn’t shocked us deeply, it’s because we haven’t yet understood it. Einstein, for his part, argued that scientists make bad philosophers and that the question of interpreting facts isn’t part of physicists’ training anyway.

And indeed, it is an adequate interpretation of quantum phenomena, offering an unequivocal or nonambiguous understanding of this physics, that is sorely lacking. And if we consider the importance of the thought experiments of these geniuses in the interpretation of physical facts, we have to admit that it is the absence of a global vision of quantum mechanics that is the source of this lack of understanding. From this point of view, by (en)vision, we mean the act of seeing and conceiving through mental images produced by the imagination, of picturing in the mind. However, it is important to ask where these visions come from, and how they are generated.

To envision is primarily to be a watcher who watches what is going on on the screen of his imagination. There is no physical distance between the watcher and his imagination. We can say, to a certain extent, that the watcher is the screen and, at the same time, the eye that watches what it projects on the screen. In the end, he is, in a way, the watcher of himself.

There exists a triune relationship between the observer, the screen of the imagination, and the image or scene itself projected onto this screen. This is the scenic device we call oneness of vision or interpretation, which we can see at work in great thought experiments. This kind of interpretation is likely to elucidate the mysterious separation and, at the same time, the connection between the observer and the observed.

Consider the following twenty-four statements as food for thought for starting afresh with an alternative, non-mathematical understanding of the logical framework of quantum physics.



[χ stands for a chiasma]

Have you ever tried counting to 1? Or figure out how to calculate:

1 + 1 = 1 ?


[1] There’s no possibility of God existing because time didn’t exist before the Big Bang [because there is no time for singularity to be created before the Big Bang]. S. Hawkins, Brief Answers to Big Questions

[2] “The eventual goal of science is to provide a single theory [Theory OEverything: TOE] that describes the whole universe.
Hawking, A Brief History of Time (1988)

“My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.’
Stephen W. Hawking, Science Quotes.

[3] “There are not even threads to hold the Universe of Being together, although We do speak of weaving. We could more realistically speak of threads of light weaving the Universe, light criss-crossing, even though light is Oneness as you and I, Who are made of light, are Oneness.”

[4] Einstein’s to a young student named Esther Salaman (1925):
“I want to know how God created this world. I’m not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are just details.”

[5] [Einstein about quantum physics]:
It’s a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn’t there.”
If God created the world, his primary concern was certainly not to make its understanding easy for us.”

[6] “We choose to examine a phenomenon which is impossible, absolutely impossible, to explain in any classical way, and which has in it the heart of quantum mechanics. In reality, it contains the only mystery. We cannot make the mystery go away by “explaining” how it works. We will just tell you how it works. In telling you how it works we will have told you about the basic peculiarities of all quantum mechanics.”Richard Feynman

[7] “The world we see merely reflects our own internal frame of reference— the dominant ideas, wishes and emotions in our minds. Projection makes perception.We look inside first, decide the kind of world we want to see and then project that world outside, making it the truth as we see it. We make it true by our interpretations of what it is we are seeing.

[8] “There is only one way out of the world’s thinking [dichotomously], just as there was only one way into it. Understand totally by understanding totality.”
Helen Schucman, A Course in Miracles, 3rd Ed. 2007

[9] “…There is obviously only one alternative, namely the unification of minds or consciousnesses. Their multiplicity is only apparent, in truth, there is only one mind. This is the doctrine of the Upanishads

[10] “The reason why our sentient, percipient, and thinking ego is met nowhere within our scientific world picture can easily be indicated in seven words: because it is itself that world picture. It is identical to the whole and therefore cannot be contained in it as a part of it. But, of course, here we knock against the arithmetical paradox; there appears to be a great multitude of these conscious egos, the world however is only one” Erwin Schrödinger, Mind and Matter, delivered at Trinity College, Cambridge, October 1956

[11] ‘The ego analyses; the Holy Spirit accepts. The appreciation of wholeness comes only through acceptance, for to analyse means to break down or to separate out. The attempt to understand totality by breaking it down is clearly the characteristically contradictory approach of the ego to everything. The ego believes that power, understanding and truth lie in separation, and to establish this belief it must attack. Unaware that the belief cannot be established, and obsessed with the conviction that separation is salvation, the ego attacks everything it perceives by breaking it into small, disconnected parts, without meaningful relationships and therefore without meaning. The ego will always substitute chaos for meaning, for if separation is salvation, harmony is threat. ACIM 11:5

[12] “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force
which brings the particle of an atom to vibration
and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together.

We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious
intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”

Max Planck, Quotes

[13] “Thirty-one years ago [1948], Dick (Richard) Feynman told me about his “sum over histories” version of Quantum Mechanics: “The electron does anything it likes,” he said. “It just goes in any direction at any speed, forward or backward in time, however, it likes, and then you add up the amplitudes, and it gives you the wave function.” I said to him, “You’re crazy.”
But he wasn’t.

Mind, as manifested by the capacity to make choices, 

is to some extent Inherent In every electron”. 
Freeman Dyson (1923-, English-born 

American physicistmathematician)

[14] “The reciprocal relationship of epistemology and science is of noteworthy kind. They are dependent upon each other. Epistemology without contact with science becomes an empty scheme. Science without epistemology is—insofar as it is thinkable at all—primitive and muddled.” Einstein in a contribution to : Albert Einstein, Philosopher-Scientist

[15] It seems as though we must use sometimes the one theory[wave] and sometimes the other [particle], while at times we may use either. We are faced with a new kind of difficulty. We have two contradictory pictures of reality; separately, neither of them fully explains the phenomena of light, but together they do”. Einstein

[16] “The use of any word must stand in a complementary
relationship to analysis of its meaning
[17] “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet.”
We must be clear that when it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry. The poet, too, is not nearly so concerned with describing facts as with creating images and establishing mental connections.” N. Bohr

[18] “The reason Dick’s [Richard Feynman] physics was so hard for ordinary people to grasp was that he did not use equations. The usual theoretical physics that was done since the time of Newton was to begin by writing down some equations and then to work hard calculating solutions of the equations. This was the wayHans [Bethe?], Oppy [Oppenheimer]andJulian Schwingerdid physics.Dickjust wrote down the solutions out of his head without ever writing down the equations. He had a physical picture of the way things happen, and the picture gave him the solutions directly with a minimum of calculation.

It was no wonder that people who had spent their lives solving equations were baffled by him. Their minds were analytical; his was pictorial.” Freeman Dyson, ‘Quotes’ (author of Disturbing the Universe).

 [19] “Electricity is light. Sound is light. Sight is light. Touch is a signal of light. Density is light. Light makes light. Rub together two sticks of light seen as wood, and you have light. Fire is light. And you are light

Light is light. It may have variations, but light is still light and nothing else but light…light cannot really be singled out. It cannot be taken from itself and isolated.” Light Waves #399

[20] “Metaphysics does not comeafterphysics, but inevitably precedes it. Metaphysics is not adeductiveaffair but aspeculativeone.” Schrödinger, Mind and Matter.

The Dalai lama, attending a Conference on QPh and Madhyamaka Philosophical View, in Delhi on November 2015, declared :

[21] “Spirituality without quantum physics is an incomplete picture of reality.”Broadly speaking, although there are some differences, I think Buddhist philosophy and quantum physics can shake hands on their view of the world.”

It is my belief that quantum physics is closer to spirituality than to religion.

[22] “Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. …In this effort toward logical beauty, spiritual formulas are discovered necessary for the deeper penetration into the laws of nature.”Einstein

[23“] “I have therefore no hesitation in declaring quite bluntly that the acceptance of a really existing material world, as the explanation of the fact that we all find in the end that we are empirically in the same environment, is mystical and metaphysical. Erwin Schrödinger, What is Life > Mind and Matter, Cambridge University Press

[24] You are constantly being attracted, compelled toward union with one another (and with all that is in the Matrix), then, at the Moment of Unity, being repelled by conscious choice away from that Unity. Your choice is to remain free of It, so that you can experience it. For once you become part of that Unity and remain there, you cannot know it as Unity, since you no longer know Separation”. Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God, Bk II:90

[25] “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)


 II. A *tangled web of ambiguous or contradictory definitions and statements

In the preceding list of quotations from theoretical physicists as well as philosophers and spiritualists, we have attempted to bring out the conceptual hurdles and puzzles that beset quantum physicists—whom I will henceforth refer to simply as quantists. Despite its spectacular successes, quantum physics [QP] or mechanics [QM] remains a young and incomplete science, not yet ready to fully replace classical physics even if the current trend suggests so. Let’s just say that the young science of QM has not yet reached the intellectual maturity—from a metaphysical, logical, cosmological, and linguistic point of view, with the exception of mathematics—, so full is it of contradictions and ambiguities in its own conceptual definitions and in the almost daily questioning of its foundations through the media (especially youTube).


