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23 Freedom II: Writing and Playing Life Scripts

“You were cast in a play once. Unawares, you play that same role again and again. You remember the lines so well, and yet you have forgotten that you already have played that scene. You can’t seem to get off the page.”

We could say that, paradoxically, real freedom is not having to choose because the only choice available has already been made for us: WE DID NOT CREATE OURSELF, WE WERE CREATED. But how can we feel free if somebody else is making the choice for us? This statement is at the root of the ambiguity of the concept of freedom. But it is only ambiguous in appearance. The ambiguity resides in the point of view chosen to interpret it.
So the universe did respond to our will to establish by our own means our self-worth. It offered us the possibility of writing and acting and even becoming the scripts of our life(lives) as if what we decided to establish as our self-worth, self-meaning, self-identity was real.

The scripts we write and enact on our earthly existence(s) are necessarily repetitive since they are based on the negation of our true inherited, unchangeable, undividable divine worth which is also our unchangeable script