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52 Is Death a Reverse Miracle?

God said: And so I suggest that you trust in yourself and in Me. Accept that death is not real. Fears are not real. As for fear of the death of the body, that will be realized with your approval or not, so why fear death so many moments in your life? Beloveds, when you do leave your body, you will embrace its loss and know you have lost nothing but your fears.” HL 4768

  We all agree that the birth of a child is a miracle. It is an image, a soul of Infinity and Eternity made visible, finite, temporal, an image of God that took a form through a body. But we don’t see the death of a loved one or even our own death as a miracle, a return of the individualized soul to generality, Infinity and Eternity where it comes from but rather as a calamity.

48 God’s Particle 1: A Compact Sphere of Virtual Reality

God said:“In the deepest heart of Truth, nothing exists but I, God. So Who can you be but Myself? There are no two ways about it, even though linguistically We speak of Us as Two. I AM God Who talks to Myself. I speak. I do not mutter.” HL 4751

 Since energy appears with the will of a consciousness to create, and that Being precedes creation — being is the primordial Self-creation — we could say that consciousness is the prerequisite to creation. If it seems to emerge from creation, it is because it was already there before creation itself.  In that sense, the process of creation implies a duality or separation between the creator (consciousness) and the created (energy), although they are coming from sameness.

45 Are We Time Travelers? 1

God said: “Your creating miracles will not come from a transformation. No transformation is necessary. Awareness is necessary. A blink of an eye is all that is necessary. Oneness of focus without effort is a gift I gave you and give you still. HL 4819 ℑ

The concept of the sine wave shows us how time and space define each other. One cannot be defined without the other. We basically use time as a concept to express the concept of distance and vice-versa. We commonly calculate speed through the formula: speed = distance x time.

43 An Eye for an I (2) : The Proof is in the Proof

God said: “Revolution is revolving. Revelation is revealing. Aren’t they the same? Life does seem to revolve around you, doesn’t it? It is like you watch yourself revolve. What are you revolving around? You may think you are settling down, and then the unsettling comes.”HL 4818 ℑ

Now we understand better why I am is always seeking proofs of itself to feel consistent and complete. The proof is what links love and truth even when they have been virtually separated and conceiled by the split mind. It should be called the proof by 1/One.