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Author: Normand Bourque

70 There is no confusion when there is only one meaning

ℑ God said: “You could have claimed all of Creation, from stem to stern, from star to star, from one flight of fancy to another. You claimed only where you landed rather than opening your arms to all.” HL 1646

We project what we believe. This is the source of all our translation problems. Everything that emanates from Oneness has only One meaning, one unchangeable meaning which is the meaning of One, no matter the form It might take. Meaning reveals an intention, a purpose which is its consistency. And One has only One Meaning, only One Purpose: to Be One.

69 The Depths of Heights, the Heights of Depths

ℑ God said: “Despite gravity, everything in the world is topsy-turvy. At this moment, as the world turns, your feet may be up and your head down, and you’re standing on your head.” HL 4984

it is difficult if not impossible, in our perception of the reality of time, to let go of the past without releasing our sense of the future, which is just a projection of the past with a small hiatus or interlude called the present. In other terms, it is impossible to bridge time (as past and future without real present) with the Present which is the Eternal Instant.

68 Should We Heal our Sense of the Future?

God said:“”Life is a story you write about yourself. Life is a story also that you witness. It is as if the story of your life writes itself, and it happens before your very eyes. You are the actor and the audience all in one.” HL 4928 ℑ

To create means to manifest instantly. Everything is accomplished in the instant. It means that the doing is included in the conception without the need of time and space and work. Art writes itself in the hand of the artist. A painting is done, music is composed, a book is written before there are physically executed.

67 Gravity Is a Thought

“Projection makes perception. The world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that. But though it is no more than that, it is not less. Therefore, to you it is important. It is the witness to your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition. As a man thinketh, so does he perceive.”ACIM, 21: Intro: 1

The mind has to identify with the body in order for the body to exist, just like, in quantum physics, light becomes a particle, a photon only when it is conceived then observed. And what makes the body sick if not the extent to which we make this identification real?

66 One Heart, One Vision

God said:“You were born attached to your mothers so that you could dis-attach yourself and learn your Oneness with Me.
You don’t have to go anywhere.
You do not have to distance yourself. You separate to learn there is no separation.”
HL 1

“It is not necessary to seek for what is True, but it is necessary to seek for what is false.Your Self does not need salvation, but your mind needs to learn what salvation is. You are not saved from anything, but you are saved for glory.” ACIM 16:6, 11:4

65 Art, like a seed, creates itself in the artist’s hand

God said:“This is another way of saying, “Judge not.” You simply don’t know how to measure. You don’t have enough information. In actuality, you have information but none of the reason. Here’s the thing: There is no finality in life. It’s not done yet. It’s never done yet.” HL 4895

Nothing can be added to Oneness, yet Oneness has the potentiality and actuality of GROWING (in experiencing awareness), based on the fact of the sameness of the parts and the whole. Creation is mysterious to us because it is only Self-explanatory yet “natural”, without any need for validation by proof. It is un-scientific or way beyond science.

64 Language is our way out as our way in: [2] The crystalline noun

God said:“There are not just certain occasions when I speak. Consider My speaking like a hum. I am humming all the time. You can pick up My undifferentiated hum at a subtle level and grasp it into the differentiated sounds that you know as language. You can pick up a sense of My love as well. The hum I hum is of love, and you can know My love first-hand” HL 4909

Where there is matter, there is geometry.”Johannes Kepler

Matter is also a geometrical noun and its building block is a tetrahedron.
Is the Universe anything else than the Divine Language of Oneness?

63 Language is our way out as our way in: [1] The black pulse

“God said: If you did not have language and the words language is made of, what would you think in? If you did not have language, beloveds, as much as language is loved and valued, might you not live fully in the concept called now? Wouldn’t you? What do you think in but words?… Even though language is bound, language is your way out.” HL 4841

It is interesting to note that, when drawn on top of one another, the 24 letters in the ancient language of Hebrew together form the Star Tetrahedron.

…The Star Tetrahedron is the electric balance to magnetism

62 “Junk” DNA Revisited

“DNA cannot be a quantum particle but it has quantum attributes because it has an (electromagnetic) field which affects the spin of quantum structure in atoms. It broadcasts quantum information. And that in itself makes a quantum broadcasting[?] (no words for it yet).” Kryon, The Twelve Layers of DNA, channeled by Lee Carroll.

An innovative research team in Russia led by the biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev (Peter Gariaiev) theoretically and experimentally reprogrammed human DNA by TALKING to it using frequencies of words of human languages instead of “cutting and pasting” genes or using the chemical language and approach to cure genetically related diseases…

61 Magical Thinking and Right-Mindedness 2: The Fractal-Brain Metaphor

“…what you are doing now is simply remembering everything you are, and choosing the portion of that which you prefer to experience in this moment in this lifetime, on this planet, in this physical form. It is simple. You have separated your Self from the body of God, from the All, from the Collective, and you are becoming a member of that body once again. This is the Process called re-membering.”” CWG, Book 3

Does the Mandelbrot fractal set preexist in the universe as a platonic idea? Does Consciousness, Oneness [God], create images of Itself through an atom of recursion that proceeds by recursive bifurcation (like cell division)?