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31 God’s DNA I: Backgrounds

God said:“Your life is contained within your DNA. Your life may have been mapped out, but it is not set. There is no stalemate. There is room for growth. What you are is inviolable, but your DNA is malleable. Authored by thought, it is affected by your thoughts. As your vision broadens, your code is smoothed out, perhaps altered. Your self-realization is found within your DNA.” HL 1108

In the Sepher Yetzirah or “The scroll of formation”, a treatise of Kabbala (esoteric interpretation of the Thorah), it is written that Yahweh (יהוה) created His universe (by writing with letters of fire and calculating) with or by 3 Sepharim: Sepher (the scroll on which it is written), Sephar (what is counted: numbers), and Sippur (what is narrated or communicated: the script or the story itself).

30 A Tailor-Made Universe II: Syntropy

“Projection makes perception. The world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that. But though it is no more than that, it is not less.” ACIM 21-1

A paradigm, a way of viewing, cannot be the reality but a fragment of reality. Reality is not a way of viewing. It simply is. Duality is the paradigm by which we affirm something through its negation or absence: we affirm health through sickness, power through inability or incapacity, truth through lie, value or worth through naught, etc.

29 A Tailor-Made Universe I

“Nothing beyond yourself can make you fearful or loving, because nothing is beyond you. Time and eternity are both in your mind, and will conflict until you perceive time solely as a means to regain eternity.” ACIM 10-INTR.

Universe and universes
The word universe, formed of uni (one) + versus (turned), means turned in order to constitute a whole. It literally means that 1 (one) is turning around itself to define a whole. What is fascinating in the concept of universe, from the standpoint of oneness, is that “There are not even threads to hold the Universe of Being together.”

14 Object Versus Symbol I: Which is real?

God said:“What is not a symbol? All the concrete things in the world that exist are symbols. We can say that they are tokens. Love is not token, but love is seen in its expressions”.
HL 1684

We can say that objects or facts are relations as well as separate entities. Language is a perfect illustration of this reality. Words have shape, physical properties as acoustic objects or graphic objects. Each word has a meaning as its property but the meaning of one word is just half of what it is.

Because the meaning of a word needs to be linked to the meaning of another word if it is to be understood, that is to be meaningful or full of meaning. Note that in any dictionary a word is always defined by other words.

11 The World as a Metaphor. Understanding totally by understanding totality.

God said:“…Is it a metaphor that the sun is your heart, or that your heart is the sun?… Are metaphors perhaps more true than that the grass is green and the sky is blue?” HL 3211

 ℑ “There is only one way out of the world’s thinking, just as there was only one way into it. Understanding totally by understanding totality” ACIM 7-7

There is nothing in life that is not connected to another. Loneliness is a fantasy, it is totally meaningless. We don’t see the thread. Metaphor is the thread. It takes all lives and all aspects of all lives in all universes and weaves a never-ending and ever-growing tapestry. This tapestry is Awareness of Oneness.