The duality of light—the fact that it can behave simultaneously as a material particle [p], the photon, and as an electromagnetic wave [w]— is a real mystery at the heart of QP, and one that classical physics has never been able to explain within the deterministic framework of its physical concepts. This concept of the duality of light stems from a discovery made before the advent of quantum physics in the early 19th century when Thomas Young carried out his famous double-slit experiment in 1803. This experiment demonstrated the [w]-like behavior of light, which exhibits interference patterns similar to those of waves. Subsequent experiments and theories by scientists such as James Clerk Maxwell and Max Planck supported the idea that light possessed both [w] and [p] properties.


Albert Einstein’s later work on the photoelectric effect, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1905, also helped reinforce the idea of light’s duality. It showed that light waves could also behave as particles called photons.


Yet QP emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, almost a century after Young’s double-slit experiment, mainly thanks to the work of several renowned scientists and physicists. However, the precise date of birth of quantum physics is generally attributed to the year 1900, when Max Planck presented his theory of energy quanta to explain blackbody radiation. This theory marked the beginning of the quantum revolution and laid the foundations for subsequent developments in quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, and many other areas of modern physics.


Does classical physics treat light as a duality?


In classical physics, light was primarily treated as an electromagnetic wave, in accordance with Maxwell’s equations, which describe the behavior of light in terms of electromagnetic waves propagating through space. This wave-like description of light was widely accepted in classical physics before the development of QP.

But what prevented classical physics from treating light as a dual phenomenon?


Classical physics found it difficult, if not impossible, to treat light as simultaneously a w and a p, which seemed paradoxical within the framework of existing physical concepts and laws at the time.


On the one hand, light was well described as an electromagnetic wave by Maxwell’s equations, which gave a very precise description of its behavior and interactions. This wave-like perspective on light was widely accepted in classical physics and explained many optical phenomena.


On the other hand, experimental observations such as the photoelectric effect suggested that light could also behave like particles, which was difficult to reconcile with the purely wave-like view of light.


This w/p dualism of light posed a challenge to traditional classical physics, which was based on deterministic concepts and laws. In deterministic classical physics a physical object or entity, in order to be observed and measured, must have predetermined attributes or properties, also have a specific location in space and only one state at a time. There was no room to conceive a physical object without any pre-existing properties like mass, volume, color, texture, etc., also capable of being in two or more states or locations at the same time. There was no conceptual (logical) framework to observe and measure dual objects. It took the development of quantum physics in the early 20th century, with its concepts of probabilities, quantum superpositions, and entanglement, to resolve this paradox and understand the complex, dualistic nature of light. Thus, the limitations of the theoretical framework of classical physics initially prevented light from being treated as both a wave and a particle.


QP had to create a new framework of physical concepts that did not exist in classical physics. But observing and measuring physical objects that are inherently dual required, above all, a unitary theory of light that goes beyond electromagnetism, that could make two contradictory theories work together as a single unified theory of light. The accumulation of observations and probabilistic measurements from experimentation has gone a long way toward explaining precisely how QM works, but it has not helped to remove the mystery of why it works the way it does.


Physicists such as Bohr and Einstein came to explore, by radically opposed paths, ways that might lead to a unitary theory of light, not through experimentation but through recourse to the epistemology of science (Einstein), or through the search for a more appropriate language of words to describe the bizarre behavior of quantum particles in an explanatory way (Bohr).


Dualism is not a physical phenomenon, even if it can be observed through physical manifestations or behaviors. Strictly speaking, it could be said to be a metaphysical phenomenon, and therefore not directly observable or quantifiable, unless the dual aspects were treated separately, just as if they were not dual. Duality is the concept of two opposing or contrasting forces or elements existing together in harmony. Once again, QM could just tell us how it works, and in telling us how it works, it has told us about the basic peculiarities of all QM. There was no satisfactory interpretation of the physical law of duality in natureEinstein summarized the whole situation


It has often been said, and certainly not without justification, that the man of science is a poor philosopher. Why then should it not be the right thing for the physicist to let the philosopher do the philosophizing? Such might indeed be the right thing at a time when the physicist believes he has at his disposal a rigid system of fundamental concepts and fundamental laws which are so well established that waves of doubt can not reach them; but, it can not be right at a time when the very foundations of physics itself have become problematic as they are now.

 At a time like the present, when experience forces us to seek a newer and more solid foundation, the physicist cannot simply surrender to the philosopher the critical contemplation of the theoretical foundations; for, he himself knows best and feels more surely where the shoe *pinches. In looking for a new foundation, he must try to make clear in his own mind just how far the concepts which he uses are justified and are necessities.”Einstein, in Physics and reality, General consideration concerning the method of science.


In the matter of “philosophical” interpretation of quantum objects’ behaviors in QM, the very concept of duality or dualism contradicts Aristotelian logic and syllogistics. Aristotle’s logic is a system of deductive reasoning based on the principles of identity, non-contradiction, and excluded middle, according to which something cannot both be and not be true at the same time and in the same respect. This challenges the strict linear, binary thinking of Aristotelian logic in that dualism suggests that two seemingly contradictory elements or propositions can coexist and be interconnected.


Not being a physical phenomenon, but rather a meta-physical one, the interpretation of dualism does not belong to a deductive system of thought in which one concludes from propositions taken as premises or axioms to a proposition that necessarily follows from them (conclusion), for the simple and blunt reason that QT does not benefit from such premises to deduce the dual nature of light. It remains a fundamental phenomenon without a logical explanation. Or, rather, we could say that we need an alternative logic, capable of generating an interpretation more in line with the reality of dualism.


From which premise(s) or axiom(s) can we deduce the duality [w] and [p] of light? It has been provisionally deduced from Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetic radiation, i.e. from the unification of oscillating electric and magnetic fields by theoretical physicists, but this definition of [p] by [w], or by the field [ƒ], or [p] included in [w] does not convincingly account for the inherent duality of light.


 If we accept the principle that duality or dualism is not physical but rather metaphysical— and even if it was both physical and metaphysical at the same time—, as Schrödinger said, metaphysics is not a deductive affair but a speculative one.” And, indeed, human linear binary logic can hardly deal with two mutually exclusive statements that are both true at the same time: it is not one or the other like in a dichotomy but one and the other at the same time. The problem cannot be grasped because the human mind can not observe and measure the simultaneity of opposing phenomena.


 Heisenberg’s Indeterminacy (Uncertainty) Principle states that you cannot observe and measure the location and velocity of a particle at the same time. To a certain extent, location and velocity form a dual phenomenon in the sense that they negate each other: a moving object continually changes location, hence, it is never at a precise location—a variant of the Zeno tortoise paradox. So if you calculate precisely the speed of a moving object, you cannot calculate at the same time its precise location. If you try to calculate its location, you must give up calculating its speed.


That is why QT uses statistical, probabilistic mathematical methods to locatemoving particles or deal with the simultaneous multiple quantum states or configurations that an object can exist in at any given moment. The mathematical wavefunction collapse illustrates that when an object exists in a superposition of multiple states, the act of measuring the quantum system makes the superposition collapse into a single definite state as the system interacts with the measurement apparatus. It is one and only one of the states as the outcome of the measurement. It’s easy to see why, even today, the definitions and word-language statements of quantum concepts are situated at the frontier of physics and metaphysics, logic, and poetry, where the dimensionality meets and interacts with the metaphor.


“We must be clear that when it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry. The poet, too, is not nearly so concerned with describing facts as with creating images and establishing mental connections.” N. Bohr


The duality of light has led physics down a path of epistemological or, more broadly, metaphysical speculation, which has clearly resulted in a conceptual and linguistic ambiguity from which it has yet to emerge 

It must be remembered that classical physics, in its framework, did not treat light as a dual nature, but rather as a dichotomy, wave and particle being mutually exclusive concepts. 






The case of (mis)understanding the definitions of w and p comes from the fact that a priori, QM confuses the two descriptions: a photon, an electron, an atom or even a molecule are both and at the same time, whereas, classical physics maintain them separate. Ironically, QM proceeds by superposing the definitions of w and p, as if the physicist were trying to do two opposite things at the same time, like spinning in two directions at the same time. The theoretical physicist is completely subjected to his object of observation: his wave function must collapse in a or in a but not both, just like in flipping a coin. His mind collapses on one or the other. He can’t pull the plug from within the quantum system. Here are a few examples.


