“God said: Heaven is within everyone’s heart. Heaven is really not this distance that you allow it to be. It is so close that We can say that Heaven is no distance at all. It’s only a trick of perception that allows Heaven to be a somewhere sometime later. Heaven does not have to be transported to you. It is already within you. Much the same as when you can’t find your eyeglasses, and they are right on your head.”
“God said: What a Creating of Nothingness I made, and out of it I made possible an enactment of Everything that you can think of and much you have not yet thought of or gotten a handle on”. HL 4689
When God says that “Heaven is really not this distance that you allow it to be”, we could apply to God’s statement the idea that time and space are the same by saying that Heaven is really not this time separation that we allow it to be. We perceive the spatial distance with Heaven because our body seems to give reality to physical distances between earth and remote galaxies. Yet we feel the time distance with Heaven because we observe this spatial distance, and, by observing it and interpreting it, we transform it into a time experience or a time distance. Observing is putting a time delay and a time delay is a longing (of the heart) to reduce the physical distance of truth to zero hence to know the truth, to coincide with the truth (in the mind). As we have previously said, we are space travelers as physical travelers but time travelers as conscious observers. As time and space travelers, we are irresistibly drawn to reunite love and truth.
There is an incredible richness in the idea that Light is the perfect expression of the oneness of Love and Truth. It is expressed in the oneness of focus of consciousness. The separation of love and truth expressed through the separation of time and space generated the twoness of focus of consciousness which we call dualism. That is how the invisible Light appeared to be divided into alternating light and darkness. Light never disappeared but could cyclically be veiled by the opacity of matter.
We could say that the instant the thought of separating truth from love traversed the mind, it was immediately dismissed because truth and love cannot be divided. Yet, the desire for this thought could be manifested virtually. For this to happen, eternity and infinity had to be separated into time and space. And the instant that time and space appeared, the call to reunite time and space, love and truth, eternity and infinity traversed the universe. The relative world of multiplicity was born and had to be experienced by the twoness of focus of consciousness.
A trick of perception
“It’s only a trick of perception that allows Heaven to be “a somewhere sometime later.”
We wonder what this trick of perception is. If the physical world is an illusion, our brain must be equipped to allow us to experience this trick of perception (projection), which is the illusion of multiplicity through the separation of time and space. More precisely, since light seems to be the source of everything, there must be processing of light in the brain that uses the sinusoidal wave of light to perceptually fragment it into particles or photons. (Photons exist as particles because we observe them otherwise they are only electromagnetic waves). We are most likely to observe where this process is going on at the neuron level of the brain and at the synaptic juncture of the neurons.
It is paradoxical that our consciousness seems to be “localized” in the brain while, at the same time, consciousness is not spatial nor temporal. As an electromagnetic phenomenon, it is an eternal potential and an eternal actual that has no time or space coordinates. This means that consciousness itself is not a product of neurochemical reactions in the brain but that it uses neurochemical reactions to experience itself as different or separate from itself through the illusion of an outside physical world full of separate bodies of all sorts. The experience of a separate self is emulated by a neuronal imaging system of this consciousness.
We could say that all the neurochemical processes going on in the brain are orchestrated to make us believe that the world is real by creating a neurological image of ourself that looks like a separate self. That is why everything is neurologically connected in the brain and the body: seek of food and water, pleasure, emotions, thoughts, visions, etc. All the chemistry of hormones and neurotransmitters at the neuron level aims at creating a virtual reality of a separate self in a separate world, all being a neurological projection of the consciousness itself experimenting twoness of focus.
But as well as the brain ensures the maintenance of an illusory self in an illusory outside world, it “embodies” the pure, undivided light that protects our eternity and infinity. As well as our DNA contains the map to bring us back to our source, there is a location in the brain where the light can send thoughts or signals to our DNA. This location is the pineal gland. And the heart with its neuronal system must be their meeting place.
We know that the pineal gland is sensitive to light. And since light on this planet is regulated by the alternation of day and night (what we call circadian cycle or one day/night cycle), such cycles have an effect on the pineal and other glands. It has been observed that there are 24-hour cycles in the concentration of the hormones serotonin and melatonin in the pineal of the rat. Moreover, serotonin (day phase hormone) changes itself over to melatonin (night phase hormone) and this occurs chemically in the pineal gland. It is the circadian cycle of light/darkness that controls this conversion of serotonin into melatonin. Under conditions of darkness, the pineal is stimulated to release melatonin. The pineal is said to be a photoreceptor.
Let us imagine that all the brain chemistry is really orchestrated through the neuronal circuitry and its neurotransmitters or neural inhibitors to make the outside experience of separation look “real”. That is the trick of perception that gives the overall feeling that there are space and time distances.
Quantum pharmacology and meditation
The aim of spiritual experience (return to oneness of focus) is to go back to the source by reversing the neurochemical process that generates the neurological illusion of a separate embodied self in a world out there. This neurological process works on the twoness of focus mode (dualism). This means that we have to access that site where light is divided. This site is well protected. It is meant to conceal the oneness of love and truth. So at the same time, it holds the key to this memory.
