“God said: Your creating miracles will not come from a transformation. No transformation is necessary. Awareness is necessary. A blink of an eye is all that is necessary. You have the Free Will to recognize Who you are and act accordingly. Oneness of focus without effort is a gift I gave you and give you still. You have this gift. Everyone has this gift, the gift of letting go and finding that the Kingdom of Heaven is truly within you. The wand you will wave is Our One Heart of love. All is instantaneous. Nothing is far away from you. Nothing is outside you. You attain by letting go.” HL 4819
Isn’t it fascinating that the more we progress on our spiritual journey, the more we feel time is fleeing us. Sometimes, we feel that time is slowing down but more than often we feel that time is speeding up. Even if we work at a regular and intensive pace, at the end of the day we have the feeling that we have accomplished less and less as time goes by. But in both cases, we feel that time is real, yet it cannot get into our grasp because it seems to vary with our perception of it. And our perception of it varies according to our interpretation of what is happening around us as well as within us. Are we living Einstein’s paradox upside down?
Einstein was officially the first to declare in his great insight that time is relative. By relative, it is meant that time is not invariable or immutable like the regular tick marking each second on earth. In other terms, time is not a constant even if we calculate it precisely with sophisticated atomic clocks. If we consider two persons moving at two different speeds relative to each other and observing each other, time seems to speed up for one of them and slow down for the other. Einstein said that if someone was traveling in a spaceship at the speed of light relative to an observer stationed on earth, the space traveler would age more slowly than the observer on earth. Consequently, to the space traveler observing the observer stationed on Earth, the “earth” traveler would age more rapidly. Both observers (on earth and in the spaceship) make consistent observations because the speed of physical light is constant. This phenomenon where time seems to pass slower when we theoretically travel at very high speed approaching the speed of light is called time dilation. We then could assume that at the other end of the relative speed spectrum, a traveler on earth (the majority of us) is experiencing time contraction. It seems that when we travel, we are space travelers as far as we are moving with our physical body in space. Yet, as observers of ourself and of the outside world, we are time travelers.
Hence subjectively, we might feel the exact opposite of Einstein’s relativity principle concerning the observer. The more we live spiritually, the more time seems to accelerate hence contract. Does it mean that we are losing speed instead of gaining speed in terms of Einstein’s relativity theory? That is where the end and the beginning meet like the Ouroboros snake swallowing its own tail. It might also mean that we actually alternate in our perception as space travelers and time travelers.
Let’s say that Einstein is right in the physical or relative world since he expresses the relativity of two phenomena in terms of each other and measured against a constant, namely the speed of light. But let’s take a different standpoint. Let’s look at relativity from Heaven instead of looking at it from Earth.
A new way of looking at sinusoidal waves
Physics does not include consciousness into its mathematical equations for obvious theoretical and methodological reasons. Moreover, light is interpreted as a physical phenomenon: in its material corpuscular aspect, it is composed of photonic particles that travel at a constant yet limited speed. In its undulatory aspect, it is much more difficult to grasp light’s material nature because it becomes a mathematical probabilistic wave function.
It is at the level of this probabilistic function that the oneness of consciousness seems to start experiencing splitting itself into a multiplicity of points of view or observations through the duality of space and time.
Starting from a Heaven point of observation, consciousness, as expressed in and by Oneness, is a starting point rather than an ending one, for the purpose of this blog. In other terms, consciousness is not only the result of chemical processes in the brain, as reported by neurobiology, but at the same time, it is the cause of this chemical process. Oneness is not only an end product or a final synthesis of a consciousness that progressively rises from the ignorance of itself to the knowledge of itself through experiencing the seeming multiplicity of separate forms in the physical world. It is the source and the end of the whole process of the physical world experience. It is the subject, the medium and the object of its own experience. We came from light and we are going back to light with the enrichment of the Earth experience. We know absolutely everything from the beginning, yet we hardly know anything until we recover the memory of where we come from.
We have expressed in a previous blog (#43) that the perfect likeness, sameness, analogy, holography, or oneness between love and truth is what produces light. Or we could say that light is the perfect expression of the oneness of love and truth. This light is not physical, not visible and its speed is not limited but infinite. Physical, visible light is a projection or an expression in the physical world of this invisible light. We are created by this light and we are this light. And it is the separation between love and truth that has separated light into light and darkness and love into love and fear. The perfect and indivisible Energy-One started pulsating to allow this experience.
Let us look at the classical model of a sine wave. We will avoid being too technical but we need to define very briefly the current terms describing a sine wave. A sine wave is a representation of a pulsating, hence cyclical or periodic phenomenon. The period is defined by the time needed to complete one cycle or one repetition. The frequency refers to how often the period or cycle happens. Frequency and period are different yet related quantities (inversely proportional to each other). The speed of a wave is the distance traveled by a given point on the wave (like the crest) in a given period of time. It is slightly different from the speed of an object which refers to how fast it is moving according to the distance it travels per time of travel. Amplitude is the magnitude of the wave. It is represented by the vertical distance between the crest and the horizontal line that separates the two portions of a single cycle.