• The paradox of determinism and non-determinism in QP


Ever since Einstein famously quipped: “God does not play dice with the universe“, we’ve often been led to believe that QP is entirely indeterministic, whereas Newtonian physics has only room for determinism.


QP is now considered to be both deterministic and non-deterministic, due to its interpretation of quantum phenomena.

On the one hand, there are aspects of QP that appear to be deterministic, i.e. they follow causal and predictable laws. For example, Schrödinger’s equations describe the temporal evolution of a quantum system in a deterministic way, providing a probability of existence for each possible quantum state. Another striking example is that of the wavefunction collapse, mentioned above, which also takes the place of determinism. This determinism contradicts the concept of non-causality, which refers to the idea that certain quantum phenomena can occur without a clearly defined cause-and-effect relationship. This means that in some quantum systems, events can occur randomly or non-deterministically, without a specific cause being attributed to their occurrence. This calls into question the classical principle of causality, where every effect is attributed to a specific cause.

Another non-deterministic concept is that of non-locality, which refers to quantum phenomena that seem to defy the classical notion of locality i.e. the idea that influences cannot be transmitted instantaneously at a distance (Einstein spooky action at a distance). Within the framework of quantum non-locality, spatially separated particles can be entangled in such a way that measurements made on one of the particles instantly affect the state of the other particle, regardless of the distance between them. This non-local behavior of entangled particles has been experimentally confirmed through tests of Bell’s inequalities and other experiments. These results indicate that quantum physics cannot be fully explained by local hidden variable theories, as suggested by the famous Bell’s theorem. The non-locality of quantum physics challenges our intuitive understanding of causality and locality, leading to a challenge of our conception about the nature of reality


On the other hand, quantum physics also has other aspects that appear to be non-deterministic, i.e. they involve elements of randomness and indeterminism. For example, the concept of quantum superposition indicates that quantum particles can exist in several states simultaneously. Furthermore, the phenomenon of quantum decoherence shows that the measurement of a quantum state can lead to a non-deterministic “collapse” of the wave function.


Finally, measurement indeterminism is a fundamental principle of QP, referring to the idea that the results of certain quantum measurements cannot be predicted with certainty in advance. Unlike classical physics, where physical quantities are determined precisely and predictably, quantum physics introduces a notion of intrinsic indeterminism at the subatomic scale.


In short, quantum physics combines deterministic and non-deterministic elements, making its interpretation paradoxical and open to different philosophical interpretations. Some interpretations, such as the Copenhagen interpretation, reconcile these two aspects by involving the role of the observer in the process of measuring and “collapsing” the wave function.


• Particles don’t really exist. They are only excitations or oscillations of the magnetic field. While it’s true that in quantum physics, particles can be considered as excitations or oscillations of fields, it’s still important to note that particles, as quanta of fields or underlying fields, provide a still useful conceptual framework for describing and understanding the behavior of matter and energy. So, even if particles have no physical substance in the classical sense of the term, they play a crucial role in our current understanding of the dualism of the universe.


• There are no waves involved in quantum theory.

This statement is ambiguous. Because we know that in QT, waves play a very significant role, especially in w/p duality. We might well wonder what would be left of QPh if we eliminated this duality, as well as that of superposition or entanglement. It would probably return to the classes of classical physics. Duality is the soul of QM.


The wave-like properties of particles are often described through mathematical wave functions that represent the probability distribution of finding a particle in a particular state. These wave functions can exhibit wave-like behavior, such as interference and diffraction, similar to the behavior of classical waves. Therefore, while quantum theory does involve waves, it is important to note that these waves are distinct from the classical notion of waves, but rather represent the probabilistic nature of quantum particles. But a wave function is a mathematical idealization of a physical wave, but it is not a wave.


• quantum phenomena are neither waves nor particles

This is the loophole of dualism in QM. For the same reason  as above, the concept of a p or a “w is an approximation for our classical understanding, and quantum phenomena are ultimately described by mathematical objects called wavefunctions that exhibit both wave-like and particle-like characteristics.


• a wavicle—an hybrid of a wave and of a particle— is an entity having characteristic properties of both and p.. But a wavelike property is not a wave. It is a mathematical function of a wave. Penrose thinks that the concept of a wavicle is incorrect.


• the pilot-wave theory stipulates that particles don’t just exist as probabilistic waves, but that there are both real particles – which always have definable properties – and real waves that influence the way particles move. Take the example of the double-slit experiment.


• is quantum field a physical reality or only a framework integrating classical physics?

There’s a tendency, in this age of scientism, to confuse the physical reality of the universe with its mathematical representations. This purely mathematical representation is essentially based on observations and measurements. In some cases, certain interactions are forced. While it’s true that these quantum fields started out as a mathematical construct, it turned out to be a surprisingly accurate description of our observable reality, to such an extent that a theoretical physicist like Roger Penrose, imagines that every time the mind perceives a mathematical/geometrical idea, it makes contact with the *Platonic world of ideas that turn out to correspond to external reality.

• in classical physics, a particle is a purely local phenomenon, a wave is nonlocal, or rather omnilocal. 

• In QM, a particle or “wavicle” should be both local and nonlocal.

In fact, in QM, the behavior of particles can sometimes appear to be both local and nonlocal, which can be a bit perplexing. As wave-like, particles can spread out and exist in multiple places simultaneously, even when not observed” they are then described by wave functions. On the other hand, they can also exhibit local behavior when interacting with their surroundings, appearing more particle-like, with specific properties at specific locations. This appears like a contradiction between having a local and non local behavior at the same time— as Schrödinger’s cat dead and alive at the same time, before the wave function collapse yielding dead or alive solution, but not both at the same time (It seems that the wave function collapse is a logical mistake in QT” it is a case of dialetheia in Oneness)

• if particles are only oscillations resulting from an excitation of a magnetic field, how does this excitation transform itself into a photoelectron?  So we have two representations of a wave: one is a plain sinusoid, the other one is a point-like particle—an idealization of particles heavily used in physics— a “thing, a particle because the wave is broken down into a sum of elementary waves that collapse in a single point.

                 A wave collapsing in a point-like particle:
       from w (nonlocal) to p (local)


The wavefunction collapse seems somewhat arbitrary and not well defined, at least controversial and subject to debate in QM. It derives from the Copenhagen interpretation which proposes that the act of measurement causes the wavefunction of a quantum system to “collapse” into a specific state. It introduces a discontinuity in the quantum evolution of a system.


This perceived discontinuity in the quantum evolution of a system is rather the result of a discontinuity in the logic applied to dual systems. Duality is logically regulated by the need to obtain a unique response to duality: only one out come can occur at a time. It is more likely a cognitive discontinuity that pertain to the observer-measurer.


There are also alternative interpretations of quantum mechanics, such as the many-worlds interpretation or the de Broglie-Bohm interpretation, that do not require the notion of wavefunction collapse. These interpretations propose different ways to understand the behavior of quantum systems without invoking a collapse of the wavefunction.

• there is widespread confusion between a wavefunction, a wave, and a field. A field is a mathematically defined phenomenon by a value at all points in space  The wavefunction is an abstract representation of the state of a quantum system; it is neither a field nor a wave. A wave is not a wave function.

• electrons, which we usually represent ourselves as spheric particles, are being standing waves, and all matter could be considered as waves according to Louis de Broglie.

• more confusing is the fact that a wave (continuous) in quantum theory is described in terms of a discrete unit, the photon-quantum. The wave is represented by photons. But quanta are not themselves waves. Now quantum theory claims that it is the fields that are fundamental.

• a photon can be split into two under certain conditions.redondant avec ce qui suit: A particle as no parta
In 2019, New Physics research from Colorado University in Boulder challenged the quantum theory of light by dividing the indivisible, namely splitting a photon into two by reducing its dimensions (Romsdateschke).

Until now, the term elementary particle has been used to designate a fundamental constituent of matter. As such, the photon is an elementary particle.  An element is an indivisible principle of a thing, constituting in itself the totality of what it is.We could say that an element is identical to itself. It therefore constitutes in itself a whole, an integrity, which cannot be the object of any diminution, of any restriction, that of being divisible, never to be reduced to being less than itself, never to a fraction (half of what it originally was. ). Splitting a photon into two poses a major theoretical challenge to QM, which does not accept that the half-photon produced is not an integer. To the w/p duality is now added the duality of the indivisibility/divisibility of elementary particles. For QT, the problem of stopping the process of dichotomization (division by two), which continues indefinitely, analogically until a computer program (algorithm)or axiom can be found to exit the infinite loop, to stop on its own. There remains an alternative, that of denying the epistemological problem simply by pulling the plug (ending the infinite loop. There is no room in QM for free particles to be split into two; it can’t be true.


