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38 The Dimensional Shift 2 : Inter-dimensions as Translators

God said:“The world is a grid of light from sea to sea. I sent My Light to Earth in the form of everything, and Earth is lighted up by your very Being. I flung My Light to Earth, and you arose, so the world is covered with My light in the form of you… What is going on in the world? You are going on in the world.” HL 4791

It is amazing though that we are on the verge of understanding that life in 3-D is not the real-life but just a life projected by a mistaken vision of who we really are if not by the systematic denial of who we really are. We can say that the 3-D universe we perceive with its laws of cause and effect, action and reaction, beginning and end, life and death is really a dreamed universe we are wakening from.

37 The Dimensional Shift 1

“Sharing is God’s way of creating, and also yours…” HL 4621

“Death is the fear to  waken. What God created can sleep, but cannot die.” A Course in Miracles

If we number the dimensions, it must be because dimensions are related to each other, seemingly sequentially but really all together and all at once. Numbers don’t work in a linear sequence but in cycles where the end is also a new beginning, ad infinitum.