The concept of the sine wave shows us how time and space define each other. One cannot be defined without the other. Space through its main conceptual component distance is always measured through a movement hence a speed going from the starting point to the endpoint of the distance to be measured. We basically use time as a concept to express the concept of distance and vice-versa. We commonly calculate speed through the formula: speed = distance x time.
Moreover, the “distance” traveled by a given point on the sine wave (like the crest) in a given period of time — which expresses the speed of the wave — might be what creates the perceptual phenomenon of distance in the physical spatial world where the speed of an object rests on the evaluation of how fast it is moving according to the distance it travels per time of travel. In other words, time is what determines localization in space.
Yet in our earthly embodied consciousness, we are constantly split between space and time. We don’t succeed in multiplying them to increase our speed to reach the awareness of oneness. And this might be the direct consequence of the separation between love and truth.
Let’s imagine that the virtual separation of love from truth in Heaven (split in the mind) created the virtual separation of time and space on earth. Let’s also imagine that love on earth took the appearance of time while truth took the appearance of space. Doesn’t time on earth express the constant longing and waiting for love and self-realization while space expresses the need for proofs and concrete evidences of the truth of this love and self-realization?
But since everything starts as a thought, we can say that the thought of separating One (love and truth) into two requires a split in focus of the consciousness, that is to say, that consciousness experiences twoness of focus. In our model of the sine curve, this twoness of focus is expressed by both portions of the period of the sine curve, which is the portion above the horizontal axis and the portion that is below the axis. A complete cycle or oscillation goes alternatively through the positive and negative phases composing the complete cycle.
Using the twoness of focus principle and applying it to love and truth, we experience (in our embodied consciousness) in each complete cycle of vibration (sine curve) the alternation of love and truth (in a dualistic or alternating mode) and its translation into the alternation of time and space. The illusion of the material world is generated by this oscillation (love/truth, time/space) that pulsates so rapidly that it gives to our perception the impression of the existence of solid matter, hence that the physical world is real.
Time IS space, space IS time
We tend to represent the electromagnetic spectrum as a flat, 2-D linear continuum*. But let’s imagine that this electromagnetic spectrum is circular or even better spiral.
Moreover, let’s imagine that it forms a one-sided infinite loop (like in the illustration below). After all, Oneness cannot be two-sided!
This means that for a consciousness that has oneness of focus, the sine curve in the shape of a one-sided infinite loop is no longer the expression of an alternating phenomenon but an ever-expanding one in perfect likeness and sameness without tautological or meaningless self-reference.
It is this one-sided infinite loop that allows mathematical multiplications where we multiply time by space (distance x time), or mass by speed (E=mc2). Otherwise, how could the multiplication of feet/meters by sec/hour yield a speed? There must be some basic likeness between time and spatial distance to create the physical phenomenon of speed. It is also this infinite loop that allows the infinite expansion of Love multiplied by Truth which is the power of itself in its oneness and sameness. But a profound revision of Fourier’s equations and series will be necessary to establish this perfect likeness of space and time.
Time and space are one as generators of the multiplicity of forms on earth. We could even associate numbers with time and love, and letters with space and truth. Only think about the relation between architecture and music (geometry and rhythm in construction using the golden number), letters and numbers in songs (with music and words or lyrics) and in the Kabala, sound modulation with the anatomy (geometry) of the mouth, the larynx and breathing in spoken languages, etc. Aren’t mathematicians in love with numbers?
The moment we realize that time is space and that space is time (convertibility of space and time) by realizing that love and truth are One and the same, time and space will collapse and we will finally know what illusion means. We will make the quantum jump from time and space to eternity and infinity. This is the restoration of oneness of focus.
“Your creating miracles will not come from a transformation. No transformation is necessary. Awareness is necessary. A blink of an eye is all that is necessary…Oneness of focus without effort is a gift I gave you and give you still. You have this gift. Everyone has this gift, the gift of letting go, and finding that the Kingdom of Heaven is truly within you.”
We are what we see and what we do. We are the subject who talks about something, yet we are fundamentally the object we are talking about. So where is the real difference between time and space? Nothing goes really fast nor really slow when the subject and the object are one and the same. Hence Being has no speed. It is always instantaneous.
*In the electromagnetic spectrum, the linear electromagnetic waves are usually described by their frequency (or by their wavelength or photon energy): we progress in the region of the spectrum from the lower to the higher frequency, starting from the radio wave, then the microwave, the infrared, the visible light, the ultraviolet, the X-rays, the gamma rays and the high-energy gamma rays.
The amplitude of a wave is used to define its “strength” or power in its harmonic motion. Examples of low amplitude waves are sound or earthquake waves.
Written by Normand Bourque on Sep 20, 2013
My favorite lines from this great post:
Are we living Einstein’s paradox upside down?
And that about time travelers and space travelers, time dilation. I love it.
Oneness is the subject, the medium and the object of its own experience.
…light is the perfect expression of the oneness of love and truth.