Which of the Hen or the Egg comes first?
They both come from the Present

“We cannot make the mystery go away
by “explaining” how it works.” R. Feynman


“Everything in a theory refers  to the language
 used to construct the theory.”
John Bell

      ∆ QP is physical and non-physical,                    deterministic and non-deterministic            altogether

What separates classical physicists from quantists and what confuses the general public when it comes to understanding two different types of physics at the same time, is essentially their mutual conceptual ambiguities, which can be summed up in one statement: in classical physics, for something to be real, it must be physical and directly measurable—assuming that it has pre-existing identifiable physical properties, whereas in QP, for something to be considered real, it must be observed and measured without any assumptions about its prior physicality or non-physicality (Bohr).

The physicality attribute of a quantum object or entity does not depend on pre-existing physical properties but is assigned on the fly by a probability calculation of where it is (locality) or how fast it moves and the quantity of energy it carries and delivers (spin and momentum), or how it interacts with the other things used to predict its presence. In QP, physicality is a mathematical abstraction, a statistical probability. Bohr said that despite the fact that what we call physically real, it is nevertheless made of ‘things” that cannot be regarded as real.

The fact that waves and particles exhibit behaviors that are, if not erratic, at least more or less predictable or probable seems related to their intrinsic attribute of non-physicality while at the same time being endowed with physicality. Freeman Dyson said, only slightly ironically, that

    “The electron does anything it likes. It just goes in any direction at any speed, forward or backward in time, however, it likes, and then you add up the amplitudes, and it gives you the wavefunction. …Mind, as manifested by the capacity to make choices, is to some extent inherent in every electron.” 

In short, the source of the ambiguity between the two physics lies in the fact that we don’t know how to (re)reconcile the physicality and non-physicality of quantum entities, any more than we know how to reconcile them in ourselves as human entities. How can we make dualism an exploratory mode of knowledge, rather than seeing it as an obstacle to its expansion? Instead of opposing in and out, the crest and the trouh, why not reconcile them as in and out are but one motion, the crest and the trouh are not separate acts. There is pregnancy, and then there is birth. But the whole process is birth. Birth does not occur of itself. The physical and the non-physical could be viewed as as one motion.

Non-physicality refers to aspects or entities that do not have a physical presence or cannot be directly observed or measured in a traditional physical sense. In fields like philosophy or quantum physics, non-physical concepts such as consciousness, information, mind, superposition, non-locality, or quantum entanglement challenge our understanding of physical reality. These non-physical entities may interact with or affect physical systems in ways that defy our classical intuitions. Exploring the nature of non-physicality often leads to intriguing questions about the boundary between the physical and metaphysical realms

There is a common belief that QM is radically indeterministic and that the universe is inherently random, according to QM predictions. However, randomness is not an inherent physical property of the universe: “God does not play dice with the universe.” Randomness is a mathematical statistical concept. It concerns measurement outcomes that are not part of quantum theory.

“The answer is that the underlying dynamics of quantum theory is deterministic. The randomness only appears with respect to measurement outcomes. However, measurements are not described by a physical theory. They are only described using metaphysical axioms in order that the entire theory provides an effective descriptive framework. In other words, the measurement process is not part of the physical theory. This is called the measurement problem.” Mark John Mark John Fernee, Quora. FEB 10.2024

Additionally, QP encompasses both physical and non-physical aspects, such as the wavefunction and quantum entanglement, which have no classical analog. The combination of physical and non-physical aspects, as well as deterministic and non-deterministic behavior, sets quantum physics apart from classical physics.

In the context of QM, the non-physical aspects, such as the wavefunction and quantum entanglement, can be considered metaphysical. Metaphysics deals with abstract concepts that go beyond the physical world and traditional scientific understanding. In the case of quantum physics, these non-physical aspects introduce new phenomena and challenges the classical, deterministic view of the universe. The metaphysical aspects of quantum physics have sparked philosophical debates and theories exploring the nature of reality and the relationship between the physical and non-physical components of the universe.

Concerning the use of the word ‘thing’ to refer to both classical and quantum ‘objects, we prefer using Einstein’s expression of ‘bodily objects’ to refer to classical physical objects and propose the expression of “quantum objects or entities,” which more appropriately designates what constitutes the essence and unity of the quantum object’s genus, namely its metaphysical meaning or interpretation in the context of general physics or science. However, determining whether physical reality is intrinsically deterministic or indeterministic is not the prerogative of physics, any more than it is that of infinities and continuities; it remains a question that must be addressed in conjunction with epistemology or, more generally, metaphysics.

Classical physics is physical and deterministic, hence non-dual, while QM is physical and non-physical, deterministic and non-deterministic altogether,hence dual which requires a different logical framework.

&∆ Disambiguating dilemma, dichotomy and duality





Entropy and Syntropy

Despite the appearance of inexorably increasing entropy into which the universe is dispersing at the speed of light, is there a counteracting organizing force or principle working in parallel to re-establish order, harmony, and a new degree of coherence or consciousness in this energetic system we call the “Universe”? The word entropy, literally “backsliding, degradation”, marks a change in the disposition or arrangement of things by imparting a rotational or twisting motion to them. The opposite of entropy is negentropy or negative entropy, now called “syntropy”, or the action of the universe producing a coordinated change (rearrangement) of what has been degraded or dispersed. Note that although in general, the term entropy belongs to thermodynamics, and the term syntropy is applied to living systems more complex than those of physics, it seems logical to conceive at work a tendency towards order, organization, and increasing complexity of a holistic type at the level of elementary particles, if we take into account that in QP, indeterminism is not absolute but relative to a specific context. After all, determinism is a principle of order.

Entropy creates disorder; negentropy counteracts entropy, creating new order out of this disorder. Now  cosmological physics predicts the end of the universe by entropy; what then happened to syntropy? Has it disappeared as a leading force because syntropy has always prevailed over entropy in ensuring life production and perpetuation? From a terrestrial point of view, the organizing force that is syntropy comes directly from the future —as entropy comes from the past Big Bang—, which was already contained in the initial singularity.

Entropy and syntropy are not linear process. They go in opposite  directions synergetically, in a circular or spiral motion. In and out are but One motion. The end is in the beginning, and the beginning is in the end. The origin is the destination. The tree is all contained in the seed, and the seed is contained in the tree. Something has to come from the future. This continuity from the past to the future is called the PRESENT which literally means “ to be at the head of, at the beginning of”.  If time is mathematically reversible, and physically irreversible (entropy), perhaps should we cease to talk linearily about the past origin, beginning of the universe and its future and change our formulation into a compromise between mathematical idealization and physical reality. Instead of blindly looking for a destination of the universe starting from its unknown source or beginning, should we start looking for a Universe moving towards itself in a constant arrival in the process.

That is what PRESENT is all about.

As it goes with a particle going left or a particle going right, it can go both left and right until a measurement is made. The act of measuring itself decides of the outcome. The wave function, which gives both states (right and left), simultaneously collapses its superposition states to yield one outcome: it is right or left. It can’t be one and the other at the same time This is called a dichotomy. When it comes to entropy and syntropy, it  seems that cosmological   physics has already measured the superposition states of the universe, that is entropy and syntropy. And the corresponding wave function collapse has yielded the outcome state of the Universe  as entropy.

Has QM ceased to be indeterministic and uncertain to endorse the determinacy and certainty of classical physics? Indeterminacy means that there is no finality in the universe, and more broadly, that there is no finality to life. This doesn’t mean that the universe has no purpose, but rather that it is perhaps an ongoing process without a beginning and an end, or that doesn’t yet have one. It’s never finished.

Who’s to say it’s ever finished? Entropy and syntropy are not distinct acts, like the maximum and minimum of a sinusoidal curve. The down is only the surgence of the up. The crest and the trough are not separate acts. The beginning and the end are but one motion.

Are we looking for an arrival of the universe as if it was its end? What if it moved towards itself by passing through itself, and there was a constant arrival in the process? Entropy and syntropy must work together as a single unit in two opposite or inverted modes.

∆ The dilemma of QT: the Pandora’s box of the photoelectric effect

Around 1900, physicists discovered that at the atomic and subatomic levels, atoms and particles constituted “strange objects” that seemed to obey physical laws different from those known from classical physics.

