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God said: “Sleepiness has overcome you in life. Sleepiness unbidden. And then, contrarily, sleep may not come when you call it.
In life, it is as if you have dozed off. In sleep, how much can you see? There is something in life that could be likened to a stupor in life that prevents you from seeing the utmost uppermost Reality. And, yet, when you are asleep at night, you may truly see that which you cannot remember when you are awake. And so, it would seem, that when awake, you may be less awake than in sleep.”‘
Heavenletter #3242, Dancing in the moonlight,

While we are dreaming, do we doubt about the reality of our dream? Our mind is split between two dramatic states: wake and sleep. Drama in Greek means to do, to perform.
We live in an apparent dual reality. But can the “utmost uppermost Reality be dual, conflicting?  If it was, the utmost uppermost  Reality would be incoherent and inconsistent, completely disordered. How cannot our mind be constantly split between our dual reality and this uppermost Reality? How can we be totally real AND virtual simultaneously without being One? Or how can we be One, Whole, with a split mind? It can be expressed by this dichotomy: there is no two of us, there is only One of us. There is only I AM. That’s it.  Still, it does get confusing, talking about our oneness in terms of two or many.

Oneness can be only expressed through the use of dichotomy. The Greek term unfolds in dicho+tomy, namely divided, cut (temnein ‘tomy’) into two (dikho-, dicho- ‘two). We say we live in a dual reality, the so-called ‘real’ reality (wake state) and the virtual reality(sleep/dream state). We have two brain hemispheres but they (have to) function only as one brain, two eyes, two hands that also have to function as One. Our body is the perfect expression of the dichotomic reality.

Oneness is also a pure dichotomic concept. God represents the pure divine dichotomy: One AND Many. The number 1 is also a dichotomy in itself: the only number capable of generating the infinity of numbers. 1 is the beginning AND the End of numbers. No wonder that our mind is split by the dichotomic reality. Separation within ourself , within our own mind, and between ourselves seems to be the natural state of our mind. But what can we do about it? If we start thinking that we can live happily and peacefully with dichotomy, then we will be ready to come back to Heaven, where we come from, and never left from… We will have understood Oneness.

We need to change our mind about our mind.

ONE + ONE IS 1, Thandeka, Limpopo, South Africa, 2014


It is impossible to change our mind about our mind if we strictly adhere to the belief that we are all only separate egos and believe in a world that rests upon it.  As long as the ego is this ferocious, ready-to-attack guardian /master of our mind —that is our ego-based thought system— we simply can’t change our mind about it. Oneness cannot be apprehended by this part of the mind. Oneness can’t be restored by reassembling separated parts. Oneness requires a totally different thought system (the other hemisphere of the mind ) which is the object of this series of blogs.

Ego separated in order for the other part of the split mind, which can be identified to the heart—yes the heart has a brain so it has a mind since it has neurons —, to relearn that there is no separation, no real distance between what we think we are (separate ego, virtual individuals), and what we really are (one, uppermost REAL, whole), only a virtual distance. In the end, the great decision to separate from Oneness, that is the choice of our free will, the great nuclear fission of the Big Bang is the separation of our mind from our heart, the apparition of darkness.

Separation of egos, as their darkness, seems very real to us. It is essential to start changing our mind about them. This is what salvation is about. And the only way to save ourselves individually and collectively is to relearn our Oneness with Oneness. God said“You were born attached to your mothers so that you could dis-attach yourself and learn your Oneness with Me. Oneness with Me means Oneness with 1, hence 1+1=1.


Of course, we can refuse to change our mind but it won’t prove that there has never been a separation, even virtual, from our Oneness.  It is only a black hole in our memory. Ego uses our own memory and body to mirror our split mind, obsessed by our own perception of our incompleteness, hence our littleness, weakness, our imperfection. No one can pretend to be the world… Goedel’s Theorem is knocking at the door— namely his incompleteness theorem(s) of mathematical logic about axiomatic system like the unprovable axiom: 1+1=2. We accept 1+1=2 as evidence even if it is mathematically impossible to prove. Why not, then, accept, without the possibility of proving, the axiom1+1=1 and see if it is “upmostly” more productive than Newton’s Principia Mathematica axiom.

We can say that we forgot the Reality of our completeness, wholeness, greatness, that it could be restored only by remembering then recognizing, accepting, acknowledging that outside our personal unshared identity(ego), we have a shared identity (oneness).


In terms of quantum physics, neuroscience, and noetics—the science of cognitive process, cognition—, the unified field of consciousness, or shared identity, can be expressed by the arithmetic axiom 1+1=1 which is purposely the name of this website. One is many but essentially the only One. One can and does share HIS/HER/ITS identity, multiple can only unshare, yet only virtually, separate identities.

We are getting a little closer to our understanding of the dichotomy.

The concepts of shared identity, unified field of consciousness, non-locality, entanglement, God’s (Higg’s) particle, collapsing waves functions, theory of Relativity, and theory of Everything (Einstein, Stephen Hawkins), the technological singularity, etc., are now integral parts of the language of Oneness/God/ Spirituality.

