“God said: Part of you wants to say: “Dear God, please don’t rush me. Give me a little bit more time to stay just as I am. I am afraid of losing myself. I am afraid I will disappear.”
And I am telling you that you are not your perceptions. When your used-up perceptions disappear, you will appear. You cannot disappear when you have not yet appeared. Letting go of smallness is not your disappearance. You never were the limits you set for yourself. I am telling you to appear. Walk out of the past assumptions you have held on to so dearly.” http://www.heavenletters.org/trust-in-the-driver-of-the-bus-named-faith.html
“Arrogance is the denial of love, because love shares and arrogance withholds. As long as both appear to you to be desirable the concept of choice, which is not of God, will remain with you. While this is not true in eternity it is true in time, so that while time lasts in your mind there will be choices. Time itself is your choice. If you would remember eternity, you must look only on the eternal. If you allow yourself to become preoccupied with the temporal, you are living in time. As always, your choice is determined by what you value. Time and eternity cannot both be real, because they contradict each other. If you will accept only what is timeless as real, you will begin to understand eternity and make it yours.” A Course in Miracles 10-5
As the manifestation of Consciousness, Energy is the power of creation. It is the will of this whole energy to create, to experience itself from being nothing in particular — except being — into becoming everything possible. Everythingness is the infinite deployment of nothingness. And since all is created from energy, every singularity created is a living illusion, and in its form, it can be changed, remodeled and shifted around.
Being everything possible, this energy is you, me, and all that is and all that is yet to come in the Universe and it is in its togetherness that it can be everything. We are part of this energy as we are part of God, but we are also produced by this energy. As part of this energy, we are everything and, at the same time, as the product of this energy, we are one single individual. This means that we are everywhere and nowhere as beings, yet we are somewhere here or there as individuals. We are consciousness made visible through energy and its corollary, mass. That is how we become observers and actors of ourselves and of the others who are ourselves. The game of life is played between simply being and being someone and something at the same time.
Are we upgradable?
Being entangled, atoms and particles are preprogrammed. To create the illusion of mass and reality, they have to be programmed to behave in certain ways in order to be perceived in certain ways. They are tractable and reconfigurable. But who does the programming? God certainly did the basic programming so that energetic particles follow the plan of Creation and maintain the coherence of everything through perfect instant light and verb communication, yet they can also take configurations according to our own thoughts. Depending on their quality (frequencies), our thoughts can create realities in conformity with God’s plan or generate illusions in conformity with our plans that deviate from God’s plan. Being ourselves expressions of this One energy as well as being an integral part of its creative process, we are holographic creatures and, as such, we are malleable and reconfigurable in how we appear to ourself and to the world. That explains why and how we are the scenarios we write about ourselves and the world. We are also the canvas on which we weave those scenarios.
Neural and genetic programming
We have programmed ourselves, as singular persons, to experience multiplicity and forget oneness by observing multiplicity and living it at the same time. So we managed to appear exclusively as individuals separate from the other individuals. We have conditioned our mind to see only what it can physically see and, by extension, to believe only what we can prove using external references. To see the outside world is to believe in it. Our mind invented perception as a way of knowing the world out there and believing in the reality of it.
Of course, this can be only a trick of the mind. In order to be able to be exclusively an observer and actor in the world, our mind has to be split. The part of the mind that corresponds to the consciousness of being, eternally and infinitely (the Higher Self) has to be hidden from the other part of the mind that wills to be exclusively an observer and an actor in the world (the ego), that is to be an observer of itself as a separate self. Yet the observer’s and actor’s mind is irresistibly trying to see what it is kept from seeing, that is the real self hidden by the part of the mind that knows the Truth of who we are. This insatiable drive of the separate mind to see its hidden part takes the aspects of fear, guilt, ignorance, and all their derivatives as well as the aspects of seeking love, peace and truth. It is the friction of the dual mind that gives rise to the awareness of oneness and its growth. In reality, what is the mind if not a heart virtually split? What gives the pulsation of the heartbeat if not the pulsation of the dual mind trying to reintegrate itself? The heartbeat seems to bring back together what the mind splits. Isn’t it what a vibration is all about in all its registers? Love brings back the observed into the observer. In reality and truth, mind and heart are meant to be one like the Verb and the Light. Love= Verb+Light=Verb+Truth.
So, our ancestral operating system is based on a memory cache (like in a computer) hiding the real appearance of what we are. We had to forget what we are — that is our timelessness and spacelessness — in order to be observer and actor of ourself as a singularity in time and space. This temporary obliteration of the memory of our sane mind is what seemingly created the “hard wiring” of our genetic code as well as of our neurochemical processes. Synthetically, our seemingly hard-wired genetic code and neurochemical processes were meant to produce what we wanted to experience: what it is like to be our perceptions, hence what appearance do we choose to observe and enact when we forget what we really are. “God said: Part of you wants to say: ‘Dear God, please don’t rush me. Give me a little bit more time to stay just as I am. I am afraid of losing myself. I am afraid I will disappear.'” This self-created image or appearance is supported by genetic and neurological processes partly through the hormonal dynamic balancing in the body.
