“God said: If you did not have language and the words language is made of, what would you think in? If you did not have language, beloveds, as much as language is loved and valued, might you not live fully in the concept called now? Wouldn’t you? What do you think in but words? Yet, of course, there is a dimension of thought before and beyond words. Without language, there would be no names for the pictures you see before your eyes. The pictures would be known and pointed to and yet not remarked on with words.
…Even though language is bound, language is your way out. Even though language means many things, it is your route to understanding more. There is life before words and beyond words, and language will help to take you there. Understanding is sweet. Playing with words is like playing with the notes of music, and so great music of language is also played. Words feel good on the tongue, and words make music, and language performs greatly.” HL 4841
“The Star Tetrahedron is also known as the Star of David. It is interesting to note that, when drawn on top of one another, the 24 letters in the ancient language of Hebrew together form the Star Tetrahedron.
…The Star Tetrahedron is the electric balance to magnetism. This is how data is stored so efficiently within a computer. It is this geometric shape that provides for memory. And the word memory takes its origins from the ancient Hebrew words mem, which means Water and ohr, which means Spirit.”
Despite our growing recognition of the power of the mind to control matter, we still hold strong beliefs, with the support of science, that genes control our body life at the cellular level, and that the brain controls our conscious and unconscious life through neurohormones. Frog embryos have been successfully transformed into salamander embryos using information patterns of a particular DNA and transmitting it into another, thus reprogramming cells for another genome. We can pharmacologically modify perceptions, humors, emotions and thought processes through the use of drugs. This is what we can call scientific “facts” or realism. This is to say that we still are in a transitory and mixed state of mind on our way out to understand that basically it is the mind’s projection and own perception of its projected environment that controls and even create our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual life and not the other way around. For example, it has been discovered that our DNA searches and detects electromagnetic frequencies in the environment to organize its own existence by changing its own structure and sending messages to us and the environment, according to its reshaping. We have seen in the previous blog (#62 Junk DNA revisited) that DNA responds to frequencies of thought waves.
Are we yet ready to accept that the body has no reality of its own and no meaning by itself, that it does not control anything because it has no will power of its own? Moreover, are we ready to accept fully that the body is a creation of the mind, that it is the mind that gives the body its seeming reality through its density and other attributes of separateness?
The mind is faster than the brain’s nervous system
A Symphony in Black
We will use again the example of the 24 light frames per second of the film strip of a movie. There is an alternation of light frames and black frames or intervals that allows each light frame (light information) to quickly disappear from view and be replaced by the next frame. The alternation of light frames and “black” frames or intervals means that there are 48 frames per second, each pair of frames (1/2 light phase, 1/2 black phase) representing one cycle of a sinusoidal wave. Since our brain cannot register more than 24 frames per second and that the eye is seeking meaningful light frames rather than unmeaningful black frames (a mind’s perceptual preference), the illusion of continuity between the light frames creates the continuity of the movie. What we perceive of physical light itself is its lighted phase (half-phase). It is light in the shape of a dot, a particle, a ball, a photon. In music, we experience a melodic continuity which is made of a silence (black phase) between each pair of consecutive notes (sound phase).
The same goes with the perception of the so-called outside physical world if we speed up this process exponentially. Our eyes perceive a seamless continuity in solid objects because the alternation of light and black half-phases cannot be perceived by the brain. And since both light and black are electromagnetic frequencies in the form of quantum flashes (2 half-phases), this means that solid objects are only differential vibrational frequencies (staged in seeming layers, levels, steps created by their difference in frequency) that create the illusion of depth, resistance, opacity, gravity and all the physical properties or attributes that differentiate one object from the other. All our five senses are structured to perceive the “light” frame or phase (the manifestation) of the vibration according to the sensory captors that are specific to each physical sense.
Can we conclude that the mind is limited by the brain and operates at the same speed as the neural system?
