Physics, Planck constant, freezelight, bokeh, Quantum mechanics, energy of a photon. dreamstime_s_92913592. Royalty-free. This instant well known now as the Big Bang is equivalent to a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second, that is 10-24 seconds.
“God said: …Time is a convenient way to talk about things. Space is a convenient way as well. In fact, in the world, space is seen as solid. One who is not solid may be seen as spacey. You are neither timey nor spacey, for neither exists. Of course, on Earth, it pays to be grounded, yet in whose interpretation are you grounded or ungrounded or in time or out of time? In My book, you are timeless and spaceless. You can’t have one without the “other. In Truth, there is neither. There is no direction to go in, and there is no time to go in a direction if you could.” HL 4259
“God said: …You can consider if you like that your life on Earth, in the guise of a human being, is like an escapade in a dream. The dream seems so real. It seems real, and yet it is a fraction of a dream when you are Allness Altogether.” HL 4432
“True learning is constant and so vital in its power for change that a Son of God can recognize his power in one instant and change the world in the next. That is because, by changing his mind, he has changed the most powerful device that was ever given him for change.” ACIM VII-5.
To Be has no opposite. “To Be or Not-to-Be” is a meaningless statement.
Being does not have any opposite except for a dualistic mind. If I am I cannot not-be. Therefore Being is Eternal and Infinite, timeless, and spaceless. Since we are, we must Be Eternal and Infinite. This is the pure logic of Oneness. And in Oneness, logic is not a method of reasoning to reach a conclusion, it is the starting and ending (alpha and omega). When there is no beginning and no ending, where does Logic enounce and conclude? Full expression of the Truth in Its Love and Splendor, where the Beginning and the End are One. The End is Infinite Expansion. The Logic of Oneness is Truth without the need of proof. Human logic is a way to circumvent the Truth.
Our relative existence in a body seems limited by time and space. But time and space are only perceptions, points of view that hide the picture of the Whole. They can only be conceived as boundaries seemingly separating the objects of the Universe. We can only perceive forms by separating them from other forms through our physical, emotional, mental and psychical senses.
The “perceived” Universe must be the result of a sort of separation or split that resides more in the mind than in the actual relative world, the world out there. Because the outside world can be perceived only through the lens of time and space, we could assume that this space-time lens is a mental device invented by the mind to perceive itself as a ‘distinct’ form from the other forms through the prism, the projecting imagery system of the body. It is not the forms that differentiate from each other. It is the mind’s power to differentiate from itself, to estrange from itself. The body is, as a pure projection of the mind, the ultimate space-time separating device.
Time happened only once and it is already over
What we conceive as “ongoing time”, which seems to stretch between a so-called past that is over and a so-called future yet to come, is just a replay in our memory. If we conceive that separation from Oneness — a necessary condition to experience the world as separate forms — was a thought, it must have happened in an infinitesimal fraction of a second and it lasted the length of an instant. More precisely, this instant well known now as the Big Bang is equivalent to a millionth of a billionth of a billionth of a second__ a billionth of a nanosecond__ that is 10-24 seconds). [Note on the order of magnitude of 10-24 seconds: An order of magnitude of time is (usually) a decimal prefix or decimal order-of- magnitude … Metric prefixes are defined spanning 10−24 to 1024, 48 decimal orders of … Metric units of time larger than the second are most commonly seen only in a … 10−18, 1 attosecond, as, One quintillionth of one second, 12 attoseconds…(cf. WIKI).