Let’s also imagine that love on earth took the appearance of time while truth took the appearance of space.
The illusion of the material world is generated by this oscillation (love/truth, time/space) that pulsates so rapidly that it gives to our perception the impression of the existence of solid matter, hence that the physical world is real.
We will make the quantum jump from time and space to eternity and infinity.
Each word you write impresses me, and I understand what you are saying at the same time I don’t understand at all!
I do know you are saying something important and vital.
I love your writing! More, more!
“Each word you write impresses me, and I understand what you are saying at the same time I don’t understand at all!”
Isn’t what God expresses in Heavenletters when He says that we already know everything, yet we forgot almost everything, so we hardly know anything? After I wrote this blog, I found written (by me) on a piece of paper the following quote from Heavenletters: “In Eternity, there is no aging. And without time, there is no space, for time and space are one and the same, although looked at different angles. In the absence of space, there is Heaven.” —> http://www.heavenletters.org/in-eternity.html
I am always very careful in using the word “breakthrough” because it has been abusively used so often these days. But I must admit that, for me, what’s in this blog could be one. And it does not come from me. Yet it came through me. Aren’t we God’s vehicle?
YES! A big rounding YES! Thank God for such an amazing post. With love and blessings, Gloria
There was a time I would have followed step-by-step the intellectual argument discussed above, but now more and more I go to the HEART rather than the mind. Time and space in my experience are SUBJECTIVE. I have “travelled” to other lifetimes. I “travel” and see current scenes of family who live thousands of miles away. I have “travelled” to other star systems and interacted with people there. I have “flown” up-and-down, in-and-out of time in great joy. I have seen laid out before me the wheeling galaxies and have in that moment felt as large as a galaxy myself. I have seemed to be only a point of awareness.
I do not know if this personal viewpoint shared has any value to you, but it seems that we contain it all, and that we can enter into the place where laws rule or, by an inner shift, become the law ourselves.
Is this Margaret from Canada? Very powerful and beautiful what you write, dear Margaret. How wonderful that we have all this diversity and see our world through such infinite hearts and minds, and we’re all correct in our seeking of God and how it is for us. And, wonder of wonders, we can all see it another way tomorrow.
The lines you wrote that stand out the most for me are:
We can enter into the place where laws rule or, by an inner shift, become the law ourselves.
All we write and say about reality are always interpretation of that reality, not reality itself. Yet, it is because we are embodied beings that we necessarily have a relative perspective. That is also part of being ourself in a relative world. We are all different facets of the same mirror. Who’s who?
Indeed we become the laws we make and we can change them. We are creative beings.
Yes, Gloria, this is Margaret, friend to you. Your link brought me here to Normand once again.
When Normand wrote above of each of us having a relative perspective, it occurred to me that the inner shift changes that perspective. We can align ourselves to the world (horizontally), or to heaven (vertically). Depending upon which we fasten our attention upon, we experience our world. On this cross made of horizontal and vertical beams, attention on the world goes out to all sides; attention to the Father in us goes up above the illusion, above the battlefield.
So as the winds of change move through the earth and through our lives, we are buffeted mightily by those winds if we are fastened (attached) to the world. If we fasten our attention on what is higher, then no matter how the earth shakes or the winds blow, we are anchored in what is Real, and not in the passing illusion.
“There was a time I would have followed step-by-step the intellectual argument discussed above, but now more and more I go to the HEART rather than the mind.“
Why, Margaret, do you think your shift won’t change again? What makes you so sure that there is not a trace of mind at work in what you say in your post? Is it a total and correct evaluation of what pertains to the mind and what pertains to the heart? Who on earth can really make without mistake this evaluation? Oneness is heart and mind.
Evaluation is comparaison and comparaison is judgment. Is judgment in the middle of the cross?
P.S. I love your writing style Margaret. Have you ever thought of having a blog to share your experience?
Yes, I agree, dear Margaret, your own blog. You have a lot to say. What would you call your blog? Loving you, Gloria
Dear friend Normand, as you wrote, everything we perceive comes through our own personal filters. I was not NEGATING mind by saying I go more and more through the heart. …”Why, Margaret, do you think your shift won’t change again? What makes you so sure that there is not a trace of mind at work in what you say in your post?“…
We use many avenues of perception at various times. My intent had been to refer to KNOWING which does not go through mind. I in no way intended my conversation to be taken as dogmatic statements, but only as my subjective experience.
I have experienced Knowing as rushing up through my heart out into the world as action, with NO mind being used. Indeed, my mind has been mildly interested in seeing the body act from heart knowing without mind involvement. I share this because I would not have thought there could be action in the world in a state of “no mind”, but it has happened to me on occasions in which a great love seems to possess me.
As to blog writing, I have undertaken many current activities and would not spread my time/energy any thinner. My heart goes out to Gloria who has “never enough time” for all that she wishes to accomplish. I lived in a condition similar to that for many years, as a kind of “superwoman”, and am glad those years are over. Glad I had them too.
With kind regards and affection, Margaret