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41 The Quilt of Lives


“God said: There is not one thread of life that is not connected to another. Not one. All is interconnected. A thread is woven and unseen. It may take a year or ten or a thousand before that thread is seen again. There are no dropped stitches in life. A seed planted years ago will sprout and spread new seeds of itself. A remarkable quilt is being woven, ever continuing, never-ending.

…You are a stitch in this quilt, and you are the knitter of it. The knitting needles move under your fingers or not. You can drop the needles, but not the stitches. The quilt project is ongoing.

…Can you find the stitches of this quilt that you have woven? Can you find them? It doesn’t matter. They are there, and other stitches will be built upon them. Each generation is represented, and each generation is united with all. This is Eternity, beloveds, always itself, and yet beautifully woven in many hues.”

God said: When you feel suffering, it is you who is torturing yourself. You are everything. If you are aggrieved, you are the aggriever, the grief, and the process of grieving. Just as when you love, you are the one who loves, the beloved, and you are the process of loving as well.”



I suggest the reader to follow the link and read the complete Heavenletter. God often says that He speaks the language of metaphor (see Blog 11: The World as a Metaphor) and He has used many times the metaphor of weaving, stitching to express the infinite memory and creation of life, “Eternity, always itself, and yet beautifully woven in many hues”.

Weaving itself is not only a metaphor, it is in fact one of the most ancient basic
 techniques that human societies have implemented in their technological knowledge for survival. And it is still prevailing today. The global techniques that use the principle of weaving are called plectogenic or plexogenic, from the Greek root  plekto-, plexo- “to plait, weave, entwine, braid; twisted”. In medicine, it means, as an adjective, giving rise to a plexus or plexiform structure (like in plexogenic pulmonary arteriopathy). In network computing, Internet is an electronic plexus or web.

We can notice that in the weaving pattern (of a quilt, a wicker basket), there are threads that are flat, linear and others that are twisted. It is this combination of individual flat threads and twisted threads that define the quilt, the wicker basket, the plexus, the web. In the same Heavenletter, God develops His metaphor: “Once noted, the thread can be knotted. That thread can reach its conclusion. The quilt it is a part of continues. New threads are started, and new connections are made, yet the old ones remain with the quilt. There presence is there, yet that thread is done. It keeps to itself now. It lies in the snow, content to lie there. It has served its purpose.”

With this passage, we understand that the principle of weaving goes beyond a simple technique and assumes its full metaphoric power. As an illustration, in music the principle of weaving has been wonderfully developed in the classical musical form of the canon. The canon is a musical composition in which an air or melody is imitated by one or more voices at fixed intervals or pitch and time. It has developed into a sophisticated form in the art of counterpoint (contrapunctus, a weaving term to describe a musical form!). Johann Sebastian Bach, in his Art of the Fugue (Die Kunst der Füge), used the musical weaving technique to build permutation matrices to compose mirror fugues where the theme or subject would be inverted. In other ones, the keyboard player could start from the last note of the piece and “regress” to the beginning, mirroring the first subject. One of J.S. Bach’s well-known prowess was to play with the four letters of his name B-A-C-H and compose canonic or fugal themes by permuting the letters of his name and finally write a fugal theme with is name in the proper sequence of letters B-A-C-H. Of course the four letters of his name correspond to the four following notes: B stands on the keyboard for B flat, A for the note A, C for the note C and H for natural B. (See illustration below.)

B        A      C      H

This example of musical plectogenics brings us to its metaphorical level: “You are a stitch in this quilt, and you are the knitter of it. The knitting needles move under your fingers or not. You can drop the needles, but not the stitches. The quilt project is ongoing”. And so is the counterpoint. In B-A-C-H’s fugue, Bach was not only the composer of his musical quilt but also one of the stich of his composition, namely his name.  Weaving can generate itself indefinitely. This is also expressed in enigmatic sentences like: you are the writer, the hand that writes, the paper on which your hand writes, and what is written; “You are everything: If you are aggrieved, you are the aggriever, the grief, and the process of grieving. Just as when you love, you are the one who loves, the beloved, and you are the process of loving as well.” The subject is included in its object as well as the object is included in the subject.


