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Normand Bourque Posts

50 God’s Particle 3: Upgrading our Operating System

God said:“And I am telling you that you are not your perceptions. When your used-up perceptions disappear, you will appear. You cannot disappear when you have not yet appeared. Letting go of smallness is not your disappearance. You never were the limits you set for yourself. I am telling you to appear. HL 7

As the manifestation of Consciousness, Energy is the power of creation. It is the will of this whole energy to create, to experience itself from being nothing in particular — except being — into becoming everything possible. Everythingness is the infinite deployment of nothingness. And since all is created from energy, every singularity created is a living illusion, and in its form, it can be changed, remodeled and shifted around.

49 God’s Particle 2: The Observing Eye

God said:”YOU ARE WHAT YOU SEE. When you see the sun, you are the sun. When you see the sun, you reflect the sun as it is. You, who are the Sun, are destined to reflect the Sun. The Sun shines brightly, and so must you. And when you begin to see beauty and innocence and love everywhere, then everyone you come across will also be a reflection of you. HL 4707

Yet, it remains difficult for us, who are conditioned by our 3-D linear thinking, to conceive that we are what we see. We can’t either expect 3-D physics to give us a scientific explanation of the phenomenon. The main reason is that when we start from consciousness, we are not looking for an explanation but for explicitness which is the deployment of its implicitness. Sameness or Oneness can only be self-explanatory, self-referential but without any tautology or redundancy.

48 God’s Particle 1: A Compact Sphere of Virtual Reality

God said:“In the deepest heart of Truth, nothing exists but I, God. So Who can you be but Myself? There are no two ways about it, even though linguistically We speak of Us as Two. I AM God Who talks to Myself. I speak. I do not mutter.” HL 4751

 Since energy appears with the will of a consciousness to create, and that Being precedes creation — being is the primordial Self-creation — we could say that consciousness is the prerequisite to creation. If it seems to emerge from creation, it is because it was already there before creation itself.  In that sense, the process of creation implies a duality or separation between the creator (consciousness) and the created (energy), although they are coming from sameness.

47 Are We Time Travelers? 3 : Through the Looking Glass

God said:“Your consciousness is utterly powerful and reliable, yet you don’t see it that way. Your consciousness  is not a flat line. Your consciousness moves your life, and it moves the world, for through your consciousness, the world and your life in the world appear. In a sense, you are an apparition.”HL 4745

 There seem to be as many ways to realize Oneness as there are individuals. Yet, at the same time,  there is no time frame, no real path to Oneness as well as there is no distance to Oneness. How could there be any path since there are no dimensions in Oneness?

46 Are We Time Travelers? 2 : Quantum Pharmacology

God said:“Heaven is within everyone’s heart. Heaven is really not this distance that you allow it to be. It is so close that We can say that Heaven is no distance at all. It’s only a trick of perception that allows Heaven to be a somewhere sometime later…Much the same as when you can’t find your eyeglasses, and they are right on your head.” HL 4689 ℑ

All the neurochemical processes going on in the brain are orchestrated to make us believe that the world is real by creating a neurological image of ourself that looks like a separate self.

45 Are We Time Travelers? 1

God said: “Your creating miracles will not come from a transformation. No transformation is necessary. Awareness is necessary. A blink of an eye is all that is necessary. Oneness of focus without effort is a gift I gave you and give you still. HL 4819 ℑ

The concept of the sine wave shows us how time and space define each other. One cannot be defined without the other. We basically use time as a concept to express the concept of distance and vice-versa. We commonly calculate speed through the formula: speed = distance x time.

44 A New Paradigm of Learning

“Indirect proof of truth is needed in a world made of denial and without direction. You will perceive the need for this if you realize that to deny is the decision not to know.” ACIM 14-1

The 3-D paradigm can be expressed as the desperate search of proof. Yet, the only proof we can make of anything in 3-D is that we are wrong when we think we are separated. We are wrong when we think that our body sets a limit to our mind. We are wrong when we think gravity keeps us to the ground. We are wrong when we think that the mind and the heart must be kept separated in the conduct of life on earth.

43 An Eye for an I (2) : The Proof is in the Proof

God said: “Revolution is revolving. Revelation is revealing. Aren’t they the same? Life does seem to revolve around you, doesn’t it? It is like you watch yourself revolve. What are you revolving around? You may think you are settling down, and then the unsettling comes.”HL 4818 ℑ

Now we understand better why I am is always seeking proofs of itself to feel consistent and complete. The proof is what links love and truth even when they have been virtually separated and conceiled by the split mind. It should be called the proof by 1/One.

42 An Eye for an I (1)

“You and I are mirages who perceive themselves, and the sole magical machinery behind the scenes is perception — the triggering, by huge flows of raw data, of a tiny set of symbols that stand for abstract regularities in the world. Douglas Hofstader, “I am a Strange Loop”

The idea of ego stresses our sense of duality and torture, making us believe that we can more easily grasp the ego by giving it a name that is not “I”. Identify the ennemy, the virus. But isn’t the “I” ego’s supreme disguise? Let’s have an eye on this tricky “I”.

41 The Quilt of Lives

God said:“There is not one thread of life that is not connected to another. Not one. All is interconnected. A thread is woven and unseen. It may take a year or ten or a thousand before that thread is seen again. There are no dropped stitches in life. A seed planted years ago will sprout and spread new seeds of itself. A remarkable quilt is being woven, ever continuing, never-ending.” HL 3349

Weaving itself is not only a metaphor, it is in fact one of the most ancient basic techniques that human societies have implemented in their technological knowledge for survival. And it is still prevailing today…The global techniques that use the principle of weaving are called plectogenic or plexogenic, from the Greek root  plekto-, plexo- “to plait, weave, entwine, braid; twisted”.