In March 1905, Einstein discovered the photoelectric effect, for which he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. The photoelectric effect consists of the emission of electrons when an electromagnetic radiation or wave [w], such as light, strikes a material (a detector surface). When an energetic collides with an electron, part of the energy of goes into dislodging the electron. The rest of the energy of w  is transferred to the free negative charge of the electron. This dislodged electron is called a photoelectron (or light-electron)

The photoelectric effect. [Wiki]

 Einstein’s experiments involving the photoelectric effect revealed that light was not made up exclusively of continuous waves but also of discontinuous, discrete, and therefore quantifiable particles—the photon being that unit of measurement in Planck’s quantum of energy). This is called a diffraction experiment. It also revealed that the electron wave doesn’t deposit energy over the entire surface of the detector, as a wave would do, like a wave breaking on a flat sand beach. Energy is deposited at a point as if it were a drop (particle) of water. So the photon propagates through space like a nonlocalizable w— a wave occupies all space, not a specific point—but when it interacts by contact with other particles, it manifests itself as a p and not as w. It becomes localized. This attribute of the photon is known as the wave-particle duality of light, but all subatomic particles share this attribute of the duality of nature.

If w manifests a particulate property p, reciprocally, the particle can manifest a wave-like property. Louis De Broglie calculated the wavelength of a particle: it is inversely proportional to the momentum—the quantity of motion that an object has— of the particle. He even asserted that corpuscles with mass behave like particles, but also like waves. But let’s keep in mind that the photon has no mass.

Einstein was well aware of the logical impasse of the duality of light into which his discovery of the photoelectric effect placed him and the classical theory of light.

The photoelectric effect has placed both physics in an ambivalent state. While the existence of bodily objects posed no unsuspected physical problem, the duality of light posed a major one. Classical physics was not concerned with the duality of light. It treated the w and p aspects of light separately, applying one theory to the wave and another to the particle to describe explanatorily the phenomenon. But QM’s famous two-slit experiment forced quantists to search for a theory that would describe and explain w and p as one and the same phenomenon, just as James Maxwell had done in his equations ‘unifying electricity and magnetism as two different aspects of light. But, until now, such a theory has never seen the light of day.

Einstein, firmly anchored in the classical concept of the bodily object, sought to understand how a physical object could possess two contradictory attributes:

“It seems as though we must use sometimes the one theory[wave] and sometimes the other [particle], while at times we may use either. We are faced with a new kind of difficulty. We have two contradictory pictures of reality; separately, neither of them fully explains the phenomena of light, but together they do”. Einstein

• Disambiguating dichotomy and duality

The relationship between the wave and the particle of light poses a dilemma at the very heart of QM knowledge. A dilemma-< Gr. di‘two’ and lemma ‘premise of a syllogism’-is an argument by which one posits an alternative between two contrary propositions (lemma, i.e. ‘what one takes’) or as a reasoning whose major contains an alternative with two or more terms (different or contradictory) and whose minors show that each case of the alternative implies the same conclusion. [ LGR]. In other words, a situation that requires a choice between two options that are or seem equally unfavorable or unsatisfactory [AHD].

What makes a quantum phenomenon or object definition — field, wave, particle, entanglement, superposition,wavicule, collapse of the wavefunction , etc.—and the interpretation of these phenomenal objects ambiguous is the underlying persistent confusion between the concepts of dichotomy and duality.

The word “ambiguous” is formed from two Latin words: the prefix amb(i)- ‘around, in two opposite directions, on both sides’ and agere ‘to act, to drive.’ Ambigere can mean logically leading in two opposite directions at the same time; therefore it can be said of a word that has two or more possible meanings that sometimes contradict each other, become equivocal, uncertain, and susceptible to various mentally conflicting interpretations. The wave-particle [w/p] phenomenon of light in QM is an ambiguity, going in two opposite directions at the same time.

In our words, to disambiguate the language of QM, relatively through the ambiguity of the concepts of w and that of p, is to remove the ambiguity of a statement, of a word, by retaining only a single meaning.

As far as disambiguation is concerned, a practical way of retaining only one meaning of a word or statement is to examine its etymology, which gives us the word’s true meaning. In this way, we can trace the original meaning of a word back to the ancient languages from which it originated.

The reader will not be surprised by my constant recourse to the etymology of words to retain and repeat only a single meaning throughout the text.


The simplest way to differentiate dichotomy from duality (or dualism) is to say that dichotomization is the act of conceptually dividing or classifying a type or set of objects extrinsic to a subject into two mutually exclusive categories or groups. This division can be made deterministically if not arbitrarily, whereas duality is the fact or state of an entity—something that exists as a particular and discrete unit— that is intrinsically divided between two contradictory attributes or states at the same time. From this follows doubt—from Lat. dubitare ‘ to fear, hesitate, waver: duo ‘two’ + itare ‘iteration as a repetition, solving by successive approximations, who is torn between two attitudes, interpretations, or direction to follow’—which is the action or mental state of being divided between two possibilities or alternatives that cannot occur at the same time (one or the other in the case of dichotomy) or do occur at the same time (one and the other or both at the same time in the case of duality). This distinction is crucial to understanding what follows. I hope the reader will not be put off by my repeated reminders of this distinction.

The word dichotomy comes from the Greek dikho- ‘ into two’ + temnein‘to cut, to divide’. A dichotomy is a mental, abstract division of a group or set of things into two contrasting things, subsets, or parts (not necessarily physical): for example, the classic capitalism/socialism, democracy/autocracy, thing/nothing, life/death, etc., the inescapable to be/to exist, and The One and the Many dichotomies.

A dichotomy is a logical division characterized by successive ramifications into two approximately equal divisions, known as a binary tree – represented in astronomy by the phase of the Moon during which only one half of its disk is visible, in botanic, as a mode of dividing twigs and peduncles in half on the stem, in computing by the binary system in which only two values are possible for each digit: 0 and 1. In this system, there are only two possible states.

A binary tree

The relationship between the two parts of a dichotomy must obey two rules:

1) The two parts must be mutually exclusive; that is, two events cannot both happen at the same time, like tossing a coin will result in either head or tail, but not both at the same time. The two parts thus formed (head, tail) are paired by their opposite, irreducible value (head or tail); nothing of each part can belong simultaneously to both parts;

2) joint exhaustivity: the couple of parts (everything) must belong to one part or the other In probability theory and logic, a set of events (parts) is jointly or collectively exhaustive if at least one of the events must occur.

Although this strict definition of the dichotomy is generally accepted and applied in statistical and computational mathematics, and even in the human sciences, it is not without certain ambiguities that limit its scope of application.

QM raises conceptual puzzles of a logical nature in relation to classical mechanics and in relation to itself where it expresses an ambiguity between dichotomization and dualization of its fundamental concepts such as:

1) Light is divided into two parts: a wave [w] and a particle [p] 

2) Reality is divided into: local (classical) and non-local (quantum). The concept of local and non-local reality is often discussed in the context of quantum physics. Local reality refers to the idea that objects or events can only directly influence other objects or events in their immediate vicinity, in a space-time sense. Non-local reality, on the other hand, suggests that objects or events can be connected in ways that transcend traditional spatial boundaries, implying instantaneous connections over long distances.

This notion is intertwined with discussions on entanglement, quantum teleportation, and the EPR paradox, where particles appear to be connected in ways that defy classical notions of locality.

3) The universe is a non-physical microcosm (quantum) and a physical macrocosm (classical physics); John Bell stated that quantum and classical physics are incompatible because classical physics is entirely local while QP can be only non-local. Physical (bodily) objects can’t be non-local and a quantum particles can’t be physical or local—Bohr said that a particle is made of things that cannot be regarded as real— , but only the result of a probabilistic calculation measurement.

4) The dichotomy field/particle: energy field particles coalesce in a particular way (mashed up, pushed together?) to form distinct units as physical objects 

5) Differentiation that came out of Singularity: One fundamental force became the 4 fundamental forces

6) Electromagnetic, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear interactions are unified into a single interaction (force) but separate from the gravitational interaction. The gravitational force is opposed to the other three unified forces. : the graviton[gp] as a hypothetical, virtual particle and a gravitational wave [gw]— an oscillation of the curvature of spacetime that propagates at a great distance from its point of formation— in order to solve the enigma of quantum gravity.

7) Non-causality in QM: it refers to the idea that certain quantum phenomena defy classical notions of cause and effect. In some situations, quantum particles seem to act without a specific cause or deterministic explanation, leading to uncertainty and unpredictability in their behavior. 

This concept of non-causality raises contested interpretations of the question of the origin of the universe and time. The existence of the universe would have no logically “reasonable” or deductive cause. The appearance of space and time with the Big Bang raises metaphysical debates between creationism and atheism, even among physicists themselves. The origin of the debate lies in the inexplicable Singularity, where there was no space, no time, a complete sameness without any differentiation of the four fundamental forces and of the constitutive elements at the very origin of the universe (preceding the Big Bang).