This is to say that the trick of perception of an illusion is all controlled by the neurochemical processes going on at the neuron level which acts as a barrier blocking the access to the undivided light embodied in the pineal gland.
Since the circadian cycle of light (in the illusion mode) stimulates the production of serotonin and melatonin, it seems that meditation on oneness, positive and loving thoughts, letting go of ego stuff, etc. send their messages to the pineal to produce less melatonin and serotonin. This in turn brings about a change in consciousness, which can reexperience oneness of focus.
It is through the action of circadian light that the pineal produces various hormones and neurotransmitter-related molecules. So meditation on light can play a role in traversing the neuronal barrier of the pineal whose role is to maintain the twoness of focus.
Meditation must induce a neurochemical change, particularly at the level of the receptors of the neurons of the pineal. This process can be neurochemically understood through the study of the action of certain alkaloids found in plants and ingested for enlightenment (shamanistic) experiences.
There is a certain class of psychotropic alkaloids that targets the serotonin receptors of the (pineal) neuron. Serotonin is a neuro-hormone synthesized in the pineal gland and the intestinal tract. Serotonin is a normal, necessary chemical transmitter of electrical impulses across the synapses (the gaps between neurons or nerve cell bodies).
It is intriguing that certain psychotropic alkaloids (commonly called hallucinogens) have the same basic, skeletal chemical structure as serotonin. These alkaloids like lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) (from a parasite mushroom called rye ergot), mescaline (called peyotl in Nahuatl and contained in the flower bud of a certain variety of cactus in Mexico) and psilocybin (from a variety of “magic” mushroom called psilocybe Mexicana). These pharmacologically related alkaloids (indole nucleus) have the property of inducing spiritual enlightenment experiences.
Did nature already have a prepared plan to help human beings to recover their oneness of focus? What is the hidden meaning behind those alkaloid molecules which mimic serotonin in the brain? Are they like virus, retrovirus, that can fool the cells but at the same time are tools for the evolution of consciousness? The body ‘mistakes’ those alkaloids for serotonin and shoots them across the synaptic cleft. These alkaloids have a higher affinity for 5-HT receptors than serotonin, thus these alkaloids prevent serotonin from sending neural messages in the brain. These alkaloid molecules bound themselves to the receptor proteins and the message of serotonin is not carried further. Instead, the impulse is redirected to other parts of the brain.
There is an interesting analogy between the penetration mode of a virus through the cell barrier by injecting or infusing its genetic material into a host cell and the penetration mode of a psychotropic alkaloid in the neuron. One of the virus tactics is to connect the receptors of its own viral envelope to complementary receptors on the host cell membranes. On the neuron cell side, few molecules can penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Those molecules that succeed in traversing this blood-brain barrier go directly to the neuron. Once they cross that barrier, their tactic is to imitate one of the neurotransmitters (in our present case, serotonin). Theoretically, the neuron has a security device to protect itself against this penetration. Neurotransmitters are configured in a unique molecular shape, like a key, and can only fit in a specific slot or lock on the synaptic surface. Psychotropic alkaloids or mind-altering drugs like LSD, mescaline, and psilocybin have this ability to mimic one of the neurotransmitters in its molecular shape.
Reintegrating oneness of focus
It has been found, through radioactive tracing in the brain, that psychotropic alkaloids, after selecting certain areas of the brain, migrate to sectors with fewer imprints, for instance, the right hemisphere also called the creative, intuitive, spiritual center. Moreover, since the pineal gland is the main producer of serotonin and being a photoreceptor, it is likely that psychotropic alkaloids (or meditation) penetrating the gland neurons will attain the locus or unblock the passage of the undivided light.
If serotonin in the pineal gland holds the master key to create the twoness of focus of consciousness which is expressed simultaneously by a neuronal imaging system of a separate self and a separate outside world experienced through the circadian cycle of light, both psychotropic molecules and meditation — both have been used in conjunction with each other in shamanistic experiences —can collapse the sinusoidal light wave into the continuous invisible Light of oneness of focus.
This means that the neural images of the separate self and the separate world (twoness of focus) collapse. Love and Truth are reunited in the oneness of focus.
“Heaven does not have to be transported to you” anymore. “It is already within you” because there is no outside you and no outside world. “Much the same as when you can’t find your eyeglasses, and they are right on your head.”
Written by Normand Bourque on Sep 26, 2013
I absolutely love your blog. I gain such a deeper understanding. Thank you.
Dear Gloria, you are such a booster, really! You keep me going.
I am so thankful that I have come across your blog 🙂 It is resonating w/ me in new and exciting ways…
I echo Gloria, I’m loving your blog!!! Keep up the awesome work you are doing, Mucho Love to you 🙂
Dear Pamela, how did you come across my blog? I am just curious to see how things come across through web links.
I received an email from the Panacea newsletter….I think i signed up for it when I was learning about DreamWork (learning to interpret dreams)
Oh, that’s good. I won’t publish all my blogs on Panacea. But you had the good idea to follow the link.