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Tag: the world is a metaphor

41 The Quilt of Lives

God said:“There is not one thread of life that is not connected to another. Not one. All is interconnected. A thread is woven and unseen. It may take a year or ten or a thousand before that thread is seen again. There are no dropped stitches in life. A seed planted years ago will sprout and spread new seeds of itself. A remarkable quilt is being woven, ever continuing, never-ending.” HL 3349

Weaving itself is not only a metaphor, it is in fact one of the most ancient basic techniques that human societies have implemented in their technological knowledge for survival. And it is still prevailing today…The global techniques that use the principle of weaving are called plectogenic or plexogenic, from the Greek root  plekto-, plexo- “to plait, weave, entwine, braid; twisted”.