This non-causal aspect of quantum physics is fundamental to understanding the probabilistic nature of the quantum world. The Universe was not caused. Consequently we cannot be deterministic about its effect, only uncertain.

8) Entanglement: a quantum phenomenon where two or more particles become correlated in such a way that the quantum state of one particle is dependent on the state of another, even when they are separated by a large distance. This phenomenon has been described by Einstein as “spooky action at a distance.”

9) Superposition: refers to particles being in two places at once. In QM, particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously until measured or observed, leading to phenomena like particles exhibiting wave-like behavior or being in two places at the same time.

10) Quantum tunneling: matter traversing matter through a potential barrier. This is possible due to the wave-like nature of particles at the quantum level. It plays a crucial role in various physical processes, such as nuclear fusion in stars and the operation of tunnel diodes in electronics.

11) Simultaneity and sequentiality: did the universe unfold sequentially (past—> present—> future ) or did it occur all at once (past) in an eternal present that continues today as the present and tomorrow as the future? In other words, is the present simultaneous or sequential in relation to the past and future??

12) Identical particles in physics, such as electrons or photons, are particles that cannot be distinguished from one another based on their intrinsic properties like mass, charge, or spin. According to the principles of quantum mechanics, identical particles are indistinguishable,. 

How can identical particles, known as elementary particles, be the source of differentiation and physical diversification? How can a unit of identity, indivisible in essence, be divided? Could it be multiplication without division? Should Leibniz’s Law of “The Identity of Indiscernibles” be reinstated?

13) Indeterminism and syntropy in QM: there is a common belief that QM is radically indeterministic and that the universe is inherently random, according to QM predictions. However, randomness is not an inherent physical property of the universe. Randomness is a mathematical statistical concept. It concerns measurement outcomes which are not part of quantum theory.

“The answer is that the underlying dynamics of quantum theory is deterministic. The randomness only appears with respect to measurement outcomes. However, measurements are not described by a physical theory. They are only described using metaphysical axioms in order that the entire theory provides an effective descriptive framework. In other words, the measurement process is not part of the physical theory. This is called the measurement problem.” Mark John Fernee, Quora. FEB 10.2024

 Randomness is a mathematical interpretation of a physical phenomenon which would gain more consistency by integrating syntropy into its framework.

Mathematica, Contnuities, infinities and eternities

The and/or/both/either/neither logic

The preceding examples show that the confusion between dichotomy and duality is very real in its depth. Richard Feynman described QM as concealing at its heart the very mystery of the universe. These concepts are dichotomous insofar as they naturally present themselves to the intellect as mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive, yet at the same time, logically paradoxical and contradictory. For example, light is divided into two parts: it is both a wave [w] and a particle [p], but, at the same time, it is neither of them. This coexistence of both and, at the same time, neither of them within a single entity is the Gordian knot of Western (Aristotelian) logic: “duality or dualism”.

Duality and dichotomy are often logically confused because they both proceed by mutually exclusive binary oppositions: there seem only two possible logical states, one or the other, but not both, and even less, at the same time. But precisely, duality expresses the attribute or character of that which is twofold in itself, the simultaneous coexistence of two elements of opposite, or at least different, natures within the same entity. The logical puzzle with duality is to explain how the two coexisting opposites (parts)  work together as one, as a single unit, as a whole. To use an image to explain the phenomenon, it’s as if two partners (both *partners and *adversaries) were teaming up together against each other in a game where both win simultaneously.We could apply  to the situation the analogy of one hand clapping as a simultaneity of cause and effect.

Dichotomy does not support the coexistence of opposites in the same set or subset: the opposite must always be kept separated in two mutually exclusive subsets— like in Russel’s barber paradox: the barber who shaves all those, and those only, who do not shave themselves”. The question is, does the barber shave himself? Any answer to this question results in a contradiction: The barber cannot shave himself, as he only shaves those who do not shave themselves—otherwise, it becomes its own intrinsic negation. A set (the Barbers as a grouping, a set) cannot be a member of itself (a barber as an individual) according to its own stated rules of cutting into two opposite parts). Coexistence within the same entity means strictly simultaneous opposite states or existences. On the contrary, dichotomy declares, while implicitly postulating, irreducible oppositions between the two parts that can’t logically team up within the same entity.

 So, a priori, it seems impossible to dichotomize light, since the coexistence of its wave aspect [w] and particle aspect [p] simultaneously contradicts the rules of mutual exclusion and joint or collective exhaustiveness. If dichotomy is a logical operation, duality is an ontological one. There is no formal reasoning like a syllogism proceeding with the equivalent to the excluded third (middle) which would have to be the included third. How to logically deduct the particle from the wave? It is an inescapable, and therefore an analytically insoluble fact or reality. Then does the dual nature of light constitute a paradox, i.e. two statements that seem to contradict each other but which nevertheless contain some truth? With which logical operation should it be processed? Dichotomization doesn’t resolve the dualism of two opposites w and poperating as a singular unity, a unity constituting an indivisible whole.

This is probably why QM only talks about the duality of light and not of its dichotomy. But in reality, the dichotomous logic remains unconsciously underlying the approach to the duality of light which is still unresolved. Here is the reason why.

In the case of the wave theory [w] and the particle theory [p] of light, if we take them separately (in the dichotomization mode),

1) they are mutually exclusive. A wave occupies all space at the same time. The basic properties of a wave are its wavelength, frequency, time period, speed, and amplitude. A particle is a small localized object which can be ascribed to physical or chemical properties such as volume, mass, or density. It has measurable properties like mass, charge, spin, and scattering. It occupies a specific position at a specific time. Therefore [w] and [p] are mutually exclusive.

2) In the two-slit experiment—there are hundreds of articles on the Internet about the experiment, so it would be superfluous to add another one—, there are two possible events in a single outcome: a wave and a particle because they encompass the entire range of possible outcomes —we could add a third outcome, neither, that is, annihilation. So they are jointly exhaustive.

Therefore, taken separately, we can say that w and p conform to the double dichotomy rule. But the physical reality of light goes beyond a straightforward dichotomy. The wave can also manifest a particulate property: its photoelectric effect.



       • The dilemma of QT: choosing between the dichotomous and the dualistic interpretation of w/p


Here, common and quantum logic implied in the wave/particle duality, superposition, entanglement, is defied by a concept in logic that refers to a statement or proposition that is both true and false at the same time.  More precisely, it is the belief that there can be a true statement whose negation is also true. This concept in logic is called dialetheia or dialetheism, from Greek di- ‘twice’ + alḗtheia ‘truth’:This stands in contradiction with classical logic principles where a statement cannot have both truth values simultaneously. Svchrödinger cat’s thought experiment, where the cat is both dead and alive at the same time, is the illustration of the presence of a dialetheia in the very concept of a wave function that could not collapse. The problem with dialetheism is that it can’t be described in terms of binary logic. It needs a unitary (Oneness) logic or a triune logic like dialectics.

If the end is in the beginning and the beginning in the end, dialetheically speaking, the statement that two opposite states can yield the two outcomes at the same time would mean that the wave function does not have to collapse. It is the logical dichotomic act of measurement that collapses the wave function, it is a collapse of linear logic; the moment the physicist measures the particle, he knows that the particle went left or right but miss the possibility of observing the particle going in both direction at the same time.

It’s as if there were only one hand clapping. This is what the principle of Oneness essentially means: that which, in itself, holds the universe in a simultaneous two-state superposition: perfect stillness (unchangeability) and eternal transformability (changeability), differentiation, yet sameness. Oneness ignores time and space. In Oneness, we can’t fall if there is no space nor can we fall through time as well. Oneness can only be conjugated to the Present, which is an absence of time or precedes time.


∆ The dilemma of interpreting quantum phenomena

When it comes to interpreting quantum phenomena in the language of words, do we try to describe the indescribable like a ballerina trying to describe the dance as she dances? What happens to her dance when she tries to break it down into parts? Does she have to take measurements while she dances? She can’t be the measurer, the measuring instrument, the unit of measurement, the stage and the dancer in the act of dancing all at once. The dancer and her dance form an indivisible unit in their totality and wholeness. The dancer stands still while she dances.

But then she would need a way to study her consciousness, like one attempting to study sleep while asleep.

Can we measure wholeness? How much information do we need to measure it? We simply don’t know how to measure wholeness or oneness. We’ll never have enough information. In fact, we have some information, but nothing about the reason for its wholeness.

So it is when it comes to interpreting the mysterious behavior of quantum particles that are said to be calculable but indescribable, and still incomprehensible to humans.