We could even say that it happened all at once. How can time exist in Eternity if not only as a fugitive thought that can virtually traverse the mind in an infinitesimal instant? And this virtual fugitive instant is already over for quite a while, if not since always. In fact, it has been over the instant it traversed the mind because it is not real, it is only virtual. Therefore, what we are living in the relative life, in this stretch of time and space, is just a perpetual reenactment of that instant. And why is it over? Because it never “happened” in Truth, only in the imagination of the split mind. It never happened because no forms are real. Only Being Is, only One is, only God is. God created us with His Thought in an Instant. But this Instant is not a fugitive, virtual and infinitesimal instant. It is Eternity. It is an endless and limitless Once — consequently, we are endless and limitless –. It is without Cause and without Effect. It only Is. Eternity is not a continuous repetition of the scenario of the beginning. It is eternally happening and it is expanding through the law of Light and Love. In the relative world, Eternity can be only represented symbolically with the metrics of time and space. Eternity looks like an infinite division and subdivision of the instant of separation. Eternity could be represented by the cracks that separate the floorboards of a floor. That is why we think we have to fill time and space as much as possible. Eternity seems to have a deadline for us: precisely the “death line”.
The illusion of death
It is only when a split in the mind happened –and, as said previously, it happened only once, all at once, in an infinitesimal instant — that life expressed itself as duality (life/death, time/space, matter/energy, etc.) rather than as Oneness (Eternity, Infinity). Death is only the re-affirmation that there is only One, without parts and that split of the mind was never real but only a dream that death wakes us from. What seems to be separate parts constitutes the illusion, the dream. Each time a form apparently «dies», the duality re-expresses itself as Oneness. What appears as matter is just the division and subdivision ad infinitum of the one instant where the mind split. By splitting, the single Mind created many individual minds and bodies. The split mind divided and subdivided the one infinitesimal instant (which we now call time, even infinite time) into seemingly endless parts so they would look different instead of the same. What appears to be death is just the dissolution of forms as seemingly divided parts, hence the dissolution of the temporal and spatial experience. We are non-temporal, non-spatial beings having a spatial and temporal experience. The Mind is outside time and space. What we perceive as happening in time and space (the illusion of linear continuity) really happened ALL AT ONCE. Each day, each minute, each second we only re-live the single instant when we experienced the terror than the black-out of the separation of the Mind and the Heart.
Eternity is what fills this incessant succession of division and subdivision of the one ins-tant (to stand in)or « out-stant »(to stand out) into seemingly continuous parts. Think of the analogy with the 24 images per second of the movie band. That is what we call the scenario(s) of life and lives.
If time is an illusion, why do we need it?
Even if our life in the relative world is just a replay, a rerun of a scenario that happened only once and for such a short instant, does it make our experience of life useless, repetitive?
Certainly not. Our experience of multiplicity in the relative word has a teaching purpose. It shows us that confusing what we really are (eternal and infinite) with what we think we are (temporal and finite) leads us to inconsistency in our temporal logic. Understanding has to be based on consistency. Acknowledging the inconsistency of our logic is the path that will bring us back to the memory of who we really are. And only in Oneness may we find the meaning of consistency. The rest is sterile speculation, at least from God’s point of view!
Consistency must be free of conflict because consistency must be whole as Oneness is. Our experience of inconsistency in the relative world (inequality, war, sense of lack, unhappiness, anger, guilt, etc.) can be translated into true learning as a constant. The Mind God created when He created us is unchangeable, immutable. So how did we come to change our Mind and start thinking that we created ourself?
It is the power of the Mind itself that created free will and the illusion that it could be “other” than itself. This power the Mind has to fabricate an illusion of itself can be turned around. The Mind can change the perception it fabricated of itself. This seems to contradict the principle that God created an immutable Mind. But we only thought or imagined that we have altered our God’s mind by trying to learn about the world and ourself through the ego: we just thought we created ourselves. The lesson we learn on Earth is not in contradiction with the immutability of the Mind. It is meant to show us that we can change the perception we have of our Mind. Then we learn and acknowledge that it is really changeless. We can call this process growth in awareness. It is what gives time a “temporary” consistency as a learning device. There is, in terms of the logic of Oneness that there is no time, no space, only timelessness and spacelessness
Written by Normand Bourque on Jan 11, 2013
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