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Tag: sameness

49 God’s Particle 2: The Observing Eye

God said:”YOU ARE WHAT YOU SEE. When you see the sun, you are the sun. When you see the sun, you reflect the sun as it is. You, who are the Sun, are destined to reflect the Sun. The Sun shines brightly, and so must you. And when you begin to see beauty and innocence and love everywhere, then everyone you come across will also be a reflection of you. HL 4707

Yet, it remains difficult for us, who are conditioned by our 3-D linear thinking, to conceive that we are what we see. We can’t either expect 3-D physics to give us a scientific explanation of the phenomenon. The main reason is that when we start from consciousness, we are not looking for an explanation but for explicitness which is the deployment of its implicitness. Sameness or Oneness can only be self-explanatory, self-referential but without any tautology or redundancy.

48 God’s Particle 1: A Compact Sphere of Virtual Reality

God said:“In the deepest heart of Truth, nothing exists but I, God. So Who can you be but Myself? There are no two ways about it, even though linguistically We speak of Us as Two. I AM God Who talks to Myself. I speak. I do not mutter.” HL 4751

 Since energy appears with the will of a consciousness to create, and that Being precedes creation — being is the primordial Self-creation — we could say that consciousness is the prerequisite to creation. If it seems to emerge from creation, it is because it was already there before creation itself.  In that sense, the process of creation implies a duality or separation between the creator (consciousness) and the created (energy), although they are coming from sameness.

45 Are We Time Travelers? 1

God said: “Your creating miracles will not come from a transformation. No transformation is necessary. Awareness is necessary. A blink of an eye is all that is necessary. Oneness of focus without effort is a gift I gave you and give you still. HL 4819 ℑ

The concept of the sine wave shows us how time and space define each other. One cannot be defined without the other. We basically use time as a concept to express the concept of distance and vice-versa. We commonly calculate speed through the formula: speed = distance x time.

43 An Eye for an I (2) : The Proof is in the Proof

God said: “Revolution is revolving. Revelation is revealing. Aren’t they the same? Life does seem to revolve around you, doesn’t it? It is like you watch yourself revolve. What are you revolving around? You may think you are settling down, and then the unsettling comes.”HL 4818 ℑ

Now we understand better why I am is always seeking proofs of itself to feel consistent and complete. The proof is what links love and truth even when they have been virtually separated and conceiled by the split mind. It should be called the proof by 1/One.

40 In the Beginning

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis I-1. King James Bible
“AT-FIRST-IN-PRINCIPLE, He-created, Elohim (he caused to be, he brought forth in principle, He-the-Gods, the-Being-of beings), the-selfsameness-of-heavens, and-the-selfsameness-of-earth.” Genesis I-1Fabre d’Olivet, La langue hébraïque restituée. ℑ

What is a beginning if not an output coming from an input? And what is an input if not a principle? And what is a principle if not what takes the first place?

We must then infer that a beginning as an output always has a principle (as an input) that precedes it. And what comes first cannot have any beginning and if it has no beginning, it has no end.

We must then infer that a beginning as an output always has a principle (as an input) that precedes it. And what comes first cannot have any beginning and if it has no beginning, it has no end.

33 God’s DNA III: Quantum Grammar 1

“Said simply, it means that anything with DNA on this planet knows about the Human creator DNA, and bows appropriately to it.” KRYON, The Twelve Layers of DNA.  ℑ

Genetic science sees the genetic blue-print as a purely 3-D chemical manifestation or expression process of who we are physically  and where we physically come from (genetic heredity and biological evolution). But the “codable” linear sequencing of the nucleotides represents only 3 to 10% of our DNA.

30 A Tailor-Made Universe II: Syntropy

“Projection makes perception. The world you see is what you gave it, nothing more than that. But though it is no more than that, it is not less.” ACIM 21-1

A paradigm, a way of viewing, cannot be the reality but a fragment of reality. Reality is not a way of viewing. It simply is. Duality is the paradigm by which we affirm something through its negation or absence: we affirm health through sickness, power through inability or incapacity, truth through lie, value or worth through naught, etc.

28 Does God Ever Stop Thinking?

God said:“Whether thoughts come from you or whether thoughts are like bites from mosquitoes — mostly, you are inundated with them. Your thoughts are rapid-fire thoughts. There seem to be no screens to keep thoughts out.” HL 4537

It has been said that thoughts combined with belief and intention can move mountains. And yet, as humans in the relative world, how many times haven’t we ask God to release us from thinking! The mind is not the problem. Our way of using or perceiving the mind is the problem. The mind never loses its creative force. It never sleeps, it is never in an idle state. Every instant it is creating and producing one form or the other at some level.

24 Existing and Being

God said:“The tide of change has lapped you closer to shore. It may not be the shore you had in mind, and yet it brings you closer to your desires. With or without your consent, room has been made for you. And now you go forward like a fish in the sea weaving through the water”. HL 4142

The growing “knowledge” of the physical universe is cumulative information that is asymptotic to real knowledge or truth. It tends toward the truth but it can never touch it or attain it. Yet it can be “translated” into knowledge or truth.

21 The Impossible Compromise

God said:“You tend to think that where you have been is safe. You don’t even know what safe means. With Me is safety. The Unknown is your haven. But, in truth, there is no Unknown. There is just your fear of stepping forward.” HL 4

Can we learn what truth is from illusions? This is equivalent to ask if we can make illusions real and justify our belief in them? Truth refers only to itself. Perception refers to what is not itself. It refers to what is outside of itself. Oneness is its own meaning without any outside elements to add to its meaning. Its meaning can extend from the inside only.