This is the dilemma faced by QM when it attempts to formulate precisely mathematical phenomena—the breaking into parts— for which it has no precise descriptive physical formulations—the oneness in wholeness of physical phenomena—. It must then choose between mathematical precision and clarity, i.e. oneness in wholeness, of interpretation.

 •Disambiguating quantum definitions and interpretations

Note the vague, interchangeable, and intertwined definitions given to the word concepts like (some, any, no)thing, particle, wave, object, reality, physicality, bodily, not real (and many more). Is a thing, a particle, or a wave function an object? Is reality an attribute of a verifiable existence of a thing or object? Or is it simply no-thing? This common tangle of different definitions is a source of ambiguity when trying to differentiate the two types of physical realities while describing them in their individuality and trying to describe the two physics as a whole. Definitions are sources of ambiguities that result in cases of (mis)understanding.

The word “ambiguous” is formed from two Latin words: the prefix amb(i)- ‘around, in two opposite directions, on both sides’ and agere ‘to act, to drive.’ Ambigere can mean going in two opposite directions at the same time; therefore it can be said of a word that has two or more possible meanings that sometimes contradict each other, become equivocal, uncertain, and susceptible to various mentally conflicting interpretations. The wave-particle duality [w/p] of light in QM is an ambiguity, going in two directions at the same time.

In his article ‘Against Measurement’, John Bell proposed purging the language of quantum theory [QT] of all the words that shouldn’t be part of it, such as apparatus, measurement, environment, system, observable, reversible, irreversible, etc., “which have no place in a formulation with any pretension to physical precision“,  and of all words loaded with meaning taken from everyday life. At the same time, he was determined to avoid restricting QM “to be exclusively about piddling laboratory operations”. After all, “the aim remains: to understand the world.”. After all, the sacrosanct concept of measurement, in actuality, gives information, but none of the reasons. What is a quantity (quantum) without its inherent substratum— what supports another existence — a quality, a specific property that defines an essential character, nature)  (< Lat qualis?/what kind)?

Do two identical particles have the same measurement? According to the principle of indistinguishability of identical particles in quantum physics, two identical particles cannot be distinguished absolutely. This means that it’s impossible to say whether two identical particles have the same measurements in terms of position, momentum or other quantum properties. This implies that there is a fundamental indeterminacy in the nature of particles and their properties.

In our words, we need to disambiguate the language of QT, i.e. to end the ambiguity of a statement, of a word, by retaining only a single meaning.

Regarding disambiguation, one practical way of retaining only one meaning of a word or statement is to resort to the word’s etymology. In this way, we can trace the original meaning of words back to the ancient languages from which they were derived.

It is in the nature of things that we are able to talk about these objects only by means of concepts of our own creation, concepts which themselves are not subject to definition. It is essential, however, that we make use only of such concepts concerning whose coordination to our experience we feel no doubt.”

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough”, Einstein

 “Somewhere in our doctrine there lurks a conception not justified by any experience, which will have to be eliminated in order to clear the way.” Max Born

 “I discipline myself to define every word I use; else I must give it up.” Buckminster Fuller


What separates classical physicists from quantists (which stands for quantum physicists), and what confuses the general public when it comes to simultaneously understanding two different types of physics, is essentially the mutual conceptual ambiguity in the use of the words or expressions such as “thing, object, reality, exact mathematical formulation (of QM), workable approximations, precise physical formulation, mathematical idealizations, and truth”. Also, classical physics is deterministic, quantum physics is indeterministic, plus few others.

Classical physics is indeed described as a deterministic theory, meaning that if the initial conditions are known, the future behavior of a system can be precisely predicted. However, quantum physics introduces a different perspective. Quantum mechanics is often described as indeterministic due to the inherent nature of uncertainty and probability in its predictions. It deals with phenomena at the microscopic level, where particles and waves exhibit behaviors that cannot be precisely determined in advance. The probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics introduces a level of indeterminism compared to classical physics. However, determining whether physical reality is intrinsically deterministic or indeterministic is not the prerogative of physics, any more than it is that of infinities and continuities, it remains a question that must be addressed in conjunction with epistemology or, more generally, metaphysics.

&&&Between Singularity and Oneness

If we rely on this distinction, a new ambiguity arises. In deterministic Newtonian physics, the initial conditions and past behaviors of macrocosmic objects (planets, solar systems, galaxies, etc.) are relatively well known, so that the behavior of one of these systems can be mathematically predicted with precision. In indeterministic QP, the initial conditions of the universe prior to the Big Bang are reduced to a state awkwardly called the Singularity, but which cannot serve as the basis for any precise physical formulation that can accurately predict the future of the universe.

Instead, we should substitute the concept of Oneness for that of Singularity, which is much more explanatory in itself. Singularity refers to the character of what is unique, an individualized object, alone. Oneness refers to the quality or state of being one; both in singleness and wholeness (integrality). This is Singularity, where, in the initial state of Oneness, there was only one primordial homogeneous undifferentiated element. The concept of oneness has always been and remains misinterpreted, especially in the theory of the singularity preceding the Big Bang. There would have been no Big Bang if there had been no state of Oneness in the universe preceding it.

The word “preceding” itself seems to contradict that of Oneness, in which there can’t be neither time, beginning nor end, except in a differentiated state where time would create distance, and space would occupy time. Oneness also means that a single primordial element is both the content and container of the entire universe. This implies that oneness is both a singularity and an undifferentiated totality of the forces and constituents of this universe in its germ state, so that everything was perfectly identical and indistinguishable in this state of homogeneity.

There can be no space or time in identity, which remains indivisible. Identity has no differentiated parts. It is therefore logical to think that the universe-One could be reduced to a “point-like” entity, because in oneness a point has no dimension in itself. It can be as big or as small as you like. The fundamental property of the point is to constitute a space that is both interior and exterior or, better still, essentially INSIDE. This abstract point contains, in the form of a germ (seed), the totality of the universe’s energy in the process of becoming something individualized, singular and multiple. This point is also extremely hot and luminous”, since light and fire are still initially undifferentiated from each other. In this extremely hot and luminous point, all the light-energy or fire-light necessary for the hatching and development of this germ of a universe pre-existed. Instead of speaking of a point-like, we should rather speak of a point-present, because what we can call a beginning is more precisely the continuity of what has always been. Cf tohu-bohu, an out of nothingness)

The idea of the universe not beginning is nonsense, because everything begins with a point that we rightly call the starting point. A simple dot on a sheet of paper can mark the beginning of a story, a conversation, or even an idea. But the point doesn’t belong to time or space. It’s an eternally present point with the potential to become something. The present belongs to the world of eternity. The beginning takes place in continuity. It is a perpetual recommencement. The point is perfectly continuous. This is why we can say: “In the beginning is the present. It originates in spirit, which is infinite, non-commensurable and above all oneness. Who can measure the precise time, the precise speed and the precise place of the appearance of an idea in continuity. Timelessness cannot be counted with the predicate of minutes. Continuity cannot be calculated in terms of a sum of light-years. True timelessness is infinity and cannot be identified by a less or a more. The true beginning of the universe would require a mathematics of the immeasurable, which cannot be achieved by relying solely on discrete values (including the quantum!).

The idea of representing the singularity as a point is a direct consequence of the initial unitary state of the universe. In oneness, as in identity, there can be no parts – nor can there be any spatial or temporal dimension. But a shell or seed envelops the seed made of fire-light. The shell in which the seed of light was enclosed was nothing other than a compressive force, both the content and the container of this fire-light, light’s resistance to itself, giving it the power to pass through itself.

Objectum in Lat. literally means that which is thrown before the eyes or senses of a subject who experiences, through the intrinsic properties of the object, the opposition or resistance of this object “other” than himself. There is no subject-object fusion, no superposition of states, no entanglement, no blending of identities. They cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Their relationship is one of otherness, estrangeness, not identity.

This definition of the object is that of classical physics. It’s also the definition used by ordinary mortals. Einstein constantly refers to this classical definition of the object, often using the term “bodily object”.

This concept of object is also inherently associated with that of “reality”. The word reality also comes from Lat. res >  real(is) > realitas ‘that which constitutes a thing, possessed things, an object or entity that cannot be specifically named as in republic, public things or matters. Curiously, in French, the word rien , is formed from ne rem < res: no(-)thing.

The word ‘Truth’< [I.-E.] *deru- ‘to be firm, steadfast; hence specialized senses ‘wood, tree’ and derivatives referring to objects made of wood (AHD)

In classical physics, for something to be real, it must be physical (bodily) and directly measurable—assuming that it has pre-existing identifiable physical properties, whereas in quantum physics, for something to be considered real, it must be observed and measured without any assumptions about its prior physicality or non-physicality. The physicality attribute of a quantum thing does not depend on pre-existing physical properties but is assigned on the fly by a probability calculation of where it is (locality) or how fast it moves and the quantity of energy it carries and delivers (spin and momentum), or how it interacts with the other things used to predict its presence. Physicality is a pure abstraction, a statistical probability.