So, if we did hard-wire ourself genetically and neurologically in order to experience our self-created image or appearance, how can we possibly reconfigure or upgrade this operating system of ours to reveal the real appearance of the image in which God created us?
Upgrading the memory of our internal processor
Our protein-encoding DNA represents only 3% of all our DNA. 97% of our remaining DNA (the non-encoding part) seems to be useless to geneticists. They call it junk DNA. Yet we now know that our DNA is malleable. Even if our life might be mapped out in our DNA, it is not a hard-wired set. What we are, created by God, is unchangeable but our DNA is malleable (cf. Blogs #31-35). This malleability resides in the 97% of unused DNA. Like the particles and atoms of the energetic field or soup, our DNA is affected by our thought process and responds to it accordingly.
We have also seen (Blogs #45-47) that our neurological processes are not hard-wired through our understanding of the serotonin receptors, especially the ones located in the pineal gland.
Yet, we cannot upgrade the memory of what we really are by just changing our memory bank or chip. In fact, to reveal our Self to ourself and recognize our Self as the real ourself, we have nothing to do, yet we have things to UNDO.
Some upgrade paths
– Undoing the god of depression
The image of ourself we created is the image of limitation and smallness. We are doubtlessly creators, but it happened that we experienced creation through miscreation. The ego “appeared” the moment we didn’t accept anymore that, although we were creators, we had been created. Is there a better explanation for depression than the loss of joy? And what feeds depression if not denial? We can only deny something we have once known and loved. And what we have once known and loved for eternity is hidden in the sane part of our mind. Since we cannot directly change our memory, we have to undo what prevents us from accessing it. Forgot your password? Spell it joy. Joy removes depression. But depression has to surrender.
And what is joy? It is mainly accepting creation as it is. So, we have to undo this tendency to oppose our will to the will of creation. This is called stopping to fight windmills like Don Quixote.
– Undoing the will to control
We are upgrading from our operating system of makers to a brand new operating system of creators. Technological progress has naively made us believe that, by controlling natural processes, (instead of helping and supporting them), we could succeed in controlling the universe itself. We are afraid of chaos, and we try everything in our power to control chaos even when it comes from nature.
Creation is the opposite of control. The free particles in the chaotic, energetic soup are already intelligent, and they know how to communicate (not only exchange binary bits of information) instantly without having to travel any distance. They know how to collaborate, so they don’t need to be controlled. They already know what to do and respond to the thoughts according to their frequencies. They are preprogrammed by love and truth. How can we create new living possibilities if we try to control them? Because if we are talking about creating, and not making, our creations will have a life of their own just like when we give birth to children.
We are not accustomed to working with chaos which is the state of the soup in which creation takes place. What seems chaotic is a vibratory state of living potentialities ready to take form in cycles of existence.
Without undoing our will to control, we will stagnate in our old operating system of makers.
– Undoing free choice
God could not create us without free choice because He would have denied what He is: a free Creator. But freedom is a corollary of love and truth. Only love and truth are free because they are One. Freedom without love and truth is just arrogance. It is free choice that made us desire to experience a limited, dark and shrugged self. This shrugged appearance of ourself is entirely linked to space and time. With time and space come illness, suffering and death. It is irremediably linked to our self-chosen appearance. Then, we could say that suffering, illness and death are choices as a time and space experience. Time and space are our choice.
That is why we have to remember eternity. And the only way to remember eternity is to think eternity. Forgetting the past is forgetting time because the idea of past is the only support to the perception of time. We forgot eternity and infinity by valuing time. So we can undo our attachment to time by valuing what is eternal and infinite. “As always, your choice is determined by what you value. Time and eternity cannot both be real, because they contradict each other.”
– Freedom is not of the ego
We are told repeatedly that we have the power to be and do everything we want. But what does it mean in reality?
The Great Energy, which we are part of, has the task to create and experience everything possible — as the full expression or deployment of nothingness —, to create it all, in all sizes and all dimensions. The plan of this gigantic quilt under weaving will probably forever be a mystery. This means that we have the power to change the world, but we don’t have the power to change Creation. We cannot re-create God’s creation. But we are empowered to extend it in harmony and concordance with the Whole Plan of Creation.
We cannot act individually as creators or co-creators. We don’t have the power to turn everything off and restart from scratch. Our power is shared, and the Whole that is in a constant process of weaving has to stage-manage or orchestrate all those separate creative units that we are. Freedom to create is definitely not of the ego…
A brand new us OS is upcoming soon! We are all upgradable, and all entitled to the upgrade, no matter what our previous operating system was. And the upgrade is free with heaps of new features!
Written by Normand Bourque on Oct 25, 2013
Wow, Normand, what you wrote is so understandable and so beautiful. How your mind organizes. I loved the four points you made about upgrading our paths. There were things in this entry that made me smile! Thank you, dear Normand.