The matrix of life

In direct analogy with weaving as a metaphor, the Genesis, — in Hebrew  Sepher Bharashyth or The Scroll of Creation or Beginning —  and the Sepher Yetsira — The Scroll of formation or structuration — were effectively written on scrolls made of vegetal fibres or animal fibres (skin), so basically these scrolls were woven like a piece of fabric. Moreover, it is said that the letters of the aleph-beith were like angels descending in a spiral movement from Heaven and linearizing themselves on the scroll to form the words of the text and then going back to Heaven (like in Jacob’s ladder). Each letter is composed of other letters that are themselves composed of other letters into an intricated textual fabric that generates numbers as well as, in turn, the numbers generate new letter combinations. This is also a metaphoric illustration of the DNA spiral molecule that unfolds into a linear surface for the encoding of proteins and re-folds itself. 

The Hebrew word Sepher itself has three meanings. The first meaning refers to the object (book, sheet, scroll) on which the writing is traced. In an extended meaning it is the text itself. The second meaning of Sepher is number or numeral. And the Hebrew language is number based, that is the letters function not only as letters of an aleph-beith but also as numbers and these numbers have a meaning as a language. Curiously enough, in Hebrew numbers are written with letters as words and not as numerals. In its broadest sense, the third meaning of Sepher is sphere and designates figuratively a sum of knowledge or a field of action or influence.

The relation we can establish between the Sepher and plectogenics (the quilt) is that both represent not only a technique and an instrument but an integrated language which is not simply a conceptual representation of some outside reality but a moving and living projection of what it is talking about. This language is a map as well as an engine that includes the subject who is using it.

DNA as an engine and a map

“DNA is the engine and the map. It is reactive and creative. It pushes and it pulls, and like the other multidimensional energies in the Universe, it is “aware” and biased to help you find the creator inside” (Kryon, The Twelve Layers of DNA, channelled by Lee Carroll).

DNA combines the properties of plectogenics and of a Sepher. We now know that our DNA is constituted of crystalline filaments that contain intelligent information that goes far beyond a simple linear sequence of letters as they constitute weaving patterns and stitches. As in our B-A-C-H example, God’s name Y-H-W-H is part of our DNA quantum structure as well as our “angelic” name, an expression of L-O-V-E. DNA is a language that contains its own subject and object and, as such, translates multidimensional, non-local electromagnetic vibrations into information and action at the 3-D level. Since our name and our Creator’s name are inside, it becomes obvious that our DNA knows us. But it will only perform 3-D “chemical” activities as long as we don’t talk to it. Talking to our cells is talking to our DNA and talking to our DNA is talking to our real self inside and making it happen.

A quilt is a map and a motor as well as an object that includes the subject as an individual thread. It is a matrix consisting of a  combination of numbers defining localization through a network of Spatio-temporal coordinates, letters, or threads defining forms and content, and at the same time, it is defining a whole that cannot be localized in space or in time. It is Eternity extending itself. In the quilt, we are a stitch of God. Weaving is the Tree of Life.

The Universe is moving along a complexifying rather than disintegrating pattern. Scientists call “information” or “intelligent design”  or “bias” this tendency of the Universe towards life, complexification and creation. God prefers to talk about us as co-creators of the Universe rather than pieces of code or information.


Written by Normand Bourque on Aug 24, 2013

Published inLANGUAGE AND LANGUAGESThe World as a Metaphor

One Comment

  1. Margaret Margaret

    Oh yes, often I wrote in my journal: I AM THE DOER, THE DEED, AND THE DOING. You express it as: “You are everything: If you are aggrieved, you are the aggriever, the grief, and the process of grieving. Just as when you love, you are the one who loves, the beloved, and you are the process of loving as well.”

    I thank Gloria for pointing the way to your blog. Your thoughts travel pathways mine have visited.

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