Note the vague, interchangeable, and intertwined definitions given to the word concepts like (some, any, no)thing, object, reality, physicality (and many more). Is a thing an object? Is reality an attribute of a verifiable existence of a thing or object? This common tangle of different definitions is a source of ambiguity when trying to differentiate the two types of physics while describing them in their individuality and trying to describe the two physics as a whole. Definitions are sources of ambiguities that result in cases of (mis)understanding.

The word “ambiguous” is formed from two Latin words: the prefix amb(i) ‘around, in two opposite directions, on both sides’ and agere ‘to act, to drive.’ Ambigere can mean going in two opposite directions at the same time; therefore it can be said of a word that has two or more possible meanings that sometimes contradict each other, become equivocal, uncertain, and susceptible to various mentally conflicting interpretations. The wave-particle duality [w/p] of light in QM is an ambiguity, going in two directions at the same time.

In his article ‘Against Measurement’, John Bell proposed purging the language of quantum theory [QT] of all the words that shouldn’t be part of it, such as apparatus, measurement, environment, system, observable, reversible, irreversible, etc., “which have no place in a formulation with any pretension to physical precision“,  and of all words loaded with meaning taken from everyday life. At the same time, he was determined to avoid restricting QM “to be exclusively about piddling laboratory operations”. After all, “the aim remains: to understand the world.” 

In our words, we need to disambiguate the language of QT, i.e. to end the ambiguity of a statement, of a word, by retaining only a single meaning.

Regarding disambiguation, one practical way of retaining only one meaning of a word or statement is to resort to the word’s etymology. In this way, we can trace the original meaning of words back to the ancient languages from which they were derived.

To give an example, let’s go back to the word reality, which means ‘a thing that cannot be specifically named’. While concrete objects share the attribute of bodiliness (Einstein), quantum objects or particles, according to Bohr, are defined in this way:

“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real. If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet.”
This quote from Bohr brings us surprisingly close to the French word  rien ‘nothing’. Reality is made up of things that are not real, hence that are no-thing. In fact, there’s nothing yet to understand! The Universe came out of nothingness.

Reality is what it is. It is One, singular.  It is not multiple, except in mathematical idealizations, just as there can’t be many infinities in infinity, many eternities in eternity, many presents in the present except in Cantor’s set theory. Time is physically irreversible but mathematically reversible. Reality is predicated as being bodily or made of nothing so that it cannot be regarded as real. Reality is unreal. However,  True reality, true infinity, true eternity, and true continuity cannot be identified by a less or more. They simply are and they are simple, that is, in a single fold, folded in on themselves.



Two realities into one or one reality into two?
That is the question

We now see the word “Quantum” tripled in quantum physics (QP), quantum mechanics (QM), and quantum theory (QT) and popularly adapted to every sauce in every cuisine. QP, QM, and QT are used interchangeably. These distinctions are primarily for quantum physicists, which I will henceforth abbreviate to quantists. The most important word to remember is “Quantum”. It comes from the Latin interrogative adverb Quantus?, in the neuter Quantum, meaning “How much? Quantum means a finite or discrete and determinate quantity, that which is susceptible to be quantified. In quantum physics, the quantum is a discrete value to which or to multiples of which corresponds a manifestation (in the form of a quantity) of energy. Quantum mechanics [QM] and quantum physics [QP] both concern the study of subatomic particles.

The photoelectric effect starts the puzzle 

Around 1900, physicists discovered that at the atomic and subatomic levels, atoms and particles constituted “strange objects” that seemed to obey physical laws different from those known from classical physics.

In March 1905, Einstein discovered the photoelectric effect, for which he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. The photoelectric effect consists of the emission of electrons when an electromagnetic radiation or wave [w], such as light, strikes a material (a detector surface). When an energetic w collides with an electron, part of the energy of w goes into dislodging the electron. The rest of the energy of w  is transferred to the free negative charge of the electron. This dislodged electron is called a photoelectron p (or light-electron)

The photoelectric effect. Wiki

 Einstein’s experiments involving the photoelectric effect revealed that light was not made up exclusively of continuous waves but also of discontinuous, discrete, and therefore quantifiable particles—the photon being that unit of measurement in Planck’s quantum of energy). This is called a diffraction experiment. It also revealed that the electron wave doesn’t deposit energy over the entire surface of the detector, as a wave would do, like a wave breaking on a flat sand beach. Energy is deposited at a point as if it were a drop (particle) of water. So the photon propagates through space like a nonlocalizable w— a wave occupies all space, not a specific point—but when it interacts by contact with other particles, it manifests itself as a p and not as w. It becomes localized. This attribute of the photon is known as the wave-particle duality of light, but all subatomic particles share this attribute of the duality of nature.

If w manifests as a particulate property p, reciprocally, the particle can manifest as a wave-like property. Louis De Broglie calculated the wavelength of a particle: it is inversely proportional to the momentum—the quantity of motion that an object has— of the particle. He even asserted that corpuscles with mass behave like particles, but also like waves. But let’s keep in mind that the photon has no mass.

Einstein was well aware of the logical impasse of the duality of light into which his discovery of the photoelectric effect placed him and the classical theory of light.

The photoelectric effect has placed both physics in an ambivalent state. While the existence of bodily objects posed no unsuspected physical problem, the duality of light posed a major one. Classical physics was not concerned with the duality of light. It treated the w and p aspects of light separately, applying one theory to the wave and another to the particle to describe explanatorily the phenomenon. But quantum mechanics‘s famous two-slit experiment forced quantists to search for a theory that would describe and explain w and p as one and the same phenomenon, just as James Maxwell had done in his equations ‘unifying electricity and magnetism as two different aspects of light. But, until now, such a theory has never seen the light of day.

Einstein, firmly anchored in the classical concept of the bodily object, sought to understand how a physical object could possess two contradictory attributes:

“It seems as though we must use sometimes the one theory[wave] and sometimes the other [particle], while at times we may use either. We are faced with a new kind of difficulty. We have two contradictory pictures of reality; separately, neither of them fully explains the phenomena of light, but together they do”. Einstein

Is light a physical object in itself? Not in the sense we’ve given to the word object. In the case of light, we must speak of a phenomenon or phenomenal object.

The word phenomenon shares the same Indo-European root as the word phantom, namely, ‘to make shine, to see, as in an apparition. If we retain the terminology of a bodily object, then we’d say that light travels through electromagnetic waves as a transport medium and manifests —appears as a phantasm, or something apparently seen, but having no physical reality — as a massless particle, the photon, which is not considered a material object in the traditional sense either.

(((So, unlike within our everyday scale of perception of “concrete” objects such as a table, a tree, or the moon, particles are not “solid” objects possessing a volume (a container, a shell) that allows them to acquire a relative mass, a consistency enabling them to have an insideness and an outsideness. The interiority and exteriority of physical bodies are what determine their otherness, their state of separation and distinction from one another, and prevent them from falling down or inward suddenly into one another (collapsing into one localized entity) and returning to their original state of unity or singularity, where the four forces of the universe constituted a single force in a concentrated point.

Quantum particles cannot be differentiated from each other in the same way as an apple and a cat. They have no shell or membrane to give them insideness and outsideness, hence separating and differentiating them from each other. They can pass through each other to form new, transitory energy states and “choose” to manifest one of these new, acquired energy states or fall back sharply to their basic level.

“…The electron does anything it likes It just goes in any direction at any speed, forward or backward in time. However it likes, and then you add up the amplitudes, and it gives you the wave function. Mind, as manifested by the capacity to make choices is to some extent inherent in every electron” Freeman Dyson. Quote [13]

This choice is only a probability, never certainty like the daily sunrise.

Therefore quantists could not work with quantum objects the way classical physicists work with macro objects. The only way they could distinguish one particle from another was to measure them, and count them—quantify them with various measure units—from different angles using different methods and instruments. Having to deal with such tiny objects, the act itself of measuring risked interfering with the measuring instrument. Anyway, these measurements eventually became mathematical laws, giving them a mechanical character. Hence the term quantum mechanics. And curiously enough, these mathematical laws became more and more distinct from those of classical physics, as they were carried away towards a “statistical” or probabilistic representation of the quantum objects of the microcosmic world”. Before the establishment of unshakeable mathematical laws representing the subatomic world, the field of this non-classical physics was simply referred to as quantum theory.

A tangled web of definitions

To be continued…

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