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65 Art, like a seed, creates itself in the artist’s hand

God said:“This is another way of saying, “Judge not.” You simply don’t know how to measure. You don’t have enough information. In actuality, you have information but none of the reason. Here’s the thing: There is no finality in life. It’s not done yet. It’s never done yet.” HL 4895

Nothing can be added to Oneness, yet Oneness has the potentiality and actuality of GROWING (in experiencing awareness), based on the fact of the sameness of the parts and the whole. Creation is mysterious to us because it is only Self-explanatory yet “natural”, without any need for validation by proof. It is un-scientific or way beyond science.

59 The Ultimate Technology is the Universe Itself


Terracotta Warriors, Xi’an, China

“I want to tell you that this matter of Who You Are and Who You Choose To Be, is of great importance. Not only because it sets the tone of your experience, but because it creates the Nature of Mine. All of your life you
have been told that God created you. I come now to tell you this: you are Creating God. That is a massive rearrangement of your understanding.” Conversations with God, Book 3

“Understand that you are the one for Me. I chose you, and I continue to choose you. You are My choice. I choose you for something, not for nothing. You are good use of My time. We serve each other. As I fill a need for you, I fulfill Myself. As you fill a need for Me, you fulfill Me – and yourself. Now, it’s a little tricky to say that you fulfill Me, for I am never in the slightest unfulfilled. Nevertheless, as I serve you, I am served. It is a kind of completion that I speak of. Something is accomplished. Something great is accomplished as We exchange our gifts.”  HL 4851


   [Note on the Terracotta warriors: 

   The Terracotta Army also called the “Terracotta Warriors and Horses” is a series of life-size sculptures representing the armies of the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang (246 BC) discovered in Xi’an, China. What is fascinating about those life-size sculptures (altogether over 7,000 pottery soldiers, horses, chariots and weapons) is that they were constructed on an assembly line of separate parts (head, arms, legs, and torso). For the face, eight molds were most likely used. Clay was then used to provide each soldier with a unique facial expression and positioned according to army rank (Wikipedia). It is a fascinating representation of the unique mold of Oneness to create embodied individualities (parts). Oneness experiencing Itself through Its parts. Creation in Wholeness, which is differentiation in sameness, is not cloning.]

44 A New Paradigm of Learning

“Indirect proof of truth is needed in a world made of denial and without direction. You will perceive the need for this if you realize that to deny is the decision not to know.” ACIM 14-1

The 3-D paradigm can be expressed as the desperate search of proof. Yet, the only proof we can make of anything in 3-D is that we are wrong when we think we are separated. We are wrong when we think that our body sets a limit to our mind. We are wrong when we think gravity keeps us to the ground. We are wrong when we think that the mind and the heart must be kept separated in the conduct of life on earth.

27 Coherence, Surrender and Joy

God said:“Your picture of the world is your picture of the world. The objective world does not exist. The subjective world exists for you. All matter is a thought that manifested itself into your supposed reality.” HL 3942

We are starting to discover that the universe is defined more by information than by matter, energy, time, and space. Ultimately, if the physical universe is reducible to electromagnetic waves that carry information, we could say that the cosmos is a big hologram, an organic whole that constitutes itself the information about itself.

3 Equality and Adequacy, inequality and inadequacy

God said:“And so We come to the crux of it. Opinions are limiting. And now seek to go beyond limits.
Diversity does not mean inequality.
Opinions most often say that only so much diversity is allowed.
Opinions separate. Truth does not.”
HL 881

Where does inequality stands when there is love? Separated from our own Oneness, everything  appears to us as >1 or <1, not as 1+1=1