“God said: Today you will sit back and be receptive and learn. Today you will put yourself aside and listen to Me. You do not need your agendas anymore. HL 1
“The ship you ride on is My heart. Think of it. My heart cannot be separated from My vision. They are one and the same.
You were born attached to your mothers so that you could dis-attach yourself and learn your Oneness with Me. You don’t have to go anywhere. You do not have to distance yourself. You separate to learn there is no separation. Only, you have attachment to separation.
You have been attached to your individuality, and now you will make way for Me.
You are all pure receptacles of My love.
Receptacles are containers. A receptacle receives and holds, not in order to keep, but to be emptied.
As a receptacle of My love, you pour Me out. You don’t have to do much. You only have to bend a little, tip a little, and My love will flow of Itself.” http://www.heavenletters.org/open-your-heart-like-beating-wings.html
“It is not necessary to seek for what is True, but it is necessary to seek for what is false. Your Self does not need salvation, but your mind needs to learn what salvation is. You are not saved from anything, but you are saved for glory.” A Course in Miracles 16:6, 11:4 ”
More about Sincerity
In our previous blog (#65), we defined SINCERE as “of the same growth, same as the source, unadulterated”. This is the essence of a creative seed.
In a sense, we can say that a seed is a vision of what it will be when deployed, expanded, grown. It will become something singular, but something in the sameness of its source. Therefore, all forms, despite their multiplicity and diversity, are reducible to the fundamental sameness of existence through being.
Everything that exists must come from the Heart of Oneness (I ∆ AM) otherwise it would be like a wandering meteorite coming from nowhere and going nowhere. The Heart is what insures the unalterability and indestructibility of One, the very Sameness of the Whole, and all the Parts. Love is synonymous of Heart in preserving the integrity, the sincerity of One in Its extension. In fact, coherence is not really an attribute of the Mind, as we tend to believe, but rather the very expression of the Heart. We are coherent with the Universe because we share the same One and Only Heart.
The Mind is the Vision of extension or expansion of the Heart of One. Hence it is the vision of the experience of Self-expansion or Self-growth of One/God. We could then say that the Mind is essentially sincere with the Heart. Therefore, the Heart cannot be separated from the Vision that the Mind (the Container of the Vision) holds because they are One and the Same. The Mind becomes the Mother of the Heart and Its seed and, as such, the Mind will bring the seed to its full growth by accomplishing the Vision. This metaphysics of Oneness is the fundamental Principle of Reality underlying the laws of physics and ensuring the coherence of the physical laws of the Universe or of the Multiverses.
The Heart and the Mind being in a sincere relationship, of the same growth, creation appears naturally, that is, spontaneously, without any time delay. There is no time delay because it is in the Now, the Eternity of the Wholly (=Holy) Instant. What is Nature if not the perfect coherent vision and projection of the One and only Heart?
We are a creation of One’s/God’s Vision. God shares in sincerity with us this Oneness of heart and vision. But how do we conciliate this sharing of heart and vision with free will?
The freedom not to share
If we have free will, we are free to choose not to share. God does not condemn us if we make this choice. How could He give us free will unconditionally, then condemn us for using it freely? Yet, the only thing we are free not to share with God is His Vision (Mind). We are not free not to share His Heart because it is the integrity, unalterability, and indestructibility, hence the sincerity, of Oneness. It is impossible not to share the Heart because it is the core of our being. The free choice of not-to-share is the choice of the mind of opting out of sincerity. It is the choice of the in-sincere vision, that is, the choice of a different growth, an adulterated one (the split mind or the dark mind).
What happens then, when, by virtue of our free will to share not our vision, we separate heart from vision? The answer is: we forget the Now by creating an artificial or virtual separation in it. We start dreaming or envisioning a world that seems real by inventing time and space and scenarios to enact them. By making time and space a reality in our mind, we lose our power to create because we virtually lost in oblivion the consciousness of the Now. So we start doing, fabricating. We also start seeking separate truths (= different visions) through forgetting that Truth is inextricably one and the same with the Heart. We then build theories and look incessantly for the laws and equations of seemingness or what-looks-like. We search many truths, but we miss the only Real One.
It is only in the Now that the Heart and the Vision (Mind) can be one and the same. If by virtue of our free will, we separate the Heart from the Vision/Mind, we create a virtual space in the indestructible Vision/Mind where we can imagine a time delay which “slows down” the Now and break it down into particles or linear segments of time (ticks) and matter. Search for the thought then you will find the missing particle.
Separation has never been a necessity, but it certainly was a possible choice. Learning has never been a necessity, but it came logically as a correlate of separation. Somewhere, somehow, separation has been “envisioned” by the split or adulterated mind, then experienced. And there is no negativity nor condemnation in the choice for separation, the choice of not to share vision. It is an experience in which the coherence of the Heart remains ever-present and intact: “You were born attached to your mothers so that you could dis-attach and learn your Oneness with Me. You separate to learn there is no separation”. How more coherent One Heart can be?