The Dalai Lama, (in a conference on Quantum Physics and Madhyamaka Philosophical View quoted in said:

Spirituality without quantum physics is
an incomplete picture of reality”.

Gregg Braden,  linking science and spirituality, said:

“In the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism, it’s believed that
reality can exist only where our mind creates a focus
― Gregg Braden, The Divine Matrix

In quantum theory, it is said that a (subatomic) particle, in order to exist or be perceived( that is, its speed or its location calculated) by the quantum physicist, must be observed —the scientist’s mind creates a focus— otherwise it does not manifest as an observable object but only as a probabilistic wave function.

Is spirituality becoming more scientific or is (quantum) physics becoming more spiritual? Are we talking about the spiritual foundation of science or the scientific foundation of spirituality? The key answer to this dichotomy resides in the language we use to speak about it and write about it.


This intro gives a very broad perspective about our efforts to understand the logic or the “algorithmic” of 1ness.  We will be constantly and dichotomously alternating between the written aspect of One and its numerical symbol ‘1’: Is God the Creator of the Universe, a number, a geometrical figure, or a particle or simply a literary expression, a metaphor? Interestingly enough, the traditional Hebrew language (in the Thorah) writes in letters (characters) the name of a number rather than its arithmetical symbol. Conversely, individual letters of the”Aleph-Beith” or Hebrew alphabet have a numerical value and words can be added arithmetically and their calculation yields cognitive correlations. This is called gematria, a numerological system in the Kabbalah. The name (the TETRAGRAMMATON) of God (Yahweh, or YHWH, or, from right to left in Hebrew, יהטה) is 10+5+6+5=26=8.

The most difficult thing in this enterprise is having to use a dualistic human language to express the extreme simplicity of One/1 which, ultimately, cannot be divided, hence dichotomized in words and numbers, to be seized simultaneously by our two brain hemispheres.

Fortunately, Oneness has gratified us with exceptional channelers on Earth. In communication theory, a channeller uses gesture, action, sound written or spoken words, or visual images in transmitting information. Channeling is related in some way to electronics in the sense that he channeler is using (most of the time unconsciously) a specified frequency band for the reception and transmission of electronic signals (as for television signals). 

For me, as the author of this series of blogs, the most significant channelers on Oneness that cover the span of years 1950-2020 are:

A COURSE IN MIRACLES, by Dr.  Helen Schucman and William Thetford
HEAVENLETTERS,  the Godwriting™ international society, by Gloria Wendroff
KRYON, channeled by Lee Carrol
CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD series, by Neal Donald Walsh

Of course, this preferential list is personal and rests on many years of assimilating the teaching of their content. A particular instance relating to the common thread of the blogs is their rooting in the teachings of the Heavenletters, taking also into accounts the deep teachings developed in A Course in Miracles, Kryon, and Conversation with God.

Over almost 11 years, I was not only a subscriber of (over 6000 letters within a span of 20 years) but also an administrator and a translator to French of over 1000 Heavenletters.



The HOME PAGE presents a table of content in the form of a cognitive pathway that we are following to discover or uncover the language of Oneness.

This blog site on Oneness is based on an approach that is in a way unusual. This approach is schematically represented on the home page:



ONE PLUS= proposes the basic question that we should ask in order to express anything concerning ONENESS adequately. Where do we learn the proper language (vocabulary, grammar, syntax) if we aim at becoming fluent in speaking and writing in Oneness?
What Language Oneneness and Consciousness should be written in and spoken about?—>

ONE=represents the Master Teacher of  Oneness: Oneness Itself revealed in the sacred Texts through the body of the prophets, the Great Masters, and the contemporary channelers. As mentioned earlier, Heavenletters will be our main source of inspiration. Oneness is expressed by its own language, which we have to learn to decipher. How GOD expresses His Own Oneness in His Own Language.
In God’s One Language revealed through HEAVENLETTERS—>

IS ONE: the scientific cognitive process to express (prove?) oneness: the way quantum physicists, neuroscientists, and, generally, “noeticians” utilize their own language and concepts to express this Oneness. Is there a de facto convergence between the quantum theory approach to Oneness and the self-revealed Oneness? In other terms, is Oneness physical or metaphysical? Let us see if the proof is in the jar.
or through the United Field of Consciousness ?



Born in Montreal, Quebec on February 1st, 1947 (at 01:50 am for the curious astrologer). Studies in anthropology (linguistics) at Université de Montréal and McGill University. Teaching anthropology at the college level in Montreal from 1969-1979. From 1979 to 1982, working for Robert Laffont publisher(Paris) in Montreal and from 1983-1999 working in IT as a private consultant for the Quebec Government (Ministry of Education), the Federal Government (Asbestos Institute, National Film Board of Canada). In 2005, I  moved to Perth, Western Australia and became Australian Citizen in August 2018. Still living in Perth. 


I began writing this first series of 70 blogs from November 2013 till June 2014, but I was abruptly interrupted by a major ischaemic stroke that left me lying by myself on the floor for 36 hours without medical assistance. So I stopped writing blogs for a period of 6 years. Now I take a new start in blogging with plenty of new neurological pathways!