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[χ stands for a chiasma]

Michal Bednarek | Royalty free.


The universe is ever new, and you are ever new with it.

That is very good, not to know what to think. That is the beginning of learning, and you are beginning to learn. #167

Welcome uncertainty. Welcome wondering. Welcome new. You don’t have to feel secure or established. There is no such thing as settling down. As soon as you settle back, it’s time to get up and go further. You think you seek for balance, and that once you have it, you need seek no longer. But there is no end to your development, and there is no end to your knowing Me. That is eternity. Eternity is not the same as endless time. It is not a long straight line. Think of it more as loops, or connected circles, or helixes rising. That is the course of your life with Me. Ever more.

There is ever more for you to grasp. There is another room to enter. And another off that. You enter new rooms, and it is not the same you who enters. You who are changeless are not the same with every entry. Each room you enter, you gasp with joy. Your heart leaps. With every discovery you make, you are more unbounded. You are not one who trudges. You are one who flies. And you fly with Me. That you can be certain of. #167

You live on many planes. All paths are not short.

You travel everywhere, and you go nowhere.

Ego is impatient. It is in a hurry because it races to beat time, and ego races a shadow it can never catch. #476

“You are constantly being attracted, compelled toward union with one another (and with all that is in the Matrix), then, at the Moment of Unity, being repelled by conscious choice away from that Unity. Your choice is to remain free of it so that you can experience it. For once you become part of that Unity and remain there, you cannot know it as Unity, since you no longer know Separation”. Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God, Bk II:90