We have chosen drama, crisis, accidents, gain, loss, and diseases as a learning tool, but we can change our choice and our way of learning
By falling into the dream state when we separated the heart from vision, we chose to be in time rather than in the Now (=Eternity). This choice of time by the mind became its own belief that it belongs in time. No wonder that the insincere mind imagined to be conflicting with God’s mind. But the conflict must reside only on one side. God, living in the Now, in His Oneness of Heart and Vision, cannot know any conflict. But time has an internal conflicting aspect for the split mind. How can time oppose to Now? And this belief of the mind in belonging in time initiated states of crisis, tragedy, drama, guilt, rebellion, fight, flight, blame (blaming God or/and the others), judgment. The split part of the mind, left without the coherence of the heart, is in a constant state of dissociation.
The internal conflicting aspect of time, which generates this state of dissociation, is the very sense of delay. Delay is what seemingly opposes Now to time. The sense of delay is the inner feeling of separation. We could almost define insincerity as this adulterated vision of a time delay in the Now. And if delay does not matter in the Now or Eternity, it is perceived as tragic in time. But, in reality, this delay is only the projection or expression of this insincere or virtual separation between our heart and our mind (vision). Paradoxically, this delay is used by our ego to retard as much as possible the restoration of our vision and, at the same time, by our Higher Self to give us free time to choose once more. This defines the correlated process to separation that we call LEARNING. Learning is also the exercise of free choice: our choices are both free and alterable.
The dissociative perception of delay comes from the cyclic exchange of information between the two cerebral hemispheres through their electromagnetic imprints. Metaphorically or analogically, the two cerebral hemispheres can represent the separation of heart and vision. This is a classical distinction between the right brain (intuition, creativity) and the left brain (reason, intellect, vision). And it is the existence of the two hemispheres of the brain that gives the possibility of choice.
The two cerebral hemispheres are not totally separated from each other. Everything is ternary in nature. The two hemispheres connect together through the corpus callosum (a large tract of white matter). It is known that every 90 minutes, the two hemispheres communicate. It is probably during that communication cycle that the heart and the mind (vision) join temporarily, yet at an unconscious level. A cycle of 90 [minutes] represents 1.5 [hours] which is the frequency ratio 3/2. In our musical scale, inherited from the Greeks (Pythagoras’s scale), the vibration frequency of 3/2 corresponds to the length of the string of the note G which is 2/3 of the length of the string of the note C taking as the reference unit. — The frequency at which a note vibrates is the inverse of its length. — The alliance of ternary with binary (3/2) is musically generative: through the fifth note, G, we can, by iteration, construct the 12 diatonic scales that we can easily see on a keyboard. It is also known, in Kundalini Yoga, that the Kundalini Serpent is twined around the spinal cord 3/2 times. The period between Ash Wednesday and Easter is 3/2 lunar cycles, which is 42 days (in the desert). The relation between language, geometry, music, and matter is always at work in the Universe.
The coherence of the Heart and the restoration of Vision through the human tetrahedron
We can structurally see the Divine Tetrahedron and It’s grammar at work in the human body (see Blogs #63-64 Language is our way out as our way in).
The Divine Tetrahedron I ∆ AM < = > You represents the Perfect Unity and Sameness of Heart and Vision. We can project this Divine Coherence Tetrahedron in the human body. This tetrahedron must join the heart [the Verb: AM], the right brain [the Noun/Name: I], the corpus callosum [the Relation: ∆], and the left brain [the Sign: you, the individual]. (See the illustration below.) Note that there are neurons in the heart. The heart generates the most powerful electromagnetic field of the body (60 times more than the brain). In reality, the heart possesses its own independent nervous system.
We see that the Mind divides itself between the right brain and the left brain, which division allows free choice. Through the right brain, the Mind keeps intact the sincere Vision. Through the left brain, the mind has the choice to act by sharing or not sharing the vision. Therefore it is the freedom of choice that creates physicality.
In order to really exert the choice not-to-share, a tetrahedron must be projected downward by inversion of the Divine Tetrahedron. The inverted tetrahedron with its apex directed downwards can be grammatically defined by: Me [ego] ø [empty set or empty relation] exist ≠ [without] you. Or security + sensation and linked emotion + sense of power < = > the trinity: me, myself and I. This inverted tetrahedron conditions the biochemistry of the adrenergic system, where adrenaline drives the instinct of survival of the fittest. We have to remember that what seems like chemical, molecular reactions is in reality a system of electromagnetic information originating from the thought of separation creating the necessary experimental illusion of physicality.
This inversion is expressed in “You have been attached to your individuality…” as a way to experiment separation.

…and now you will make way for Me.“
It is the restoration of the sincerity of the Vision, expressed by the Divine Tetrahedron, that masters the tetrahedron of survival by activating the pineal gland (break down of serotonin). The mind is finally learning, accepting and allowing the sincerity of the Vision (the Truth). The left brain can put down its arms because there are no wars to fight. The command center is given back to the coherence of the Heart.

With the restoration of the sincere Vision, the two tetrahedra are reunited in the Star of David. The Master brings down Heaven to Earth.
What reintegrates the delay into the Now is the step taken from knowing to allowing. There is no delay in Joy.
Written by Normand Bourque on Apr 28, 2014
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