Certainly not. Perception is the result of a virtual fragmentation of the mind through the frequency of the color black which is the color that allows to forget. To believe in the reality of solid matter, the mind has to forget the intrinsic indivisibility and perfect continuity of the Energy-One. The mind in its pure consciousness form cannot experience sensation which, in turn, is the most elementary manifestation of the mind that separates from itself through the frequency of the black 1/2 phase. The mind is naturally continuous without any space-time boundaries. It is ubiquitous, in fact, omnipresent. Sensation can only be experienced through the black half-phase of forgetting.
This physical apparatus called the body is what allows us to believe momentarily and temporarily that the outside world is real and experience simultaneously what we imagine ourself to be as a separate individual (way in), and what we want to be according to what we really are (way out). The brain itself only records what the mind wants to experience. The frequency of black (oblivion) is what allows us to reverse causality while and through experiencing the world. Believing in the reality of the outside world means that things or events happen with and without our intervention and they potentially and actually also happen to us. In the realm of the pure, unadulterated mind, the mind is its own cause, which is equivalent to say that there is no cause, hence no effects. In the unadulterated mind, nothing is really happening because nothing can happen in the eternity of the Present Moment.
The passage of the mind being a cause to its virtual fragmented state of being caused or undergoing, is called a time delay. In fact, time is essentially a delay where we have “time” to forget that we are causing what we are undergoing (what’s happening to us). If we didn’t have a body, we would experience directly, without a time delay, that our thoughts create instantly. In reality, it is the mind that is recreating the body every nanosecond. The brain is the delayer — language itself is a delayer — that allows to forget (that is why it has a memory!) in order to experience remembering. The body is not really “real”; it is a phenomenon, which is literally an “appearance”, an effect of light. The frequency of the black half-phase is what creates the delay. Black occupies almost 100% of the Universe (black holes, black matter). Matter constitutes an insignificant proportion of the Universe. Analogically, the background noise of the Universe is what is closest to silence.
In fact, black is not on the same plane or dimension as the physical light — just like zero is not in the same plane or dimension as the other numbers. We tend to say that black is not a color, but the absence of color. If white represents all the colors reunited, metaphorically “everything”, black represents what is beyond everything, which is no-thing in particular. No-thing must look dark or black precisely because it is beyond any-thing in particular. It is a background that exists only in the Present. Note that black holes curve the space-time continuum, tending to give it a spherical shape (the shape of a particle). Black holes are not on the same plane or dimension as physical matter.
What we see of the visible light is its corpuscular aspect as a photon. A photon is like 1 light frame of our film strip. But as a wave, light is also black (the dark phase). In fact, the Real Light, which is beyond the physical light is invisible and expresses itself through the pulsation of 1/2 light (photon flash) + 1/2 black (“absence” of photon). Black and white are representations of the dichotomous nature of light (as a wave and a particle) but in reality black is the manifestation of what cannot be seen because it is beyond any seeable thing. The musical correspondent to black could be silence which is beyond any audible thing. Silence is not the absence of sound, but the totality of all sounds and beyond and black is not the absence of color, but the totality of all colors and beyond (white). Silence and darkness (nothingness) are not an experience or a sensation, so they cannot be perceived, but they are knowable. They are the background that allows to experience sensation. And the first sensational event to arise from Silence and Darkness is Language.
In the Beginning, Silence and Darkness were One. When the Verb arose from Silence and uttered I AM, Light instantaneously appeared and recognized Itself as the sign of I AM. Between the [pro]Noun “I” and the Verb “AM” there was a Relation and it was the Voice of Love and the Light of Truth (the wave of the Holy Spirit) which created a Sign of recognition (Knowledge) between I and AM. I AM created the Sign of Him/Herself which Sign, in turn, recreated I AM.
This is the structure of the Divine Grammar and its building blocks. There is no other grammar. A sign is a means (usually an external one) that human beings (and surely living organisms) use to express their ideas or thoughts. The building elements of the sign are the voice, the gesture and the traced characters (writing); its materials are the sound (vowels and consonants or “stops”), the motion (of the mouth and of the hand) and the light itself. Sounds become visible engraved characters (letters and syllables, ideograms, pictograms, etc.). Grammar is the technique (the rules) of uttering, scratching, drawing, writing by tracing/engraving lines to generate specific nouns and relate or connect them together to express their unity of meaning and purpose. Articulating the sounds of language is itself a grammatical act.
It is important to note that every sign that is externally produced is a noun, otherwise it would represent nothing. The noun is the building block not only of language but of matter itself. The noun represents the verb; it is the verb’s messenger. Therefore the noun supplies the substance to the creative verb, to the relation and even to the sign that produced it. A relation is abstracted from the sign, the noun and the verb.
Therefore, through Grammar, the Verb created a Noun because nothing observable and experienceable can be expressed without a noun. A verb without a corresponding noun cannot manifest anything. Thus the nouns (=names) of things were uttered, and the physical Universe appeared as a phenomenon, an effect of light, sound, love and recognition, a Big Bang. God revealed the semantics and semiotics of the language of His Universe to Himself.
The Divine Grammar is geometrical
The Universe is not binary, it is ternary. The perfect triangle is made of the Verb (AM), the Noun-Subject (I) and the One-Relation between the Verb and the Noun-Subject. It is a pure ternary relation. This relation generates a Sign, which is the Son of the Verb. And the Son of the Verb is the expressed Noun (Name) of the Verb. This is to say that, in Oneness, an object does not exist as an object (a noun-object ) but as a noun-subject which is essentially a relation. By extension, any object in the physical universe is not really an object but is defined by a relation, the noun being itself a pure relation. When God wanted to experience what it is like to be God, He created images of Himself. Since He created with the Verb and the Light (in the form of fire), He could light as many candles or nouns (us) as He wanted with His single, Unique flame without losing the tiniest sparkle of Energy. We became a Sign (or signs or names) of God and, in sign or echo of re-cognition, we are re-creating God as a Trinity. That is why the linguistic sign is in a recursive relation (< = >) with I AM in the grammatical trilogy of Noun [I] + Verb [AM] + Relation < = > Sign [You, me, this and that]: I AM You, You are I because We [ < = >] are One.
We usually establish relations between two objects. Even when we relate two subjects (persons), we treat them as noun-objects rather than noun-subjects. This is the effect of the mind separating from itself and forgetting its own grammatical rules. By forgetting our nature of noun-subjects we came to consider ourself and the others as unrelated objects, hence 3D objects!
We are used to talk about the 4 fundamental elements of nature which are fire, water, air and earth (dirt). However, earth is not a fundamental element but more of a sign (with the appearance of a solid object) that is produced by the 3 others and, recursively, it recreates this trinity of fundamental elements. In the chemistry of life, the basic elements are Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon but Carbon is equally a sign (with the appearance of a solid black object, coal) produced by the 3 other chemical elements [H + N + O < = > C]. In the Tetragrammaton Yahweh [YHWH], we have H + W + H < = > Y (Yod) where the Son [Y] as a sign is created by the Verb, the Noun-Subject (I) and the relation between the two (the Holy Spirit). See blog #34: God’s DNA IV: Quantum Grammar.
In the illustration below, we see that the Divine Grammar is constructed geometrically from a 2D triangle that projects itself outwardly as a sign in the shape of a triangular pyramid. The whole structure, namely the triangular pyramid, is what defines the noun as a pure relation and as a sign.
Matter is also geometrical and its building block is a tetrahedron
‘Where there is matter, there is geometry.” [Johannes Kepler]
To be continued…
Written by Normand Bourque on Mar 14, 2014
You said it all, Mark : “My outlook isn’t so peachy”. Information is information, yet it is nothing until it is interpreted. Objects don’t exist until they are observed and they are different points of view from where to observe them.
I choose the highest point of view, the one that works for me and fills me. This point of view is the Oneness of All.
Why not adopting a point of view that serves you and the others really well?